A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 195: Plan to Dominate the East

"Eh? Is it true...that guy Cheng, actually achieved such a level?" After learning the result from the phone, Mr. Huang Mao with Glasses looked surprised, while Lan Dai, who was drawing at the side, was also surprised. He stopped painting and looked at his good gay partner with a surprised look on his face. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to say something, but nothing came out!

"Hey, Qiu Ren, could it be that... that guy Acheng..." Lan Dai, who was still in disbelief, asked his confirmation question again after seeing his good friend hang up the phone, "Then, it's " "InuYasha" or "Slicker"?

"It's "Inuyasha"!" The yellow-haired glasses man lay on the sofa with a helpless expression, relaying the information from Hattori's editor, "According to Mr. Hattori's words, from the statistical results, the number of votes this comic received is the same as that of " CORW", the two comics tied for first place! The difference between "Slicker" and "Tide and Tiger" was only a dozen votes..."

"...Wait a minute, there is a difference of more than ten votes..." Lan Dai was silent for a moment, then looked at his good friend in surprise, "That is to say..."

"Hmph! I'm afraid that's it... Because of the assistance of "Slicker" and "Ushio Tora", the support rate of "CROW" has dropped, and among the three comics, the content of "Inuyasha" is relatively outstanding, so This is the result!" The yellow-haired glasses man smiled bitterly, "I thought that Acheng, the three comics, would hold each other back, but I didn't expect that it would turn out like this..."

"If the two comics tie for first place..." Lan Dai suddenly remembered something, "Does this mean that New Wife's comics will still be cut in half by himself?"

"Ah! About this..." The yellow-haired glasses man took off his glasses and looked at his good friend with a wry smile, "Mr. Hattori said that the editorial department, including the editor-in-chief, did not predict such a result... Therefore, the editor-in-chief’s decision is to agree with Shinzuma-kun to cut off “CROW”!”

"I...eh? Cheng's phone number?" Lan Dai was about to discuss the future development of the comic with his good friend, but was interrupted by Takahashi Makoto's call. He answered the phone with a puzzled look on his face. Dai complained unhappily, "Moxi Moxi Acheng, are you calling at this time to show off?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this kind of tone of a lost dog... do you really care about the result?" Makoto Takahashi's sarcastic voice came over the phone, leaving Lan Dai speechless. If he lived next door, he would come directly to the door to talk. That's fine, why bother calling? "Drink hahahahaha, great gods will not be controlled by mediocre mortals, my name is Phoenix Academy Fierce Truth..."

"So, Cheng, what do you want to say?" He interrupted Takahashi Makoto's release of brainwashing skills unceremoniously, and Lan Dai went straight to the topic, "You who serialize three comics at the same time, logically speaking, you don't have enough time to do this. To what extent?”

"Ah! I'm angry, I'm angry! Lan Dai is angry!" The shouting voice came not only from the phone, but also from the walls, which were not very soundproof. It was also completely unable to stop someone's pretentious shouting. ! Not to mention Lan Dai who was answering the phone, even the man with yellow hair and glasses had a dark look on his face, "Well, are you interested in attending a banquet? Don't refuse in a hurry, this is the one who is participating in this banquet. The cartoonist is fighting against the King of Black Flame, so... come here immediately! This is the order from the leader!"

"Can you please not go..." Before Lan Dai could refuse, the call had been hung up!

Originally thinking that she lived next door, Acheng Mu Mengye thought she was the first to arrive, but after entering the door, she found that she was the last to arrive! Although I had heard it on the phone before, I was still a little stunned when I looked at the people present. In addition to Eiji Niizuma and the cartoonists of the Fukuda group, there were also the editor-in-chief and Makoto Takahashi's editor-in-chief Yoshida. !

"Oh, as expected, the hero always appears at the last moment!" Looking at Ajou Mumenha who was a little reserved after coming in, Takahashi Makoto showed a joyful smile, turned to look at the editor-in-chief, and asked solicitously , "Commander, the designated number of people has arrived. Can we start briefly describing the mission outline?"

"My point of view is still the same as before, as long as they agree!" The editor looked at Makoto Takahashi seriously, and then glanced at the main combat forces on the cartoonist side, "Since I have promised you before, then as per Do what you say! But I still stick to my point of view. Comics can be serialized if they are interesting, so..."

"Then..." Bowing slightly, Makoto Takahashi walked to the center of the living room and looked at the summoned brave men with a smile... no, they were cartoonists, and began to enter the plan analysis mode, "Next, the association will The third apostle, I, the [white-faced] Phoenix Courtyard Fierce Wiseman, will give you a brief introduction to the [Eastern Dominance] plan!”

"Wait a minute, Cheng, what are you going to do?" Brother Fukuda was the first to ask his question, looking at Makoto Takahashi with a puzzled face, "Although I heard Yujiro mention it before... But now this [Oriental Dominance 】What’s the plan? If you don’t make it clear, I won’t just join in this weird plan!”

"Ahem... Makoto Takahashi once proposed to me before that he wanted to gather a certain number of cartoonists to serialize a comic on "Shounen Jumk"..." The editor-in-chief coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention. A strange light flashed under the flat glasses, "Use two issues of "Shounen Jumk" to serialize a short comic series!"

"Wha...what?" Except for Eiji, who already knew the news, everyone present was in a state of surprise! Two issues of "Shounen Jumk" to serialize a comic? Everyone looked at Makoto Takahashi with puzzled and strange expressions. Only a certain chuunibyou could come up with such a crazy idea, right?

"Are you kidding me? How could such a random thing be allowed?" Brother Fukuda, who had come to his senses, was the first to get angry and looked at the editor-in-chief angrily, "And it will take two weeks. I will use my time to draw other comics... I absolutely don’t approve of this! Does Master Xinzhi agree?”

"Of course I agree! Because it's very interesting to say!" Niizuma Eiji squatted on a chair, his eyes flashing with excitement, "It takes two issues of "Shounen Jumk" to serialize a comic... Although it is still I don’t know what the comic is about, but it sounds interesting! Hey, Phoenix Academy teacher, what kind of comic is it?”

"Everyone, you must have tried your best to encircle and suppress the King of Black Flame, right?" Makoto Takahashi suddenly asked quietly!

"Hey! Although you successfully got the first place, there seems to be a lot of water in that first place, right? And even so, we don't think that we have completely lost in the comics!" Brother Fukuda's words won There was a lot of approval! "So Cheng, don't think that just because you won by chance, you can do whatever you want!"

"There are no accidents in this world, only necessity!" Makoto Takahashi shook his head and denied Brother Fukuda's words, "What I want to say is that after participating in the [Oriental Dominance] project, the story plot and character design You don’t need to think about anything, you can just draw! Isn’t it our long-cherished wish to conquer the entire comic book world and dominate the entire "Son Jumk"? The sky is dead, the time has come, but now you are still hesitating? Join me on the fierce side of the Phoenix Academy, become a fang and a sharp blade, create a new era in the comics industry with me, and become a participant in building history!”


The cartoonists of the Fukuda group were in a state of hesitation. As Takahashi Makoto said, in order to stop the super-god killing of Eiji Shinzuma, the cartoonists on the cartoonist side had tried their best. The plot and character design had a flash of inspiration. It has been burned out in the previous battle! Instead of rushing to draw some stories that are not exciting enough, why not take this opportunity to think about your own comics!

"According to the exchange of equal value, if you want to get something, you have to give something!" After everyone fell into deep thought, Takahashi Makoto suddenly started talking about unrelated things, although it was like living in his own world without anyone else. The appearance among them made people feel very uncomfortable, but Makoto Takahashi did not realize it, "As a reward for inviting you... After the era of monsters is over, I, the Phoenix Academy... will give up the rights to serialize three comics at the same time." go!"

"Hey! These two things don't seem to be related at all, right?" Brother Fukuda complained unhappily and looked at Makoto Takahashi seriously, "Let's talk about it first, if it is involved in your [Eastern Hegemony] plan If the comics are not exciting enough, I will definitely not participate!”

"Yoshi! Capture a Tsundere Fukudamon! Next is the Fusion Beast Ajou Mumenha!" Makoto Takahashi turned to look at the group of good friends, "Choose! Choose to be fierce with my Phoenix Academy Should we really cooperate and bring the wonders of the East to this world? Or should we choose to bring the miracles of the East to this world and cooperate with our Phoenix Academy?"

"Aren't these two choices the same?" The good friend looked at each other and sighed helplessly. The man with yellow-haired glasses pushed up his glasses and asked Takahashi Makoto on behalf of him, "It sounds very interesting... ...By the way, I really want to know what kind of story do you plan to draw if you want to dominate the "Shounen Jumk" comic? And I wanted to ask you from the beginning... You can serialize three volumes at the same time by yourself? With the ability to draw comics, it shouldn’t be difficult to draw such comics alone, right?”

"Excessive confidence is wrong, it is arrogance! Although I can complete it alone, when it comes to completing a large copy of "Young Jumk", I still have to choose a team! After all, at critical moments, you can betray your teammates... "Takahashi Makoto completely ignored the editor-in-chief on the side, with a fanatical look on his face, "And if only one comic appears in "Shounen Jumk" for two consecutive weeks, this kind of main combat force of the entire organization has been destroyed by our Phoenix Academy. The feeling of being in control makes me feel very loving just thinking about it! Under the fierce leadership of my Phoenix Academy, the entire comic world... no, the entire world is already in our possession, and we have no rivals ahead of us. ! Drink hahaha..."

The so-called conspirators, the masterminds behind the scenes, always like to build a great blueprint, and then lead like-minded people to work tirelessly for this goal. Takahashi Makoto's practice in this area has reached the master level. ! Not to mention Brother Fukuda, who had previously held objections, even Little Sea Otter, who had always hated drawing comics, became a little excited...

"Little sea otter, as long as you follow my arrangements this time, I can give you a chance to get first blood in a solo kill..." There is no doubt that this is the result of someone's brainwashing before! Although it was obviously a lie, when it came to Miss Cang Shuhong's matter, the little sea otter's IQ was already below the critical value!

"The participants have been confirmed..." Seeing that all the cartoonists from the Fukuda group have joined his plan, Takahashi Makoto showed a happy look on his face, "As the price of joining me, I will lead you to conquer the entire "Shonen Jumk"! Commander, as mentioned before, because some popular comics need to be suspended for two weeks, will it start in those two weeks?"

"I hope the comics you are talking about..." The editor-in-chief did not finish his words, which made the cartoonists who were in a frenzy and excitement exit the auxiliary effect and come back to their senses! Yes, I didn't even know what the content of the comics was, but I was fooled by this guy Takahashi Makoto to join it!

"Humph! Of course! When I was living in another world before, there was a saying that was circulated all over the world..." Takahashi Makoto ignored the contemptuous eyes of his teammates around him, and sighed with nostalgia, "I have no regrets in entering the East in this life, and I wish to live in Gensokyo in the next life!"

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