A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 560: One year old, still big

Xiao Yanyan looked at her mum and nodded, pulling Xiao Longyi to trot towards the backyard.

Looking at the backs of Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi, Li Xiaoman's eyes were stained with a gratifying smile. Since recognizing Xiao Longyi, Xiao Yanyan has been sticking to his little brother these two days.

Although Xiaolongyi is small, he is very much a fan of his brother. Xiaoyanyan wants to eat fruit, he will cut her fruit, and drink water, he will give her water. In short, his little brother is responsive to Xiaoyanyan, Little he inherited the elegant and gentle character of Long Sihao.

In the evening, Li Xiaoman personally cooks and cooks a table.

When Long Sihao returned, the family of four sat at the dining table, and the atmosphere was very harmonious and warm.

Excluding those in the hospital, this is the first time they have sat at a dining table.

Xiao Longyi looked at this warm scene, and a table of dishes that his dear mommy personally cooked, and his little eyes turned red.

He has eaten the food cooked by Daddy, and today he can eat the food cooked by Mummy.

Xiao Yanyan raised her head and saw that Xiao Longyi was staring at the dishes on the table without moving chopsticks, and it was his little red eyes that seemed to be crying. She asked in distress: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao also looked at Xiao Longyi and saw that he had red eyes, and the two stood up and sat beside him.

"Allen, what's the matter?" Li Xiaoman looked at Xiaolongyi with concern and asked, wiping his wet corners of his eyes.

Xiao Yanyan also got up and sat down, looking at him with small eyes, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Long Sihao knew the reason why Xiaolong's eyes were red, and he looked at him tenderly, "allen is because he can eat with his dad, mom and sister. So are you happy?"

Xiao Longyi looked at Long Sihao and nodded, "Uh."

Then he smiled and looked at Li Xiaoman, "Also, I am very happy to be able to eat the food prepared by Mommy."

Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao both reached out and touched his head with a smile.

Li Xiaoman looked at him with a smile, and said softly, "allen, tell Mommy what you want to eat in the future, Mommy will make it for you."

Xiao Yanyan saw that her mum and dad both touched Xiao Longyi's head, and she also reached out her small hand to feel it, and Li Xiaoman gently hit the back of her little hand.

She withdrew her small hand and pouted her mouth, "Mommy, why are you hitting me?"

Li Xiaoman glared at her, "You must not touch your brother's head."

"Then why do you touch dad?"

"We can, you can't, you are younger than your brother."

Li Xiaoman watched Xiao Yanyan finished, and then embraced Xiaolong into his arms, and looked at him tenderly, "allen, mommy feeds you."

Xiaolong Yi didn't want to trouble his mom Li too, "Mommy, I can eat it myself."

"Mommy wants to feed you tonight. Just tell Mommy what you want to eat."

Xiao Yanyan saw her mother holding her brother. She frowned and took two bites. She put down her chopsticks and looked at her dad, Bilong Sihao. "Dad, brother has mom." Mummy hurts, who do I hurt?"

Long Sihao saw his little princess frowning, he was very distressed, got up and walked to sit next to Xiao Yanyan, hugged her little into her arms, and gave her a soft smile, "Daddy Than Yanyan."

Xiao Yanyan smiled and raised her eyebrows, "Then I want my dad to eat more than feed me."

Long Sihao responded with a smile: "Okay, I'm here to serve my little princess tonight."

For a meal, a family of four eats warm and happy.

Because he didn't want Xiaolong Yi to be too far away, Long Sihao's study moved to the fourth floor, and that luxurious study became Xiaolongyi's luxurious bedroom.

The bedroom is beautifully furnished, and the south side against the wall is a study room specially prepared for Xiaolong Yi.

There is a small desk and computer suitable for him.

On both sides of his desk are bookshelves, filled with books suitable for his age, and many toys.

After dinner, Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao took Xiaolong Yi into the room prepared for him.

Xiao Yanyan naturally followed.

As soon as she entered, she exclaimed, "Wow! Brother's bedroom is so beautiful!"

Seeing that there is a computer in the bedroom, Xiao Yanyan looked at Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman, "Daddy, Mommy, why don't I have a computer in my bedroom?"

Li Xiaoman smiled and looked at her, "Because you are young, it is not suitable for using a computer."

Xiao Yanyan raised her mouth, "But my brother is only one year older than me!"

"One year older is also older."

Li Xiaoman watched Xiao Yanyan finished, and then looked at Xiao Longyi again, and said softly, "allen, do you like this bedroom? This is what your dad Bit intended for you to prepare."

When he was still in the hospital, Long Sihao called Uncle Cheng and asked him to move his study to the fourth floor, transforming the original study into Xiao Longyi's bedroom, and specifically making Uncle Cheng want Xiaolong Yi in the bedroom. Equipped with study room and computer.

The books on the bookshelves were bought by Uncle Cheng.

Xiaolong Yi looked at his bedroom, and his eyes were red again. He liked this bedroom very much.

Before, there were no toys in his bedroom and few books, let alone saw a computer.

He lifted his small head, tears flashing in his small eyes, "Thank you Daddy Mommy, a lot of toys, a lot of books, I like it very much."

Seeing Xiao Longyi red eyes again, Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao both felt distressed. In the past five years, they have not done their duty as parents, so now they want to compensate him well, and wish to give him the best in the world. .

Li Xiaoman squatted down, took the little him into his arms, kissed his small forehead, and her eyes were wet. She smiled and looked at him, "allen, they are all bad moms, moms are not protected Good for you, you have suffered so much grievances, allen rest assured that mommy will never let you take you away, mommy will hurt you well."

Long Sihao also squatted down and hugged their mother and son, with a narrow smile with a gentle smile on Xiaolong Yi, "allen, Daddy and Mummy and gifts for you."

Immediately, Long Sihao handed over the mobile phone and iPad specifically bought to Xiaolong Yi.

Holding the mobile phone and ipad, Xiaolong Yi's tears twirled in his eyes again, "Thank you Daddy Mummy."

Long Sihao kissed Xiaolongyi's small forehead and said softly: "allen, you are a little man. Daddy allowed you to cry tonight, but tomorrow you will not be able to cry easily again, understand?"

Xiao Longyi watched Long Sihao nodded seriously.

Xiao Yanyan sees that her dad and mom are holding Xiaolong Yi, and completely ignores her. Little she has a feeling that she is about to be forgotten, "Dad, mom, you have a brother, don't want Yan Yan. ?"

"How could it be?" Long Sihao got up and walked to Xiaoyanyan, and hugged her up. "Yanyan is Dabie's little princess. How could Dabie not want Yanyan?"


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