A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 635: Horror, purgatory on earth

That rancid smell is very similar to the smell of an animal after it rots, but it doesn't seem to be emitted from the corpse of an animal.

It was so bad that Li Xiaoman couldn't go any further. When she turned around and was about to leave, she saw Ouyang Chen walking with a wooden stick.

Smelling the pungent unpleasant odor, Ouyang Chen also covered his nose and mouth, frowning tightly.

"Mr. Ou, why are you here?" Li Xiaoman walked up to Ouyang Chen and glanced at him, then said, "This is so stinky, let's go back first."

"Don't you want to see what is so stinky?" Ouyang Chen looked at Li Xiaoman and then slowly walked towards the irregular circular pit with a diameter of at least two or three meters.

The higher the front, the more unpleasantly dying, almost fainting.

Li Xiaoman didn't worry about him, so he followed.

She raised her eyebrows tightly, squeezing her nose tightly, holding her breath as far as possible.

Ouyang Chen walked to the big pit in one step. After he glanced into the pit, his face immediately changed.

Immediately he covered his mouth and nose tightly with his hands and almost vomited.

"Mr. Ou, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Li Xiaoman hurried forward.

"Don't come." Ouyang Chen saw her approaching and immediately stopped, but Li Xiaoman came to him in two steps.

Out of curiosity, she glanced sideways into the pit, but with just one glance, she changed her look and screamed.


Ouyang Chen extended her hand to cover her mouth, covered her eyes, and said sympathetically: "It should be, whoever wants you to see it, I remind you not to come."

Li Xiaoman's face was pale, and there was a look of panic in her eyes. She pulled his hand down, and then slowly turned her head back to look at the pit.

There are more than ten corpses in the big pit, all of them are human bodies, and they have been highly decayed.

Some corpses have fewer heads, some have fewer limbs, some have no internal organs, and some have only half of their faces...

In short, none of these corpses are complete, terrible death.

It is estimated that which expedition team encountered unexpected.

And beneath those decaying bodies were all the bones of Bai Sensen.

All the bones are fragmented, and there is no complete bone.

The broken bones were mixed together, and who was whose bones was completely indistinguishable.

Here is like a mass grave.

Ouyang Chen looked at the bones and the rotten corpses, and finally knew where the people who had disappeared from Xieer Mountain had gone. It turned out that they were all in this big pit.

His grandfather might also be in this big pit, but with so many bones, he didn't know which ones were his grandfather's bones.

Suddenly, he knelt down and faced the big pit with three heads, and amber eyes showed firmness, "Grandpa, wait for me, I will definitely come back to take you out."

After kneeling in front of the big pit for a long time, he endured the pain of the wound and slowly stood up.

Then he looked at Li Xiaoman and said only one word, "Go."

When the words fell, he used the wooden stick in his hand as a support and walked forward.

Li Xiaoman did not dare to look at the big pit that could be called human purgatory, and turned away.

She decided in her heart that when she successfully got out of Mount Helleher, she would report the case and let the judiciary send someone to transport the bodies out of Mount Helleher, and then bury the monument.

The valley is not deep, and the mountain walls are naturally not high. Li Xiaoman didn’t need Ouyang Chen, so he climbed up on his own. However, Ouyang Chen was struggling because he was injured all over, but this did not affect his smooth climb.

After going up there will be a mountain.

The mountain is a little high and the **** is a little steep, so it is not so good to climb up.

Li Xiaoman saw such a high mountain, his legs were soft.

Ouyang Chen glanced at her sideways, "I remember holding on for a while, and if you fall, I will throw you directly into the big pit just now."

Li Xiaoman looked at Ouyang Chen who didn't seem to be telling a lie, then looked at the mountain again and cheered herself up.

She must be able to, as long as over the mountain, she is one step closer to going out.

Thinking of this, her heart was full of confidence and motivation.

After resting for a while, they continued to cross the mountain again.

Ouyang Chen was physically injured because of injuries, and his speed naturally dropped, and Li Xiaoman had more difficulty climbing because he had no experience of crossing mountains.

On several occasions she almost slipped down, but fortunately Ouyang Chen pulled her with a clear hand, and then he has been holding her tightly and climbing up step by step.

The two spent more than an hour traversing the mountain.

The next road is easier to walk. The shrubbery like before has no thorns underneath.

But when they entered the shrubbery, they noticed something was wrong, the surrounding area was like an earthquake, and the whole forest was shaking.

This feeling is familiar to both Li Xiaoman and Ouyang Chen, and is the sound made by the huge beasts they encountered before walking.

After Ouyang Chen looked around cautiously, he whispered: "It must be those beasts that come again, run."

The footsteps of the beasts around him grew louder and louder, and listening to the sound, it seemed that dozens more came towards them.

Li Xiaoman didn't hesitate, he immediately ran away after listening to Ouyang Chen.

But just traversing that mountain almost exhausted her physical strength, she ran for a while and she had no energy.

She stopped and gasped, "No, I... I can't run."

Ouyang Chen saw that Li Xiaoman couldn't run, so she walked in front of her without saying a word and bent her back towards her. "Come up, I will carry you."

Li Xiaoman saw that Ouyang Chen was injured all over, and he had already exhausted his physical strength just to take her up the mountain. Now she cannot let him carry her anyway.

She shook her head, "Mr. Ou, no more, I..."

Ouyang Chen was too lazy to listen to her nonsense, took her hands on his shoulders, and forced her back.

Li Xiaoman was shocked, "Ouyang Chen, let me go down, you have a wound, you carry me like this, you..."

Ouyang Chen did not reply to her, and ran forward carrying her.

When he had just crossed the mountain, the wounds on his body had cracked, and blood had oozed out. This would cause him to run back to Li Xiaoman. The wound was torn apart, and the pain in the heart made his face between his forehead ooze. Sweating.

But no matter how painful his body was, he refrained.

"Mr. Ou, you let me down."

Li Xiaoman has been letting Ouyang Chen let her down, but he has not let go.

But let him run as hard as he can, no matter how fast he runs, he will not be as fast as those huge beasts.

When he was exhausted and stopped to rest, the huge beasts gathered from all sides, and their height seemed to be higher than that they encountered yesterday, and the number was more than they encountered yesterday.

Li Xiaoman looked at the beasts gathered from all sides, his face paler and paler, and it seemed that they could not go out this time.

She squeezed her hands tightly and sweated in her palms, showing her inner fear. <

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