Lin Bu's words have a very clear purpose.

You, Qin Feng, want to prove your ability so that I can help you more.

OK, I'll let you prove it.

Now, I have seen your proof, you are very capable.

So, again I give you two options.

Come with me or stay.

Come with me, and you will be your own from now on.

Since you are one of your own, you will be more caring and caring.

But if you want to stay, it's a partnership.

But cooperation involves parties A and B.

In terms of relationships, there is some asymmetry.

If you want to be friends, you must understand mutual benefit.

If you want to be an ally, you have to figure out how to separate yourself from others.

If you want to stay in the business, you also want to be your own person.

That depends on you, whether you have great wisdom and great ability!

Qin Feng knows.

Your next answer will be related to your future life path.

At this time, you must think clearly before you can express your opinion.

Otherwise, I will have to pay for it later.

I'm afraid it's hard for me to bear. After all, no one will pay for your mistakes tomorrow!

Five minutes passed.

Lin Bu drank tea and waited for Qin Feng's answer.

The house was quiet except for the sound of wind blowing outside the window.

A leaf fell to the ground and made a crunching sound when the cat stepped on it.

Qin Feng also gave his answer at this time

"Uncle Lin, I want to stay!"

This answer is obviously beyond Lin Bu's expectation.

Logically speaking, following him is the best solution for Qin Feng.

It saves worry and effort, and has more room for development.

If he stays, although he can still give He received help, but it was not that convenient.

Looking at Qin Feng’s firm eyes, Lin Bu did not speak, but waited for Qin Feng to give an explanation.

Qin Feng spread his hands and said confidently

"Uncle Lin, I’ve thought about it!"

"I would like to accept your kindness. However, I also have my own pursuits!"

"Since ancient times! A single thread cannot make a thread, and a single tree cannot make a forest!"

"But it is very difficult to master two resources at the same time."

Exhaling a breath and seeing a slight change in Lin Bu's expression, Qin Feng continued.

"If I follow you, I will indeed have a better chance of progress."

"However, after all, when a stream flows into a river, it is still a kind of water! It’s a bit monotonous and lacks some challenge!"

"I'm...graduating soon!"

"If possible, I would like to watch it"

"Boil it in salt water, soak it in alkaline water, and scald it in boiling water!"

"Maybe at that time, I will look at the problem more objectively"

"The energy you grasp will have more directions!"

Qin Feng made it very clear. He does not want to enter the system directly, but hopes to obtain bilateral status through business. After all, in addition to examinations, whether it is a talent introduction plan or through units within the system, After being promoted to a certain level, you can use methods such as secondment and selection to become a part of the system. In this way, you can not only have business energy, but also rely on the system's connections. The two forces, combined into one, can be infinite.! Lin Bu was shocked by Qin Feng's answer. He really didn't expect that Qin Feng's plan was so big. Suddenly, Lin Bu laughed.

"I can understand the spirit of young people who dare to fight and fight hard"

"But you also need to know that nine times out of ten things go wrong."

"It is a good thing to have ideals, but this road is difficult to walk"

"Don't leave yourself with any regrets just for the sake of a momentary impulse!"

Having said that,

Qin Feng seems to have calmed down.

Now, Bu Lin is waiting for him to express his position.

Then, through his own attitude, he will make reasonable arrangements and provide him with help.

Since the question has been solved, then the next Jinxiu article, The shorter the better, the fiercer the better!

Only in this way can he tell Lin Bu that he is not joking! He should hold his chest up, raise his head, and not look sideways!

This is the first time since Qin Feng sat down that he accepted Lin Lin as an equal. Ministry's gaze

"Only with shortcomings can we make progress!"

"As the saying goes, there are still some shortcomings in a great achievement!"

"Reluctantly seeking perfection is tantamount to being complacent!"

"The world in your eyes will one day contain me!!"




Lin Bu's eyes kept changing, and finally became a careful look.

"good! Lin

Bu laughed loudly, as if he was infected by some kind of emotion.

"Only by being able to do what others cannot do can you become a master!"

"Youth is your capital!"

"Think boldly, act boldly"

"If you want to do it, you have to do it to the extent that others can’t even compare to it!"

The stone in Qin Feng's heart finally let go with Lin Bu's words.

After talking about some more detailed ideas, Qin Feng was about to stand up and leave.

On his shoulders, Lin Bu's hand was slightly stronger

"What to go! The time is just right, stay and have a drink with me"

"My mood today is not a little good, but a great one!"

Last time it was a family banquet, which was about thanking and eating.

This time it was about accompanying the banquet, drinking and talking.

Lin's attitude towards Qin Feng has clearly changed, and Qin Feng has clearly felt this.

Sitting in the meeting position, Qin Feng said with a smile

"Uncle Lin"

"Then I would rather obey orders than be respectful.……"

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