A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 546: It's time for the wedding

Long Sihao didn't feel surprised to see her talking about Xiaolong Yi. He narrowed his narrowed eyes and looked at her with inquiry, "Xiao Xiao, have you seen allen long ago?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao and nodded, his eyes red, "Si Hao, is allen really our son?"

Long Sihao gazed at her firmly, and said affirmatively: "Xiaoxiao, allen is our son, this is true, I guarantee it with my life."

"How do you know that allen is our son?"

When asked about her, Long Sihao looked at her and said, "Xiao Xiao, you saw the newspaper yesterday. Sophie was still a virgin before being occupied by those gangsters, so she was not born of allen..."

He then gave Li Xiaoman a detailed account of how he inferred that Xiao Longyi was their son.

Li Xiaoman had an intimate feeling towards Xiaolong Yi in her heart. She was distressed when she saw him slapped last time.

But she did not think about Xiaolongyi as her son at that time, because in her impression, she only gave Long Sihao two daughters, so she would not think that Xiaolongyi would be her son.

And she hadn't dared to think of Xiaolong Yi as the son of Long Sihao before, because she was afraid he was really the son of Long Sihao.

She never thought she had a son instead of a daughter five years ago.

Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix, at this moment she hates Sophie and the mysterious person. If it were not for them, how could she and Xiaolongyi separate their mother and son, and how could they not meet each other?

That abhorrent woman, she suddenly felt that she was really kind to her.

Her eyes were moist, and tears flashed in her bright eyes, "Si Hao, then you know that allen is our son, why not take him back?"

Long Sihao stared at her, her deep eyes overflowed with apology and self-blame, "Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry, at first I was not quite sure that Allen was our son, I just guessed, there is no definite evidence."

Li Xiaoman saw his eyes full of guilt and self-blame, she looked at him distressedly, "Si Hao, I don't blame you for not bringing allen back, you don't have to be so self-blame and guilty."

"Xiao Xiao..." Long Sihao narrowly looked at her with a deep guilt, "Allen, he disappeared, and Sophie disappeared."

Now he regrets not bringing it back with Xiaolong Yi earlier.

At first, he wanted to hide her Xiaolong Yi's things, so as not to worry her, but tonight she insisted on wanting to know, he had to tell her.

"Allen is missing?"

Long Sihao saw her worried face, he comforted: "Xiao Xiao, don't worry too much, our son will not be in danger for a while. Sophie stole allen five years ago, just to use our son to break up with us, You misunderstood my heart. Allen is safe before they reach their goal."

Li Xiaoman also believes that Sophie and the mysterious person will not hurt Allen for a while, but now she really wants to see him, want to recognize him, and want him to know that she is his mum, and want to hear him cry She gave a mummy, not an aunt.

She wanted to compensate him, love him, and give him maternal love. Sophie will not really love him in the past five years. He must have been aggrieved.

At the thought of this, Li Xiaoman felt very heartbroken, and there were tears of pain in his eyes. "Si Hao, our son must have suffered a lot of wrongs and many wrongs. I will never let Sophie go."

He reached out and wiped the tears in Li Xiaoman's eyes, and looked at her with distress and self-blame. "Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry, I didn't protect our son. It was a pleasure to know that allen was our son. , But I made you worry again after I made you happy."

Looking at Long Sihao, who was blaming himself, Li Xiaoman was very distressed. She reached out and caressed his handsome face, "Si Hao, don't blame yourself, you have said that no one can be thoughtful in every way. We have to find a way to find allen now."

Long Si Haojun frowned deeply, he was looking for these two days, but no results, so now he can only use the way he had previously thought to lead the snake out of the hole.

Seeing him frown, Li Xiaoman knew that their son must not have been found.

Since Xiaolong Yi was taken away by the mysterious man and Sophie, it must be hard to find.

She remembered that when she took a wedding photo with Long Sihao, the mysterious man said that if she dared to marry Long Sihao, he would kill her.

If she is now holding a wedding with Long Sihao, the mysterious person will definitely appear, and Sophie may also appear, this is the best way to lead them.

Then she looked up at Long Sihao and said, "Si Hao, we will have a wedding immediately, maybe Sophie may be drawn."

Long Sihao saw that Li Xiaoman and he thought of going together, and he looked at her deeply, "My wife and I thought of going together, well, we will have a wedding in three days."

Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao and nodded, "Uh!"


Because this wedding is just to elicit Sophie and mysterious people, it will naturally not be as grand as a real wedding, but guests still have a banquet, and the venue is located in the Dihua International Hotel.

Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao suddenly had a wedding, and the time was still so fast that many people were caught off guard.

In particular, Huo Yunene and Huo Yehong were shocked when they learned that they were going to hold a wedding.

In these three days, the wedding was handled by Long Sihao in person. Even if this wedding was just to elicit Sophie and the mysterious person, he also did it himself.

In the bride lounge of Dihua International Hotel, Li Xiaoman was wearing a white wedding dress sitting in front of a makeup mirror. Two makeup artists were applying makeup for her.

The news that she and Long Sihao were going to hold the wedding ceremony was announced in advance, and Lin Momo, her good friend, naturally knew.

She is also in the lounge, and Xiao Yanyan is naturally there.

"Mum, you are so beautiful." Xiao Yanyan watched her mum blink and blinked a little light in her little eyes.

"Well, auntie is so beautiful."

With Lin Momo, Wei Yubin also laughed and praised Li Xiaoman.

Lin Momo stood beside Li Xiaoman, and looked at her, who was wearing a white wedding dress and was not like a mortal in her glasses. She tickled her lips, "My Manman is beautiful, but Manman, you and the goddess are held so quickly It’s wedding, will it be too sudden? How do I feel less?"

Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows to her, "Be less solemn."

This wedding was just a bait, so she repeatedly asked Long Sihao not to hold the wedding too grand.

Lin Momo looked at her and nodded. "I thought your wedding will be grand. The whole world knows it."

Li Xiaoman looked at Lin Momo's lips and smiled, saying nothing.

Long Sihao promised her that he would give her a grand wedding. Today's wedding is just a walk through.


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