A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 229: A righteous partner and desperate regret

According to human understanding of the normal world, there will always be some signs before the end of the world, such as a big green snake suddenly appearing, flying down from the beam, coiling in the room, and then the snake will disappear again; another example is a female snake. The chicken transforms into a male, and finally returns to chaos and evolves into black air, wandering in the sky... In short, according to the words of the ancients, when troubled times begin or the doomsday comes, there must be a natural sign!

"...So my beloved is a cat. Although in the future I, the Phoenix Academy, will become a tyrant and a great demon king that will wreak havoc on the world, at this stage, in order to act as a qualified demon king, of course I have to give some tips to the mortal ants. !" Facing the horse-faced Yoshida, Takahashi Makoto did not stop drawing the manga manuscript, "Although I also want to go directly to the third stage of the Demon King's transformation, Slap the Earth King to death, but suddenly I feel that boiling frogs in warm water is actually quite loving! I really prefer tortured souls..."

"I knew it would be like this..." Yoshida was powerless, and brought the manga manuscript to Takahashi Makoto's desk, "I was thinking about it before, obviously this manga has always been about adventure. With the theme of route, why does such content suddenly appear... Sure enough, you did it on purpose, right? As an editor, I still suggest that you revise it slightly. After all, this sentence..."

"Yada! Yada!" He just shook his head. Because the witch Rina and the assistant's female combat power were not available, Takahashi Makoto did not lie on the ground and roll...

Makoto Takahashi, who had specially cultivated his cuteness skills to the master level, now activated it without hesitation! Fortunately, the witch Rina has teamed up with the female combatants on the assistant side. Otherwise, seeing Makoto Takahashi's current mode of being cute and unscrupulous, he would definitely not be able to withstand Makoto Takahashi's cuteness attack... Yoshida will definitely do it in the future. Being put on the list of targets for subjugation... and then being kicked out unceremoniously... probably!

"But the content of this chapter..." Yoshida rubbed his eyes, his tone full of exhaustion. Someone who was depressed by the content of the comic last night told the truth, "I always feel that after reading it, I feel quite depressed. …”

"My beloved cat, since even you feel depressed like this..." Makoto Takahashi stopped painting and slowly flipped through the manga manuscript. After pondering for a long time, he raised his head and looked at Yoshida with squinted eyes. It gave off a bright light, "It seems to be just as I expected, the effect is outstanding!"


But what, Yoshida couldn't tell at all, because after reading the content of "Inuyasha" last night, Yoshida felt that something was wrong with him! Although as an editor, Yoshida has read countless comics, but the content of the new chapter "Inuyasha" still touched Yoshida a lot... In short, the content of the comics is too sharp in its crusade against the despicable nature of human nature. , so sharp that Yoshida can hardly bear it...

"Oh? My beloved cat, I've wanted to ask you before, and now it's almost time to decide... Which camp do you choose?" Makoto Takahashi turned around and looked at Yoshida with his right eye squinted, Putting down the paintbrush in his hand, he gently pulled out the magic sword Broken Star, "The wavering attitude is the scum's straight-line reserve! If you still stubbornly choose the neutral camp or the hostile camp, then..."

"...I haven't thought about my last words yet!" Yoshida saw a dangerous light flashing in Makoto Takahashi's right eye, immediately entered the super computing mode, and made the right choice in the shortest time!

"Hey! I thought I could switch to the murderer mode..." Makoto Takahashi curled his lips in displeasure, put the magic sword back into its scabbard, completely ignored Yoshida's livid face, and continued to release threats and coercion, "But it looks like you He seems very unwilling to accept it...rejoice! I am in a good mood today and can provide you with a free psychological counseling session..."

"Psychological counseling...then, that's really, thank you, ah, Cheng!" Yoshida seemed to have thought of something, and his body entered [shaking mode]...

Yoshida tried his best to control his facial expression, and he must not show "Hey!" at this time. I knew it would be like this! ’ or ‘Unfortunately! ’ and other expressions, because once he shows that expression, his life will be worse than death. The picture is so beautiful that Yoshida cannot even imagine it...

There is actually no big problem with this episode of "Inuyasha", at least compared to the subsequent plot of Kikyo's death, it's not too much! The reason why Yoshida felt a little depressed was entirely because of the content of this episode, the content of the story told, and the transformation was too sharp...

Well, like a sharp sword, it points directly at the most vulnerable side of human nature!

In the comic "Inuyasha", there have been many wizards, such as the Maitreya Master who is more closely related to the protagonist; and the brain-dead man who was too stupid to challenge Sesshomaru as a mortal and overestimated his abilities, but was given a good education. Master Yunya who has a philosophy of life...and in this episode, Sweetheart Bai who just appeared!

After all, Maitreya is stained with some of the protagonist's halo, so regardless of the difference in strength, just from the perspective of luck, Maitreya is already invincible. If Maitreya is a cheating archer, then Master Yunya is definitely not as good as a spearman... As a mage, even if Maitreya has the protection of the protagonist's halo, he only dares to challenge the half-demon Naraku; and Master Yunya, you are just a supporting role, but you challenge the big monster Seshomaru... I guess after being well educated by Lord Seshomaru, your body and soul have understood what it means to be dead or not?

Speaking of Bai Xinshangren, it is better to say that he is a partner of justice rather than a mage... Ahem, not a pirated heroic spirit!

The background setting of "Inuyasha" is an era of endless wars and famines! If it is said that the monsters' wanton killing and eating of people is out of instinct, then the killing and crusade of humans against their own kind is due to the despicable nature of human beings! Master Bai Xin was a powerful, kind-hearted, and selfless monk in his lifetime! For the suffering humans, Master Bai Xin would always share his only food, regardless of his own kindness, so that the creatures called humans respected Master Bai Xin very much, and even gradually worshipped Master Bai Xin as the god in their hearts, becoming the only belief to survive!

Sometimes, it is not natural disasters or man-made disasters that lead to the extinction of mankind, but... the loss of belief in survival!

However, no matter how great Master Bai Xin was, he was just a human being after all! Unable to escape the ravages of the disease, unable to get off the list of the god of death, even if he became a lifelong admired existence, he was just a human being after all!

Facing people's confusion, fear and helplessness, Master Bai Xin, who was dying, decided to transform into a Buddha so that he could protect this land after his death! People did as he told them, put him in a wooden barrel, buried him underground and left only one pipe to breathe with the outside world, and let Bai Xinshang stay in the barrel without food or water until he died, so that he could become a living Buddha and continue to bless this land and people... When Yoshida saw this, he was really shocked. Even if Bai Xinshang was terminally ill, he was unwilling to give up saving humanity. It was really great!

However, the latter part of the comics entered a shocking reversal mode... This is also the root cause of Yoshida's depression!

In the moment of despair, many people will swear and keep telling themselves that if they grit their teeth and persist, they will be able to break through the shackles of darkness and welcome the arrival of hope... But unfortunately, those despairs that can be broken free are just a joke of fate! Because real despair cannot be resisted by anyone!

So when Bai Xinshang faced the inescapable despair of death at the last moment of his life, his faith was shaken, and he began to regret what he had done before, and even hated those humans he had rescued! At this moment, the death of Shiraishin also came. In the last time, he died with resentment and regret... He who died with resentment naturally could not become a living Buddha, and could only be a fierce ghost at most!

In the last part of this comic, Shiraishin was comforted by Naraku's words, and he shed tears of gratitude and redemption, and was willing to open a sacred barrier for Naraku to enter Bailing Mountain to protect Naraku from being hunted down by Inuyasha and his party... Thinking of Shiraishin, who wanted to save and persuade mankind and become a righteous partner for mankind, but was brainwashed and used by the most evil leader of the evil party in the world, Yoshida was really depressed!

Let the righteous partner become an employee of the leader of the evil party... This kind of behavior that blasphemes purity is the so-called evil!

"Although it is necessary for the plot, but... As expected, I still can't accept it!" Yoshida sighed helplessly, put the comic manuscript on the table, and leaned his head back on the sofa, "After all, a being like Bai Xinshang, at the beginning..."

"Humph! A simple justice partner without his own selfish desires... Is that kind of saint admired by everyone really a human? Bai Xinshang is just a human after all. He needs to feel sorry when doing good to others. Otherwise, he will inevitably be hostile and betrayed by the world, and this is just the beginning of the despicable nature of human beings! But... Is it just this level that is unacceptable?" Takahashi Makoto shook his head disdainfully, "Tsk! You have been my cat for some time, but I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable... It seems that I need to re-evaluate you!"

"Don't compare a normal human like me with a twisted soul like you!" Yoshida no longer had the strength to perform the roar skill. Instead, his tone was filled with a sense of powerlessness, "Hey, Cheng, why do you want to draw such content?"

"Before the witch shed tears, she had the power to shake the world... But after losing this power, she became a heretic that everyone criticized..." Takahashi Cheng's face showed a hint of gloom, "I clearly witnessed the birth of a miracle, but in addition to being surprised, I also had strong doubts and suspicions... Human beings are such despicable creatures, they are really heretics that should be eliminated!"

After the news of Takahashi Cheng and Rina was exposed, many people were surprised at first and just watched and watched... However, in just a few days, more and more unfavorable comments appeared. Even if Takahashi Cheng ignored all mental attacks because of his middle school attributes, the title of witch can only reach the level of a magician with unlimited magic power at most. Immunity to mental attacks is not yet possible...

So after the witch lost all her magic power due to tears, she also lost her smile on her face... Although she tried to hide it, forcing a smile sometimes makes people around her feel even more heartbroken!

As a result... is it related to that incident? Yoshida shook his head helplessly. Now Takahashi Makoto has gradually stepped into the path of evil! Although as an editor, he has a strong sense of responsibility and keeps reminding Yoshida to persuade Takahashi Makoto, but...

"Speaking of Acheng's state, I don't want to stop it... Maybe no one can stop it?"

A cat personally thinks that the section of Bai Xinshangren is indeed one of the most exciting stories in Inuyasha. When I watched it back then, I didn't think it was anything special. Now looking back, I am definitely drunk~ The coyote plot is full of visual sense. Speaking of which, the dog time is many years earlier than the Holy Grail! Well, it's just my personal feeling

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