A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 193 The end of rebellion, the beginning of the plan

This Friday is a different Friday!

The first chapter of the three comics that Makoto Takahashi used to snipe Eiji Niizuma will know the result today. Although many editors on the editorial side thought that Makoto Takahashi had given up this battle after reading the comics, Eiji Niizuma will also cut off his comic "CROW" with the invincible state of continuous first place!

However, at this time, whether it is Eiji Niizuma who is fully prepared for the battle, or Yoshida who wants to kill people and is crazy, or Makoto Takahashi who is full of confidence and still maintains banquets every day, they did not relax their vigilance as expected by the editors and cartoonists... No, it should be said that they have entered a state of impending storm!

And also today, the second season of the animation called "Rebellion", which is actually Makoto Takahashi's most critical chess piece, ushered in the end of the finale!

For readers who have finished reading the comic "Rebellion", this animation is just to reawaken their love for this comic back then, but for those who have not read this comic, the ending of "Rebellion" is worth looking forward to!

Lelouch, the new Britannian emperor, defeated the White Prince Schneizel in the last battle, mastered the most terrifying weapon, and ruled the world with violence and terror. Although there were many voices of opposition from the people, there was no more Black Knights for this tyrant, and the miracle maker ZERO, who once brought people infinite hope and salvation, also disappeared without a trace!

Seeing Lelouch sitting alone in the car with an ambiguous smile on his face, many people who watched the animation had some complicated feelings in their hearts!

Lelouch finally got what he wanted, won the throne of emperor, and even became the king who ruled the whole world! Although the means were not glorious, although he conquered the world with violent and terrorist means, and although he came to the top of the human world as a tyrant demon king, but... the price he paid was so heavy!

"Lulu... is fighting alone with this world, alone... so... even if I am alone, I can be the truth of Lulu! Even if Lulu makes me forget everything that happened, I... fall in love with Lulu again, even if my memory is tampered with, I still fall in love with you..."

"No matter how many times I go through reincarnation, I will definitely fall in love with Lulu. This is fate, right? So... ok? Lulu, after reincarnation, I can fall in love with you again, right? No matter how many times, I will fall in love with you..."

Shirley, who has always had a crush on Lelouch, recalled that Lelouch was the murderer of her father after her memory was unlocked, but she fell in love with Lelouch! When he finally fell in a pool of blood, facing the guilty Lelouch, Shirley did not hate him. Instead, at the last moment, for the first and last time, she spoke her mind!

Accompanied by Rina's singing, this animation kicked off the prelude called [Tear-jerking Performance]!

"No, brother! Because I... have always been a tool in someone else's hands... a tool of the cult and in brother's hands... Maybe I have always been used by brother, but those times are real... Those memories finally made me a person!"

"You are lying to me, right? You said you wanted to kill me... Brother, you said you hated me... Yes... Ah... As long as it is about brother, I know it no matter what..."

In order to save Lelouch who was betrayed by the Black Knights and fell into despair, Lolo paid the price of his life. Maybe Lolo already knew that Lelouch had been using him all along, maybe Lolo already knew everything, but at the moment of death, he still did not say this feeling, but at the last moment, he still used clumsy lies to comfort his brother!

The first season of "Rebellion" was broadcast, and Euphemia's death has made many viewers depressed! Many viewers who have not read the comics originally thought that the results would be better in the second season, but the death of Xia Li, the sacrifice of Luo Luo, and the effect of tear-jerking music... The reminder of "the dark value of resentment is rising" is constantly appearing above the head of Fenghuangyuan Kyouma!

Even the episode before the end has made many viewers resentful! Lelouch takes Nunnally as the criterion for all his actions. As the prince with the strongest sister control, he unexpectedly chose to confront Nunnally and snatched the controller of the "Goddess of Love" from Nunnally. He even completely ignored Nunnally's struggle on the ground...

When seeing Suzaku dressed as ZERO appear, passing the defending soldiers and stabbing Lelouch in the chest with a sword, many viewers who have not read the comics were stunned! Seeing Lelouch fall in front of Nunnally, a brother who always wanted to protect his sister but eventually died in front of his sister, the audience's mood became heavy!

However, when Nunnally touched Lelouch's hand, she read Lelouch's memory when Lelouch was dying, and burst into tears after knowing that Lelouch was going to bear the hatred of the whole world and implement the "Zero Requiem" plan! Listening to Nunnally's painful cry, the audience's heavy heart became stunned, and then fell into anger! As for the object of anger, it was the manga artist named Hououin Kyouma, the screenwriter of the two seasons of "Rebellion" animation!

The king is lonely!

In the last part of the animation, a certain green-haired pizza witch lay on the carriage and sighed like this, which caused many viewers to fall into brief contemplation. Whether it was Lelouch's death or the changes in the world structure, Lelouch From becoming a hostage to the prince, to his death at the end, his life embodies this sentence very well! Lelouch, who gained the power of the king, had lost everything until the moment of his death! And this... is the price of becoming a king!

"...Haha, not quite! Hey, Lelouch?"

The last scene of the animation is of a coachman pulling the reins. The coachman showed a smile. He did not answer the Pizza Witch's question, but drove the carriage into the distance. At the end of the road, the wind was bright and sunny. , cloudless...

"Eh? Didn't Lu Dian die in the end?" Many viewers, whose eyes were blurred with tears, immediately fell into a state of excitement and surprise at this fleeting scene! With anticipation and curiosity, I waited until the end of the animation, but Lelouch still did not appear again, leaving the long-awaited audience disappointed!

"My King Lelouch, you who have broken through your own shackles and carried out your own royal way are you a hero? You are a hero!" These are the words after the end of the "Rebellion" animation. Although many viewers were confused, the animation That's it! As for whether Lelouch is alive or dead, the audience's curiosity will not dissipate until this mystery is solved! Makoto Takahashi struggled with this problem for a long time in his previous life. This time, it is the turn of humans in this world!

Compared with the audience who later discussed Lelouch's life and death on the Internet, Yoshida was more concerned about the next strategy adopted by Makoto Takahashi! After receiving the manga ranking results, Yoshida did not explain too much about the pity and ridicule in the eyes of his colleagues on the editorial side, but immediately came to Takahashi Makoto's home!

"Although when I was reading the manga, I thought this section would be very touching, but I didn't expect that with the music, the effect would be like this..." After watching the last episode of "Rebellion", Yoshida rubbed his red cheeks He turned his head to look at Makoto Takahashi who was deep in thought, sighed slightly, and got back to the topic! "The results of the three monster comics are as you predicted before, and the rankings have dropped a bit..."

"Hey! Although it's a plan, I still feel a little unhappy!" Makoto Takahashi complained dissatisfiedly, looking at Yoshida he became very angry! By the way, who drew such content, are you qualified to make such a complaint?

"Although knowing the content behind you, I will definitely be able to reverse this situation, but Cheng... If possible, we should try to reduce the appearance of some similar content in the future. After all, "Shounen Jumk" is a magazine based on kingly comics, and the abuse of the master The plot is still..."

"Huh? Is this level unacceptable? Ha! Sure enough, this world has no value in existence!" Yoshida, who was already immune to Takahashi Makoto's speech, was still shocked by Takahashi Makoto's twisted emotion! However, Makoto Takahashi didn't care, but muttered to himself, "Does this mean I am a master of abuse? Compared with Jin Dada, the Warrior of Love, I am definitely a member of the orderly and good camp! "

Jin Dada didn't explain anything about his broken arm, his wife was killed by a minotaur, etc., which has been complained many times; the deceiving experiences of the three gang leader brothers, if put in this world, will definitely become a massacre that attracts hatred. Tool; as for the warrior of love, does anything else need to be explained? It is said that a certain white MLM beast in the absolutely neutral camp has been included in a future combat plan by a plagiarism maniac...

Well, let time witness everything... Talking about the development of cruelty to death, it is indeed the most loving choice!

"Isn't this the level you are at?" Yoshida complained in time, pulling out the comic sample he carried with him, trying to bring someone's twisted soul back to the right path, "Except for the comic "Inuyasha", "Slippery Ghost" and In "Ushio and Tora", I can't stand the encounter between the two protagonists! It's clear that Rikuo and Xiaoshio have always been protecting monsters and humans, but both monsters and humans are not. Are you going to do something like dislike and rejection?”

"So, it's not humans or monsters that are wrong, but the whole world!" Makoto Takahashi complained while sorting out the manga manuscripts on the table, "Hey! In order to complete certain plans this time, I had to Thinking about it, I still feel a little unwilling to become a believer in the Hypocrisy Sect. Hmm..."

After watching Makoto Takahashi lost in thought, Yoshida suddenly felt a little dangerous, especially after exiting the meditative state, Makoto Takahashi's remaining right eye flashed with mysterious fanaticism, and his face showed an almost cruel look. Smile, similar things have happened before, Yoshida intuitively felt... an ominous premonition!

"My beloved cat!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida enthusiastically, his face turning red with excitement, "To be honest, I'm tired of the little fights in the Yokai Era! Wait until the Yokai Era is over After that, I want to draw some comics about 'love' and 'justice' to teach the human beings in this world the so-called nature of human nature! That's right, I will let the whole world understand the 'love' and 'justice' in my Phoenix Academy's fierce heart. 'Justice', drink hahaha..."

"Eh? Cheng, are you going to draw a comic about 'love' and 'justice'?" Yoshida, whose imagination was completely unable to develop, looked at Takahashi Cheng with a dull face, "Don't be ridiculous! Let's not talk about the two themes you set. Why do I feel that the tone you used when you said these two themes..."

"Oh no, my cat has begun to evolve towards Cirno? This won't do! Speaking of which, "Rebellion" has ended, so..." Takahashi Cheng looked Yoshida up and down, completely ignoring Yoshida's puzzled eyes, and his face became fanatical, "My cat, the first chess piece has been obtained... So next, let's proceed according to the previous plan! I have seen the ending of the King of Black Flame!"

"By the way, will this really work?" Although Yoshida was full of doubts, he couldn't help but worry! Although I am familiar with Makoto Takahashi's taste for playing bitter first and sweet later... uh, no, it should be Makoto Takahashi's bad taste of suppressing first and then praising, but... "Aren't you worried that you will get burned in the end?"

"Are you provoking me, bastard!" The sudden king-like substitution made Yoshida stunned, and Makoto Takahashi rubbed his face hard, "Oh my, no, no, it seems that the seal can no longer be suppressed... Ahem, my cat, the final winner will definitely be me, because..."

"This is the choice of Steins;Gate!" They said the same words in unison, but the reactions were completely opposite! Yoshida held his forehead with his hand with a painful look, while Makoto Takahashi laughed wildly and wantonly!

A virus called Chuunibun has indeed begun to invade the human world...

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