A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 620: Horror, the mountain of death

Hearing that Li Xiaoman's disappearance was related to Sophie, Shen Shiwei hated herself and she should not be too kind to Sophie.

She immediately said: "I will immediately make people search the manor and investigate Sophie's whereabouts."

Lowry looked gratefully at Shen Shiwei, "Mrs. Law is now."

Shen Shiwei frowned, "Xiao Xiao is my daughter, she is missing, and I am also very worried."

When the words fell, she left the room and immediately went to search the manor.

Although she was banned by Knox in the room before, but as the hostess here, she still has the right to make such orders.

What's more, Knox is now fully investigating this matter.

When Luo Rui saw Shen Shiwei go out, he looked at Long Sihao, "President, don't worry too much, the wife of the president will be lucky."

Long Sihao regretted letting Sophie go again and again at this moment, he should not let her live.

Ling Hanye looked at Long Sihao with deep sympathy, he sighed deeply, "Long Shao, Lowry is right, don't worry too much, think about the good side, your Xiaoxiao will be fine , We are now waiting for the results of Ms. Shen’s investigation before deciding what to do next.”

For the first time, the Top Ten Hunters saw their leader, Long Sihao, so worried about a woman, and they were very curious about their wife, who had never met him.

Of the ten people who spoke the most, Fire Rose, who had a fight with some of Lowry, walked to Lowry, squeezed his arm with his hand, and lowered his voice and asked: "Lorry, let the leader be so concerned, our head lady Is it pretty?"

Lowry looked at Fire Rose and nodded, "Beautiful, very beautiful, but the president loves the president's wife so much, not only because she is beautiful."

"Why is that?"

Lowry squinted, "I will tell you slowly when I find the President's wife."

Several other people did not speak out, because at this time, they felt that choosing silence was the best.

After the search, Li Xiaoman and Sophie were not in the manor, and they also found that there was one less Knox private jet and one less pilot.

Obviously, Li Xiaoman was probably taken off by Sophie in a helicopter.

At this time, Li Xiaoman was on a helicopter, besides the pilot, Sophie and the mysterious man.

Although Li Xiaoman was sitting on the sofa, her hands and feet were tied and her mouth was stuffed.

When the mysterious man and Sophie took advantage of the conflict between Long Sihao and Knox, Knox's attention was placed on Long Sihao's body before Li Xiaoman was taken away.

And Knox never thought that his own daughter, Sophie, would secretly spoil his good deeds, and she would not guard her.

The mysterious man's cold eyes glanced at Li Xiaoman, and then looked at Sophie who was tasting red wine. "Where are you going to send her?"

Sophie put down the red wine and looked at Li Xiaoman with a vicious face, sneering coldly, "Li Xiaoman, do you particularly hate me now? Ha ha... you hate it, you can't hate it for too long, Soon you will die miserably, don't you love Si Hao very much? Should that Hao once suffered, should you try it? Si Hao was trained in the virgin forest, you should know."

The mysterious person on the side listened to her, and looked at her coldly and asked, "Do you want to send her to the primitive forest where Long Sihao has been treated to let her die by herself?"

Li Xiaoman heard the mysterious man's words, her bound hands struggled, but because the mysterious man and Sophie were tied too tightly, she could not untie them at all.

"No, no..." Sophie shook her head and smiled weirdly and fiercely, "I'm going to send her to Mount Helle."

Hearing the three words "Hell Mountain", the mysterious person's expression was slightly shocked, the cold eyes looked at her coldly, and the smile was cold, "Oh, your heart is really poisonous, she is your half-sister, Are you really going to kill her?"

The word "sister" is like Sophie's taboo. She squinted fiercely when she heard it, her face angry and ruthless, "Don't mention the word "sister" to me, she will deserve it My sister? I just wanted her to die, but also her tragic death."

Sophie's ruthless words made Li Xiaoman hate her to the extreme. Sophie was no longer a human, because she had no trace of conscience. She was like a zombie without humanity.

A woman as vicious as she really should go to hell.

If she still sympathizes with Sophie and still thinks that she is her sister, then Li Xiaoman is a stupid hat.

The mysterious man glanced indifferently at Li Xiaoman, "I heard that there are many beasts on Mount Xer, where you throw her, she has only one way to die."

"Why? You're distressed for her?" Sophie looked at the mysterious man, and the light brown eyes narrowed a bit with a vicious look.

The mysterious man quipped and sneered, "I can't hurt her, how to deal with her is your business, I just ask."

Located in the northwestern part of the Jura Mountains, the Xer Mountain is the legendary "mountain of death", also known as "evil mountain" and "monster mountain", and almost all the explorers who climb this mountain survive.

Every year, a team of professional explorers form an expedition to climb the mountain, but all of them died miserably, and many explorers disappeared strangely. The body has not been found so far.

More than a decade ago, there was an expedition consisting of 30 people, and only two survived. However, although they successfully left the Hill, they were stupid.

One of them died bizarrely five days later, with no scars on his body, while the other died only one year later.

The plane circled mid-air on the Mount Hjell, and underneath was a dark forest. Because of the thick fog, it was night, and it could not be seen at all.

Sophie pulled up Li Xiaoman, asked the pilot to open the cabin, ready to push her straight down, and was stopped by the mysterious person.

"You pushed her down like this, wouldn't she be killed?"

Sophie raised her eyebrows coldly, "Otherwise, will you send her down?"

The mysterious man glanced at Li Xiaoman, who was being held by her, and pulled her back to the cabin, and then he also brought a parachute.

Li Xiaoman looked at the parachute in his hand because he was stuffed in his mouth and could only stare at him and Sophie fiercely.

The mysterious man looked at Li Xiaoman and sneered, reaching for the cloth in her mouth.

As soon as the cloth in his mouth was taken, Li Xiaoman looked at the mysterious man and Sophie coldly, with hateful words, "If I can leave alive, I will not let you go."

"Leave alive?" The mysterious man sneered coldly, with sarcasm, "Leave from here? It's up to you? This is simply impossible. You must not know where is below, and below is Mount Xer, it has a The terrifying name is called "The Mountain of Death." There are many beasts and mutant monsters that you haven't seen before. They are ferocious. If you want to leave the Mount Hell alive alone, it is absolutely impossible."

Although Li Xiaoman is bleak now, but she can't lose her strength and strength.

She sneered, "Do you think it scares me?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——


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