A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 553: Mysterious man appears

At this point the smoke had completely dissipated. Lowry, Ling Hanye, Lin Momo and others saw that Li Xiaoman and Xiao Longyi were all right, and the fear in their hearts dissipated and let go.

Lowry looked at Ling Hanye suspiciously, "Why didn't the bomb explode?"

Ling Hanye glanced at him unpleasantly, "Do you want to explode?"

"Of course I don't want it, it seems that the bomb is fake."

Huo Yunene saw Long Sihao holding Li Xiaoman tightly. He squeezed his hands tightly and wanted to step forward to ask how she was, whether there was any harm, but no reason and courage.

The loud noise just so scared him that he was about to go away. He had never been so scared.

Now that Li Xiaoman is safe, he suddenly feels that as long as she can live safely, it is the greatest wish of his life.

For him at this moment, her safety is more important than anything.

Whether he can have her, or whether he can take her back from Long Sihao is not the most important thing.

As long as she is safe, as long as she is happy, it is more important than anything.

Han Jinxi stood not far away, looking at the embracing family, and the worries and fears caused by the loud noise gradually dissipated.

His blue eyes stared at the unscathed Li Xiaoman for a while, before turning to look at Missy, and commanded: "Prepare to go to England."

"Yes!" Missy responded, followed behind him, and left the wedding venue.

"How could this be? How could there not be an explosion? How could this be?"

Sophie fell to the ground and saw that the bomb did not explode. She was very puzzled and surprised.

Suddenly, her eyes were fierce. The mysterious man dared to lie to her. He even gave her a fake bomb. Why did he do this?

He asked her to ruin the wedding, but he didn't show up. What was he thinking about?

Xiao Yanyan was just scared by the explosion. At this time, her small face was still pale, and her small body was shaking, and she was held by Lin Momo.

Wei Yubin was held by Wei Ziting.

All the people present were frightened, and they are still in shock.

Xiao Yanyan's small eyes were also full of tears. She looked at Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao in tears, shouting with tears: "Daddy, Mommy, Brother..."

Then she ran towards them from Lin Momo's arms.

But at this moment, Sophie saw Xiao Yanyan running towards Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman, her eyes were fierce again, suddenly took a gun from the bag, the black muzzle was aimed at Xiao Yanyan's back.

All the people present changed their looks.


"little guy……"


As soon as he heard the sound, Li Xiaoman looked up and saw Sophie's gun was facing Yanyan. She panicked, her eyes widened in shock, "Yanyan."

She pushed away Long Sihao and Xiao Longyi, and immediately rushed to Xiao Yanyan.

Sophie shot at the moment she threw herself to hug Xiaoyanyan.

At the time of the gunshot, another figure flew over quickly, blocking Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan.

Li Xiaoman was shocked when she heard the gunshot. She hugged Xiao Yanyan and turned around, but she saw Shen Shiwei who was standing in front of her.

Because Shen Shiwei was relatively close to Sophie, she could block them in time.


Sophie saw that she had hit her mother, she couldn't believe her eyes widened, her face pale, her lips trembling.

Then she cried and cried, "Why are you coming? Why?"

At this time, gunshots sounded outside the wedding banquet hall. A man in a black trench coat shot into the empty space and walked in. It was the mysterious man.

The guests at the scene were frightened and retreated to both sides.

The bodyguard also took out the gun, but they were shot in the wrist before they could shoot at the mysterious man.

The "bang bang" gunshot scared the guests on the scene dare not move forward.

Huo Yehong looked at the man in the black trench coat, squinted, a strange smile appeared on his mouth, and looked at Huo Yunene, "Yunene, come and help Grandpa."

Huo Yunene is now very worried about Li Xiaoman, he did not walk to Huo Yehong, but guarded Li Xiaoman's side.

The mysterious man moved very fast, because he shot while walking, and naturally no one dared to stop him. He walked straight to Sophie's side, grabbed her, and evacuated outside the wedding banquet hall.

Long Sihao saw this, because he was worried that Li Xiaoman did not chase it himself, but motioned to Lowry and Ling Hanye and the bodyguard to chase it.

The two agreed to chase away immediately.

When the mysterious man saw it, he suddenly took out a grenade and threw it at the guest.


The guests at the scene were frightened and shouted, fleeing east and west.

The scene was chaotic, hindering Lowry and Ling Hanye's way.

The mysterious man smiled tentatively and took Sophie away.

The grenade that fell to the ground, like the remote control bomb just now, did not explode.

When Lowry and Ling Hanye chased out with the bodyguard, they didn't see Sophie's man, but they saw the mysterious man in a car.

The two also immediately chased into the car.

In the wedding banquet hall, Li Xiaoman's face was pale at this time. He squatted down and lifted Shen Shiwei, who was stained with blood on his chest, and burst into tears.

At this moment her mood is complex, worried, distressed, puzzled, shocked...

Looking at Shen Shiwei who closed her eyes, her voice was hoarse, "Why? Why?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at Shen Shiwei, who was full of blood on her chest. Little she was scared and cried, "Grandma, grandma..."

Long Sihao saw that Shen Shiwei passed out, and he asked Lin Momo to call an ambulance and stepped forward to help Li Xiaoman lift Shen Shiwei.

He glanced at Shen Shiwei worriedly, and looked up at Li Xiaoman, who was in tears. "Xiao Xiao, don't worry, aunt will be fine."

Soon after the mysterious man took Sophie away, the police came.

Shen Shiwei was also taken to the hospital by an ambulance.

Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao, Xiao Yanyan, Xiao Longyi, Lin Momo, Jiang Yiyi, Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo and others followed.

At this time, all the people were waiting outside the rescue room, and the expressions on their faces were very dignified.

Li Xiaoman's bright water eyes looked closely at the door of the rescue room, thinking of Li Sufang's death after he was pushed into the rescue room five years ago.

At this moment, she was very scared. She had lost a mother. Does God want her to lose a mother?

Although she hasn't recognized Shen Shiwei yet, she doesn't want her to be in trouble.

She was afraid that she would enter the operating room just like Li Sufang would not get out.

Tears rained down her clear water eyes, her slender body shivered in fear, and she wept bitingly on her lower lip.

Long Sihao was beside her, crying worriedly when he saw her, he hugged her into his arms, and the dark eyes of Rumo looked at her tightly, "Xiao Xiao, don't worry, aunt she won't be okay. Yes, believe me, she will definitely be fine."


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