A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 519: Do you have conjecture?

She Sophie vowed that she would not let Li Xiaoman go, absolutely not.

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie angry and looked at her. She raised her hand back and slapped her. Although she felt distressed in her heart, she had to beat it.

She looked at Sophie with anger, "Sophie, did Mommy injustice you? Xiaoxiao, she is your sister, but what did you do to her? Just because you want to take the man she loves, you're wrong And, if you let me hear you scold Xiaoxiao again, I..."

"Mommy..." Sophie cried angrily before she finished, "How can you be so unfair? Si Hao originally loved me, she robbed Si Hao, I just belonged to me Snatched back, I am your daughter, did you even help her or not?"

Shen Shiwei narrowed her eyes and looked at her sharply, "Sophie, how many times do you want me to say, Xiaoxiao she is your sister."

"Sister, sister..." Sophie cried and looked at her mummy, squeezing her hands together, her eyes filled with hatred, "Even if she is my sister, that is why she let me, why should I let her? Mummy, you? Too eccentric, how can you ask me to give up Si Hao because of her? Don’t you know I love Si Hao for many years? I won’t give up Si Hao, even if I die.”

"Sophie, don't be too capricious."

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie angrily, and felt guilty for Li Xiaoman. She spoiled Sophie before she became so capricious.

The reason she loves Sophie so much is because she transferred her love for Li Xiaoman to her.

For so many years, she has not done her duty as a mother to Li Xiaoman for a day.

She is ashamed of her, so now she just wants to compensate her well, she wants, loves, she won't let anyone take it, including Sophie.

"I'm capricious?" Sophie looked at her mum with disappointment, and said with a crying voice, "Mom, you never said that to me, you don't love me anymore, you don't love me anymore... "

After Sophie finished speaking, she turned and cried and ran out of Shen Shiwei's room.


When Shen Shiwei chased out, Sophie had returned to her room and closed the door.

"What sister? I don't believe it, I don't believe it, Li Xiaoman, I don't believe you are my sister, I won't recognize you, you want me to give up Si Hao, if you dream, I won't give up Si Hao even if I die."

Sophie was crying and smashing things in her room.

Shen Shiwei outside the door of her room heard the sound of smashing things in her room. She knocked on the door and called out, "sophie."

Sophie in the room didn't open the door. She sighed deeply outside the door before turning to walk to the door of Xiaolongyi's room.

She gently pushed the door in and saw that Xiao Longyi was sleeping peacefully before she closed the door gently and turned to the room.

Now Sophie is in a rage, she can only wait for her to be angry, and then persuade her.

She originally planned to wait for the next day to persuade Sophie, but when she got up to knock on Sophie's door the next day, she realized that Sophie was gone.

Guess that Sophie might have gone to Li Xiaoman. She asked the maid Sara to take care of Xiao Longyi. She immediately rushed to Li Xiaoman's studio and called Long Sihao on the way.

As expected by Shen Shiwei, Sophie ran to Li Xiaoman's studio early in the morning when she was in Li Xiaoman's office.

"Miss Sophie, you suddenly came to my studio today and told me that you will not give up Si Hao. What do you mean? Declare war with me? Or come to block me again? You have been missing for so long, I thought you were already It’s gone, I didn’t expect you to be still on earth, you surprised me."

"You..." Sophie narrowed her eyes in light brown. She looked at the office with full of anger and hatred, Li Xiaoman, who looked at him with ease, said angrily: "Li Xiaoman, the **** man is You, you robbed Si Hao not to say, but also want to rob my mommy, I..."

"and many more."

Li Xiaoman waited for Sophie to finish her speech and interrupted her. A pair of clear water eyes looked at her blandly, with an inscrutable smile on her lips, "Miss Sophie, Si Hao is not you Yes, she is mine, and it’s my legal husband. Please don’t bite yours. I’m very uncomfortable. Also, when did I say I’m going to take your mommy, do you have speculation?"

Sophie looked at sitting in the office, smiling and feasting, and the unfathomable Li Xiaoman was full of jealousy and resentment.

The calmer she is, the more elegant she is, the more angry she is.

Her calm and elegant look made her feel a sense of fear. Now Li Xiaoman makes her see through nothing, her emotions are not reflected on her face, she thinks she is very unfathomable, so she can't hold her .

Sophie's face was angry, and she squeezed her hands tightly. "Li Xiaoman, did you already know my mummy's relationship with you? So you told Si Hao, let Si Hao tell me my mummy, say you Is it her daughter, let her persuade me to give up Si Hao?"

Li Xiaoman didn't know that Long Sihao went to Shen Shiwei. After listening to Sophie, she not only knew that Long Sihao went to Shen Shiwei, she told her that she was Shen Shiwei's daughter, and she understood Sophie. Why did you come to see her today.

From her words, Li Xiaoman could easily guess that Shen Shiwei must have asked Sophie to give up Long Sihao because she knew she was her daughter.

There was some surprise in her heart. She didn't expect Shen Shiwei to help her instead of Sophie.

Covering the complex emotions in her heart, she raised her eyebrows to look at Sophie with an angry face, a slight smile at the corner of her lips, the tone was calm and she could not hear the anger, "Miss Sophie, what are you doing to come to me today?" purpose?"

Looking at Li Xiaoman, who smiled lightly, Sophie had a little anger, and her narrow brown eyes narrowly looked at her coldly, and smiled coldly, "Li Xiaoman, I am here to tell you that I will not give up Si Hao, will not let you **** my mummy, one day, I will let you lose all the things you care about."

Li Xiaoman's expression was dull, "did you finish?"

Then she didn't wait for Sophie to answer, and pointed her finger at the door of her office. "You can flash when you're done. I'm going to work, and I'm busy. I don't have extra time to waste time chatting with an abnormal lunatic."

"You call me a lunatic?"

Sophie pointed at herself, and her eyes were fiercely looking at Li Xiaoman, "Li Xiaoman, you wait, I won't let you go."

Li Xiaoman was too lazy to take care of Sophie. She picked up a document on her desk and thought she was completely invisible.

Sophie saw that Li Xiaoman ignored her, and she suffocated her anger.

"Li Xiaoman, you have a low status, you are not worthy of being my mum’s daughter, let alone Boss Hao. Only me in this world is worthy of him. He wants to inherit all my father’s property and Knox. Family, my dad won’t let him be with you. You want to stay with Si Hao, you have a dream."


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