A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1100: 09

Andy wants to operate on himself, and everyone changes color when he hears the news.

People have the courage to give a shot to their heads, but they do n’t have the courage to take a knife on their legs and cut it off, and they have n’t been scrambling. Going, not to mention pain, it is enough to have courage to look directly at his wounds.

Gao Yang thought of the scene and felt a nausea.

Knowing how Andy is ruthless, and seeing Andy He is ruthless, but Andy is really ruthless, and Gao Yang is afraid.

Having spoken of Andy Ho's decision, that Ariel was even dumbfounded.

Andy Ho was carried to the infirmary by a group of people, saying that the living conditions of the infirmary were better, but it was only a little better, but the cleaning and tidying were relatively neat and tidy, but the prison infirmary lacking medical treatment and medicine was definitely not available Disinfected.

Andy Ho washed his hands with that Ariel, disinfected it, then cut Andy Ho's trousers completely, and then took out disposable gloves from Andy Ho's backpack and put it on, and the preparation for the operation was completed.

It's already twilight, but it's still not bright, and the Aleppo prison has been powered off for a long time, and there can be no lights, so the room is still very dark, and you can't use night vision when you are on the battlefield. Hemostasis, but when there is a formal operation, it has to be light.

"Leave all your tactical flashlights and leave two people to flash me."

Andy Ho commanded, and then they all took out the tactical flashlight they brought out, but after taking out the flashlight, Gao Yang looked at Satan's crowd and said: "Who can bear the load? Take a look for the Dragon Knight. "

Elin raised her hand and said, "The **** scene is not a problem for me. Let me go."

Cui Bo also said: "I have no problem."

Gao Yang waved his hand. Road: "Your foot is hurt, you can't stand still, don't join in the excitement, who is brave?"

Grolev said in a deep voice: "I'll come, I've also played with Ivan. I'm more used to it."

The candidate for the flashlight was set. Several people carried Andy Ho on the chair. After sitting on the chair, Andy Ho hit a pre-filled anesthetic next to the wound and waited for two minutes. The scalpel made a knife on his leg without a sound.

Gao Yang dumbfounded and said, "Fak. You used two more for me, but you only used one anesthetic yourself?"

Andy didn't raise his head and said, "I brought a total of ten anesthetics, and now I've used the sixth one, and you. Rabbits, big birds, little flies, you all have to use anesthetics, OK, go out Well, I know. "

Andy Ho's hand is very stable, whether it is talking or playing in his knife. His hands didn't tremble at all, but he was sweating on his forehead, sweating all the time.


Andy Ho said a roar. The Ariel quickly wiped the sweat from Andy Ho's head, lest the sweat flow into the wound.

This is what Ariel can do for Andy Ho. The high-legged feet watching from the side are all softened, and he quickly turned his head to the side, and then he will greet everyone who is worried about Andy Ho to leave the infirmary.

Gao Yang also experienced a treatment of wounds without anesthesia, which hurt him a lot. But it was handled by others, and he pulled himself a knife. That's two different things.

Gao Yang quickly waved and let the unimportant people leave quickly. So as not to disturb Andy's operation.

As he walked outside the door, the face of Sedev shook his face and said to Gao Gao: "General, what kind of troops are you? Your people are really tough guys, you are all tough guys."

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "Our codename is the night monster unit, okay, I accept your compliments, my people are indeed tough guys."

After saying a word, Gao Yang said to Sedev: "Major, I think you better step up your vigilance. I'm afraid they will launch an attack."

Sedf nodded and said, "Okay, I'll strengthen the vigilance, General, do you have any instructions?"

Gao Yang ’s rank is much higher than that of Sedfu. When his identity has been confirmed, as long as he speaks, he can immediately command the command, but Gao Yang is not so stupid. Second, I am not familiar with the terrain of the prison. Third, I am unfamiliar with the situation of the prison rebels. What do you do to grab the command power? Sedf has commanded and persisted until now.

"No, major, do whatever you want, I don't have any orders for you."

Sedf waved his hand and arranged work for him.

It ’s been a long time since I saw an outsider in Aleppo prison, so the defenders were reluctant to leave. Only after Sedev arranged work, some people reluctantly left.

At this moment, Irene pushed open the door of the infirmary, hurried out, gasping for two breaths, and after making a look of refusing to vomit, waved: "No, I can't, I ca n’t stand it anymore, any of you go in with a flashlight, but the big dog ca n’t do it alone, there is a shadow. ”

Several people looked at each other and looked at each other.

The dead have seen a lot, and there are a lot of **** wounded people, and many of them have been killed by their own hands. The corpses and the sea of ​​blood have all seen them, and everyone in Satan is not serious. But the problem is that they are all enemies and outsiders. If you want to look at yourself, you are very concerned about yourself, it will be different, very different.

When looking at one's miserable situation, one's ability to bear is not so high.

Someone had to take over. At this time, Cui Bo wanted to come over to Irene's flashlight and said with disdain: "Saying I'm here as early as I have to take some trouble."

Cui Bo limped into the clinic again.

At this moment, Gao Yang said to Sedev: "Please give me a quiet room."

Sedf immediately led Gao Yang into a room, then closed the door and left.

Gao Yang took out the satellite phone and, after turning it on, called Dani.

As soon as Dani answered the phone, he hurriedly said, "How is it? What's the result?"

Dani should not have received a notice from the Ministry of Defense, and he still does not know the situation. He exclaimed: "This is a trap, we are in the middle."

"What! How are you guys now!"

Dani shouted immediately, and said in a loud voice: "The result is not bad, many people were injured, but no one was killed. The helicopter sent by Aleppo to respond was shot down, and no crew were spared."

"How could it be! How could it be like this, where are you? What is the situation now? Is the Tyrannosaurus arrived? Are you out of danger?"

"Yes, we are temporarily out of danger, but the Tyrannosaurus Rex helicopter was also shot. We forced to land in Aleppo prison. The helicopter has completely crashed. Now the Dragon Knight is undergoing surgery. Man, you must find a way to pick us up and leave. . "

"Understood, I know what to do. I immediately contacted General Marshall. I don't have to worry about being attacked by the enemy in Aleppo prison. But it is better to leave as soon as possible. General, I will report your problem immediately."

"Okay, wait for your news."

After hanging up, Gao Yang hesitated to call Justin.

It is definitely a problem with Justin ’s intelligence, but if Justin is deliberate and thinks high and thinks a little, it seems unlikely.

Badadi is not an idiot, and never was. After Aisai ’s command structure suffered continuous blows, Badadi certainly can think of someone who specifically targeted him, especially after Badadi was attacked. Make a little reaction.

Fighting power cannot be hidden. Their tactics and fighting power are so different from those of government forces. Badadi can easily know that there is an elite who is specifically targeting him.

If you want to set a trap, it is actually not too difficult. Set up a trap in Aleppo, then Badadi only needs to show up, not even have to appear in person, just find a substitute who is almost dressed. Anyway, it is a big beard plus The robe can't be separated a little further away.

Under the premise that both sides are fighting the intelligence warfare, Badadi only needs to make a few appearances in the place where the personnel are mixed, and he can attract the people who have always targeted him. Where does Badadi or Badadi's substitute appear? , Just set up an ambush circle there, it's very simple.

Then, whether the insider of the MIB saw Badadi or the insider of Justin saw Badadi, as long as the news was sent out, then Satan was naturally attracted.

Gao Yang thinks this should be the case, because this kind of fishing trap is so easy to set up, as long as there is bait, there is no fear that the fish will not be hooked, Badadi is the bait, and they are the fish that chase the bait.

Of course, this is a high-spirited guess ~ www.readwn.com ~ Whether this is the case, then I really do n’t know, although he thinks that it is unlikely that Justin and his enemies will collude, but it ca n’t. Completely excluded.

Gao Yang finally decided not to call. If Justin collaborated with Badadi, or a Madonna of Steel, he would not take the initiative to call him. If Justin called, then it would be less. Suspected.

Gao Yang was thinking, the phone rang, he looked at the phone, it was Dani called.

After answering the phone, Dani shouted: "General, I have informed General Marshall that he will immediately arrange to meet you, but there is a problem, you may need to stay longer because the helicopter is very It ’s hard to get into prison, the rebels are besieged too much. "

After speaking a few words with Dani, Dani hung up the phone in a hurry. He wanted to coordinate with Satan to leave the prison. He was very busy.

When Gao Yang wanted to put the phone back, the phone rang again, this time, Justin called.

When the phone was connected, Justin immediately shouted: "Ram! No matter where you are, withdraw quickly! Fuck! That's a trap!" (To be continued)

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