The people who rushed to the podium clashed with the bodyguards and security guards who protected Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene, and they fought.

The scene was completely engulfed in chaos, and there was a lot of scolding.

Huo's press conference was completely ruined.

Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene quickly left the conference site under the protection of bodyguards and security personnel. Huo's new product conference also ended with the worst failure.

At Huo’s press conference, there was consumer trouble, Huo’s jewelry stores selling fake diamonds, Huo’s using artificial zircon instead of diamonds, etc. Negative news about Huo’s took the lead in major media sections of K City. In the headlines, the "big shots" of Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene appeared in high-profile newspapers.

These negative news will naturally have a great impact on Huo's stock. Huo's stock has fallen by 10%, and there has once again been a bearish downturn five years ago.

What is even more bleak is that consumers who bought fake diamonds yesterday went to the Consumers Association to complain about Huo, and went to court to sue Huo.

Huo's is about to face the tragic fate of lawsuits against consumers who bought fake diamonds.

Huo President Office

Huo Yehong arrived at the company early this morning under the **** of the bodyguard, and held a temporary shareholders meeting at the joint request of Huo’s other shareholders.

At this time, in the large conference room, the atmosphere was very discordant and depressed.

All of Huo's shareholders sat down around the oval conference table.

Huo Yehong sat at the forefront of the conference table, Huo Yunene sat beside him.

Each one's face is very unsightly.

In addition to Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene, Huo's largest surname shareholder Sun Jiang, who is over 70 years old, is also silver-haired.

He looked at Huo Yunene, his face was not good, "Huo's press conference yesterday had such a big chaos, Mr. Huo had nothing to say?"

Huo Yunene looked cold, and a pair of cold eyes looked at the talking Sun Jiang, just about to speak, and Huo Yehong next to him spoke.

"I will investigate what happened yesterday and give you an explanation."

"What we want now is not just to explain, but how does Huo Lao solve this matter? Because yesterday's matter, Huo's stock fell, what impact this will have on the company, Huo Lao should be very clear." It is another shareholder who holds 7% of Huo's shares, and that Sun Jiang who just held 10% of Huo's shares.

"Of course I know." Huo Yehong's sharp eyes were swept toward the shareholders at the meeting table. The expression on the old face was unfathomable. "I will check this matter. No matter who is found to be negligent, it will never be taken lightly. As for the bearish stock limit, Huo's has not experienced such ups and downs. Huo's is not a small company that has just been listed. It is not a small bearish limit that can be knocked down. You can rest assured that I will handle this matter well. "

When the shareholders listened to him, there was no objection.

The provisional shareholders meeting was held for an hour and ended.

After the other shareholders left, Huo Yehong stepped into the office of Huo Yunene's president with a cane. In addition to Huo Yunene, there were also the sales director and design director, and the purchasing department manager Lu Jian.

Huo Yehong sat in the office chair, his old eyes narrowed, and he looked at Huo Yunene, who looked cold and enchanted. "Isn't yesterday's investigation clear? Who are those troublemakers? How can a good-looking diamond become Zircon?"

Speaking of the people who made trouble yesterday, Huo Yunene's ink eyes exuded chill. "Those who make trouble are consumers who bought fake diamonds in Huo's stores."

As the words fell, his cold eyes turned to some jittery purchasing manager Lu Jian, who was responsible for sourcing gems, so there was something wrong with the rough jewels, he couldn't get rid of the relationship.

Lu Jian saw Huo Yunene looked at him, and his eyes were still terrible, and there was more sweat on his forehead.

He lowered his head and dared not look at Huo Yunene and He Huo Yehong.

Huo Yunene's black eyes narrowed slightly, and his face seemed to be covered with a haze. "Lu Jian, did you buy the batch of zircon?"

Lu Jian looked up at the gloomy eyes of Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene, and quickly lowered their heads again, their eyes panicked and flashed, "General... President, I don’t know that the purchased diamond rough was mixed with zircon fish Bead, I...I made my mistake this time...I...I blamed and resigned."

"Resign?" Huo Yehong shot a sly look at him, and his face was very ugly. It looked like he was going to shoot Lu Jian with his eyes. "Huh, do you think you resigned? Just because of your mistakes, give Huo's caused huge losses. Not only did Huo's stocks fall, their reputation was damaged, but they also seriously threatened the company's interests. You bear these losses yourself."


As soon as Lu Jian heard this, his legs were so weak that he almost fell to the ground.

He also knew that Huo's loss was not small this time, but where did he bear such a big loss with his salary, wasn't it his life?

He looks very ugly, if he is not a big man, he will be scared crying.

"Lao Huo, President Huo, I will publicly admit that it was my negligence that caused Huo's loss."

Huo Yehong was not satisfied with his answer, and his face grew darker. "Which gem dealer did you buy this batch of rough diamonds from?"

When Jianjian Huo Yehong asked about it, he said one by one.

The batch of rough diamonds mixed with zircon fisheyes was purchased by him half a month ago. At that time, there was a shortage of raw stones in the gem processing factory of Huo's. The prices of other gem suppliers were too high. He failed to talk to those gem dealers. .

There was a gem dealer behind him who took the initiative to find him, and the price was reasonable, so he only bought the rough diamond from the gem dealer who took the initiative to find him.

And he did inspect the goods. When he inspected, they were all diamonds. Unexpectedly, when they became finished products, they became zircons.

He was obviously pitted by the gem dealer.

Immediately, he looked up at Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene and said, "I only wanted to save costs for the company, but I didn't expect something like this to happen."

Huo Yehong withdrew a gloomy look and looked at him and asked, "Who is the gem dealer you are talking about?"

Speaking of the gem dealer, Lu Jianbian was deeply impressed again, "He is a German named Nick."

"German? Nick?"

Huo Yehong narrowed his old eyes, and it seemed that Nick was really a profiteer.

He then let the others in the office go out, leaving Huo Yunene alone.

"Investigate that Nick." Huo Yehong stood up after saying this, and then looked at Huo Yunene with a solemn sigh, "Yunene, you have also managed the company for so long, this time I will leave the matter to You have dealt with it, I hope you will not let grandpa down again, similar things are not allowed to happen again, as for that Lu Jian, it must be severely punished.


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