A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 610: Xiaoxiao, his weakness

Ling Hanye agreed: "Long Shao, I agree with Lowry, you should call back the elite of the ten elites under your hands. They have scattered all over the world to accept tasks in the past few years. The call is back, and..."

Thinking of Su Yi, Ling Hanye was puzzled and asked: "What's going on with Su Yi recently? When such a big thing happened, it was when he was needed, where did others go?"

Lowry shook his head, indicating that he did not know where Su Yi was.

Long Sihao's narrow squint narrowed his deeper squint when listening to Ling Hanye's mention of Su Yi, and said with a deep voice: "Lorry, the convened matter will be given to you."

"Yes!" Lowry finished his voice, twitching his brows, muttering to himself, "Ah! Su Shao was responsible for calling this kind of thing before."

Looking up, he looked at Long Sihao and narrowed his eyes. "President, will Su Shao have something wrong? Didn't you let him investigate the mysterious person last time? How did he investigate his own mystery?" Has the person disappeared? I can't get through his phone."

Long Sihao didn't return to Luo Rui's words. He concealed the complex emotions in his eyes and stood up. "I'll go down to see Yanyan and allen."

Lowry looked at Ling Hanye after he went out and said suspiciously: "Lin Shao, did you find that the president recently mentioned that Su Yi's expression is very wrong?"

After Luo Rui said this, Ling Hanye also noticed, "I think something might have happened between Long Shao and Su Shao, regardless of Su Shao, he knows that when we come to Marseille, we will come naturally, you Hurry to call back the lr's top ten hunters, and Long Shao is still waiting for them to deal with Knox's self-built army."

Lowry wrinkled his eyebrows, his face sad, "This should be Su Yi's job."

Ling Hanye glanced at him and smiled, "You slowly contact them, I won't disturb you anymore."

Ling Hanye also went out, and Lowry had to sit in front of the computer.

The top 10 hunters in the Lr Alliance are Red Snake, Baisha, Fire Rose, Uva, Cohen, David, Chut, Dank, Izer, and Black Hawk.

Because ten of them are bounty hunters, they are called the top ten hunters and are the backbone of the lr alliance. Each person can be dozens or even hundreds of opponents, and is the elite of the elite.


Befield Manor

In Knox’s study, besides him, a man in a black trench coat and a ghost mask were sitting, a mysterious man.

"You gave him three days, which is tantamount to making him ready to deal with you." The mysterious man looked at Knox indifferently and nodded slightly as a respect.

Knox narrowed his eyes, with a cold smile on his face, "I'm not afraid that he is ready. With the lady Li in my hands, he dare not go all out."

The mysterious person reminded: "Master, threatening him like this will only backfire, he will not marry your daughter."

Knox's sharp eyes shot at him, "You told me that he loves Miss Li very much, and his weakness is that Miss Li."

"That woman is indeed his weakness, but if the master hurts the woman's hair, he will desperately try to do it with you. The master made the decision to take the woman to France, why not notify me?"

Knox looked at him gloomy, "Don't forget, I'm your master. I don't need to let you know if I have any decisions."

The mysterious man bowed his head and said no more.

Knox squinted at him and told him something before he let him go.

When he came out of Knox's study, he just met Sophie who came to Knox.

"You... why are you here?" Sophie looked at the mysterious man in surprise, but he never expected him to appear in the manor.

Then she remembered the things he used again and again, and a flash of cold light flashed through her eyes. If it were not for him to teach her what to do, her Si Hao would not hate her.

While helping her deal with Li Xiaoman, he also ruined her by the way.

What exactly is the purpose of his two birds with one stone?

And why did he come out of her father's study?

Sophie hated the mysterious man very much, but she didn't show her hatred on her face.

At this moment, there was only a shocked and puzzled expression on her face.

The mysterious man didn't expect that he met Sophie as soon as he came out of Knox's study. Sophie didn't know what he had to do with her father Knox, but now he thinks she should know.

His expression was still dull, and his lips were silent.

After seeing him for a while, Sophie squinted and asked, "Are you my daddy?"

The mysterious man did not deny, "You should know why I should help you now? I was ordered by your father to prevent Long Sihao from being with a woman other than you, because your father valued him and wanted him to inherit Everything about him, and he must marry you, in order to make the inherited family logical, this should be clearer to me."

If it was before the wedding that the mysterious person told Sophie that the purpose of his help was to be ordered by her father, she would believe it, but now, she very disbelieves what he said, she thinks that he helped her is another Reason.

She put away her thoughts and made a sudden enlightenment, "It turns out that you only helped me because of my father. After the last wedding, you disappeared. I can't reach you anymore. I just have something wrong now. Can you borrow a step to talk to you?"

The mysterious man nodded slightly, and he agreed.

Sophie looked at him, smiled, and took him to her bedroom.

As for the escorts in her bedroom, she was taken away by her.


She first sat down, the slender legs leaned against each other gracefully, beckoning the mysterious person to sit too.

After the mysterious man sat down, she glanced at her plainly. "When you come back here, you will be a little different."

In K City, Sophie's emotions were all exposed on her face and would not be hidden, but now her face has always maintained a gentle smile,

Sophie Wenya smiled. "Here, I am not an ordinary person. My words and deeds have been paid attention. Naturally, I cannot be as casual as outside."

The mysterious man squinted at her, "You should be very tired here."

His words had the same meaning as Li Xiaoman said. Sophie's gentle smile on his face narrowed down a bit, "How can you speak like Li Xiaoman?"

The mysterious man's eyes were cold, the face under the ghost mask was dreadful and scary, and his voice was extremely cold, "Don't compare me with her."

"You hate her." Sophie glanced at him, narrowed her eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "Since you hate her so much, at the wedding, why didn't you kill her directly? And , Tied to

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