A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 199 Prelude to the Beginning

"The comic "Touhou Genso" will be serialized in two issues of "Shonen Jumk"! For two weeks, a comic called "Touhou Genso" will be published continuously!"

After the "Touhou Genso" comic was completed, because the time was too tight, the editorial department did not publicize it too much, but only announced the news in "Shonen Jumk" in advance!

There is no doubt that after this news was released, the readers of "Shonen Jumk" were in an uproar! Although readers are very happy about the new comics, the behavior of "Touhou Genso" squeezing out all the comics in one go and dominating the entire "Shonen Jumk" still made many readers dissatisfied! Any comic that can be serialized for several years naturally has a lot of fans. Seeing that the comics they like in their hearts are suddenly replaced by unknown comics, although it is only for two weeks, it is also an intolerable behavior!

"What is "Touhou Genso"? I've never heard of it! What are the editors thinking?"

"Serializing "Touhou Genso"... Stop kidding! What about "One Piece"? I'm still waiting to see the new episode!"

"It doesn't matter what "Touhou Genso" is, as long as this issue of "Gintama" doesn't stop! I'm still waiting to see Gin-san!"

"Does anyone know who the author of "Touhou Genso" is? How dare they monopolize two issues of the weekly magazine? I'm curious about who the author is, so awesome!"


As the leader of the comics industry, "Shonen Jumk" has naturally accumulated a lot of reputation and popularity over the years. For such a decision, a considerable number of readers have taken a neutral attitude and watched it all silently! In the eyes of these readers, since the editorial department of "Shonen Jumk" dared to make such a decision, they must have great confidence in the upcoming serialization of the "Touhou Genso" comics!

As the editor-in-chief often says, comics can be serialized as long as they are interesting! The comic that ranks first in popularity in the reader survey must be an interesting and exciting comic!

One week before the serialization of "Touhou Genso", the newly released "Shonen Jumk" finally announced the list of authors of "Touhou Genso"! Looking at the information about the author of "Touhou Genso" on the weekly, many readers were surprised!

"Oh my god, no way... these people..."

"Fenghuangyuan, Nizuma... Damn, Yashiro Mumengye is here too?"

"Eh? Is Fukuda, who drew the motorcycle comic before, here too? Are you kidding?"

"Are these cartoonists crazy? So many people drawing a comic? What kind of monster is this "Touhou Genso"?

"It's definitely a rubbish comic! With so many cartoonists of different styles, can you read what they put together temporarily?"


The recognition and support of readers for the creation of a comic is the greatest encouragement for cartoonists! But for the cartoonists who have worked hard for two months, they don't care about this at all now, but want to take a good rest for a while! Because these two months are really too hard! Staying up late is a common occurrence...

"Huh? Is this enough?" Takahashi Makoto raised his wine glass, took a sip, looked at the tired people, pulled the eye mask on his face, and showed a teasing smile at the corner of his mouth, "You...are still far away!"

"Don't treat us mortals as monsters like you!" Lan Dai lay on the seat and complained weakly, "By the way, since "Touhou Gensokyo" has been completed, then..."

"Then of course, we have to hold a banquet next!" Takahashi Makoto raised his wine glass, and Nizuma Eiji held the juice, and they shouted in unison!

"Hey, hey, hey, we are human beings, just cartoonists, not monsters!" The silver-haired Fukuda brother took off his headscarf for the first time, lying on the ground with a tired face, turning his head to stare at Nizuma Eiji, "And Nizuma Master, please don't be infected by a certain chuunibyou!"

"Because it's very interesting!" Nizuma Eiji put down the juice, curled his lips, and began to attack the food on the table, "Woo woo... As expected of Lord Hououin, the ability of the top chef is really well-deserved!"

"Of course!" Takahashi Makoto sipped his wine while entering the far-sighted sighing mode, "That was in the summer when I was ten years old. In order to save the hotel left by my friend's mother, I accepted the challenge of a stray dog's counterattack with the signature dish [Mapo Tofu]... After that, in order to save the cooking world, I went through a lot of hard training! I passed the exam for a top chef and continued to fight against the dark cooking world..."

"..."By the way, isn't that person called Liu Angxing? When did it become a chuunibyou pronounced as Hououin Kyoma and written as Takahashi Makoto? The cartoonist was completely speechless. Although he didn't read much, he was still a bit stupid... ahem, he had read the story of a certain Little Chef!

"Hey, Cheng, I want to ask you a question..." The man with yellow hair and glasses seemed to have hesitated for a long time, because the question in his mind had been lingering for nearly a month, "The time sequence of "Touhou Gensokyo" is a bit confusing... Why did you choose to draw it this way?"

Yes, when the cartoonist was busy with the painting work, the man with yellow glasses found a problem. As far as the timeline of the entire "Touhou" is concerned, it looks quite confusing! Take the main character Reimu in the comics as an example. When she solved the Red Mist Incident, she was already a powerful shrine maiden. But later, Reimu's childhood story appeared. Although it can be explained by flashbacks, the timeline does not seem to have a normal order!

I didn't ask before, on the one hand, because I saw that everyone was very tight on time, especially Takahashi Makoto, who often stayed up all night; on the other hand, I, who was also good at plot, couldn't understand Takahashi Makoto's purpose, which made the man with yellow glasses a little unwilling! So these days, the man with yellow glasses didn't ask, but kept thinking hard, trying to interpret Takahashi Makoto's purpose!

But... to this day, the man with yellow glasses still doesn't understand Takahashi Makoto's thoughts!

"The timeline is chaotic? Humph! Of course! Because everything in this world comes from chaos! The origin of the universe is chaos, and disorder is the real root! Hey, Mr. Yellow-haired Glasses, you are wondering why you don't draw it in chronological order? Start by telling the story of Reimu's childhood, and then go to the various abnormal events that followed..." Takahashi Makoto looked at Mr. Yellow-haired Glasses and nodded in agreement, with a weird smile on his face, "Then what about the establishment of Gensokyo in the comics? Compared to Reimu's childhood story, this event is the earliest, right? But that's not right, the appearance of monsters, the development of humans, and the gradually powerful humans and monsters fell into an opposition situation, and then Gensokyo came into being... …According to the timeline, this is the origin, right? "

"That's right! But what you just said seems to have been heard somewhere..." A light flashed in the mind of the man with yellow glasses, and he exclaimed, "This, this, this... Isn't this the ending of the Millennium Kyoto chapter of the manga "Nura"? "

"Correct!" Takahashi Makoto gave a thumbs up and boasted to the man with yellow glasses, "So, the timeline is not reliable at all! And the most important thing is that the content of only two issues of "Shonen Jumk" is not enough for "Touhou Gensokyo"! "

The cartoonist rolled his eyes at each other. He has already monopolized the content of two issues. Isn't this enough? Takahashi Makoto, do you want to monopolize the entire "Shonen Jumk"? Although this crazy idea is good and powerful, it is absolutely impossible!

"Hey, Mr. Yellow-haired Glasses, what do you think after reading "Touhou Genso"?" Takahashi Makoto did not answer Mr. Yellow-haired Glasses' question directly, but after a moment of silence, he gave a hint, "Do you feel that the entire "Touhou Genso" is not completely drawn, and many characters are not explained clearly, and what kind of stories behind many monsters are not drawn?"

"Well, the comics are very interesting, and there are so many characters that it's dazzling... But as you said, there is indeed a feeling that the story is incomplete!" Not only Mr. Yellow-haired Glasses who was in deep thought, but also several cartoonists who had heard it before, all listened with curiosity, and Nizuma Eiji also stopped stuffing food into his mouth and looked at Takahashi Makoto with expectation!

"Mr. Yellow-haired Blue-headed, have you ever thought about drawing stories that don't appear in the comics?" After looking at each other expectantly, they fell into silence, and the good friends completely chose to ignore the tampered name!

"King of Black Flame, are you interested in drawing some stories about Gensokyo monsters?" A glimmer of light flashed in Niizuma Eiji's eyes, and he seemed to be in a state of burning his small universe!

"Little Sea Otter... Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead! You must have a lot of inspiration by participating in this [Eastern Domination] plan?" Putting away his previous silly look, the serious Little Sea Otter nodded, and his loyalty to the Phoenix Court Kyoujinshin God rose to the full value!

"Messenger of Justice, compared to the laws of clauses and complicated false cases, the unrestrained monster stories are really interesting, right?" Gao Bin, who could not deny it, nodded silently! By the way, because the content of the comics involves laws and cases, Gao Bin got the title!

"Silver-haired Fukuda brother, hot-blooded violent comics are really good, but compared to you who likes borderline comics, the battles between female monsters may give you new insights, right?" Fukuda blushed and turned his head away embarrassedly... unexpectedly shy!

"Miss, you are the same..."

"And the mermaid who has been eyeing Marisa..."

All the cartoonists on the cartoonist side were named by Makoto Takahashi!

"As the gods of the "Touhou" world and the creators of the "Touhou" world, all we can do is to create a world, nothing more! As for what kind of development path the world chooses, what kind of development model it enters, and whether the result is evolution or destruction... All of this is determined by the persistent love in the hearts of humans who enter this world! Miracles are called miracles because, in the final analysis, they are all because of love!" Makoto Takahashi raised the wine glass on the table and raised his glass to the cartoonists who were in a daze, "Come on, raise your glasses, gods who built "Touhou Gensokyo"! May the world we built successfully dominate the world and become an eternal legend!"

The cartoonists smiled at each other and raised their glasses at the same time... Although Makoto Takahashi's words were still speechless, he was right in one thing...

This comic, which is the result of everyone's hard work, will definitely be a success!

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