A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 232 Platycodon grandiflorum

If we survey the female readers of "Shounen Jumk", more than 80% of them are loyal fans of "Inuyasha"! Although many female readers also buy single volumes, they never miss an issue of "Shounen Jumk". Even if there are only one or two comics they like in a magazine, they will do the same!

Although it sounds a bit exaggerated to say this, the fact is that it is not wrong! Even though there are some fighting scenes in "Inuyasha", unlike most male readers who like to watch passionate battles, the emotional drama in the entire manga is undoubtedly more attractive to female readers!

Since the serialization of "Inuyasha" to the present, whether it is the relationship between the lolita control Sesshomaru and Loli Rei; or the obsessive love affair between the villain Naraku and the resurrected Kikyo; or the colorful Maitreya Be it the emotional scene with the tomboy Coral... the entire "Inuyasha" is actually a romance comic disguised as a fantasy adventure!

As the protagonist, Inuyasha, his emotional choices naturally aroused great speculation among readers! There are those who support Kikyo, and there are those who support Kagome... Ahem, of course those who support taking off, most of them are male readers... Even so, no one can know the next development of the manga, but after all, many readers have already vaguely He guessed that when Inuyasha and his team had a life-and-death battle with Naraku, Kagome and Kikyo would definitely give an answer to the raising rights of a certain dog half-demon, whether they would die or be injured, leave or stay...

Although during this period, the affair between Takahashi Makoto and Rina has been aroused, especially now that the relationship between the two is constantly being smeared, and the rumors cannot stop... But according to the hypocritical nature of human beings, many people are adding fuel to the fire. Kaidechi watched this incident while continuing to read the manga!

So when the words about the white sweetheart appeared, many readers were speechless just as Yoshida expected! Perhaps for teenagers and girls who are still in the mature stage, this story does not have much impact, but for those adults who have stepped into the full body of social work, it has a different feeling!

Although Sweetheart Bai is just a sidekick, she was created quite successfully! At least many people who have been wiped out of their spirit by society have a lot of emotions. Many people ask themselves, did they betray their ideals, or did their ideals betray themselves?

If it were just like this, it would only arouse the feelings of all adults at most. However, the content of the next chapter gave many female readers, especially those who support the romance between Kikyo and Inuyasha, an unknown premonition!

As a supporter of the Kikyo Party, Miho firmly believes that Inuyasha will choose to be with Kikyo in the end! Although judging from the recent comics, Kikyo's appearance time is relatively small, which makes Kikyo's status somewhat secure, but Miho still firmly believes that Kikyo will appear in the content in the near future!

Just as Miho thought, after the new issue of "Shounen Jumk" is released, Kikyo will indeed appear! After Miho got the manga, she couldn't wait to read it!

In Miho's heart, Kikyo and Inuyasha were originally a couple. Although they had entered into a love-and-kill mode due to Naraku's design, one died and the other was sealed. But with Kikyo's resurrection later, Miho was happy for a long time, but I have also been depressed for a long time about Inuyasha's uncertainty!

"Really, your favorite is Kikyo, why are you with that Kagome? InuYasha, that idiot!" While flipping through the comics, Miho pouted and complained when she saw InuYasha and his party coming to Bailing Mountain, but When he turned to the next page, his eyes suddenly lit up, "It is indeed like this, Lord Platycodon finally appears..."

Although Kikyo is no longer a human being, she still adheres to the essence of a miko! Unlike a certain unscrupulous Kohaku, Kikyo as a shrine maiden is the guardian of mankind, helping humans to expel monsters and heal villagers suffering from diseases... Looking at these plots, Miho kept nodding. Kikyo is indeed kind-hearted. Miko-sama!

However, the villagers who received help accidentally discovered the strangeness of Platycodon's body. After learning that Platycodon was a person who came back from the dead, their previous attitude towards Platycodon completely changed! The smiling face of the past is gone, and the respectful expression before is gone. The trembling body, the corners of the eyes and mouth are all filled with fear and disgust for the person named Platycodon!

"Why...why are these people like this?" Miho became more and more angry as he watched, especially when he saw the villagers' attitude was completely opposite to before. After forcing Kikyo away, he almost threw the comic to the ground. After all, this plot was different from the previous one. The plot of the sweetheart is the same, it’s very depressing to watch! However, as a qualified lady, Miho still did not behave in such an exaggerated manner. She just started cursing a certain middle-class manga artist...

At the beginning, Kikyo still held the illusion that humans would accept a dead miko, as long as she did good and treated her and became a good person... But this last illusion was completely wiped out by the villagers! Humans' fear and rejection of their dead compatriots even exceeds their attitude towards half-demon! Regardless of whether they are monsters or half-demon, they are living creatures after all. Even if they belong to different camps, one thing is the same. They are all living in this world and will one day step into the underworld of death...

However, Platycodon, which was resurrected with the help of clay, will not die and enjoy eternal life as long as the body is not broken and the soul is not dissipated! So now Platycodon grandiflorum has become a heretic in the eyes of humans! It will not die and has eternal life. Even if it still retains the human soul and thinks and behaves like humans, it still cannot be accepted by selfish creatures like humans!

"Because I am no longer human..." After leaving this emotion, Kikyo chose to leave quietly at night without disturbing anyone in the village!

Just looking at Kikyo's lonely back and this monologue, Miho felt complicated, and her hands that turned over the comics couldn't help but tremble! Miho could understand Kikyo's mood, and it was only at this moment that Miho finally understood why Kikyo chose to leave Inuyasha after his resurrection! Because the human named Kikyo has died, the miko who fell in love with the half-demon and even decided to stay with the half-demon for the rest of her life has now lost the qualification to love! Platycodon has become a monster-like existence, not accepted by humans, nor will it be accepted by monsters. Compared to half-demon hybrids, the situation is even worse!

Every living thing yearns for infinite life. Because it has never been available, it longs for and hopes for it! However, when such a being really appears, it is rejected as a monster... Half-demon, a hybrid creature, is rejected by humans and monsters, but it is not to the point of being completely unacceptable. However, the dead creature is It’s different. No matter what you do, no matter what level you reach, in the perception of the whole world, it already exists in a different world!

"Is this...Bailing Mountain? Huh? Naraku!"

At the end of the comic, Naraku suddenly appeared in front of Kikyo, and the two people who were supposed to be enemies turned out to be facing each other!

"Eh? Lord Kikyo, are you going to...oh, do you have to wait another week?"

Miho saw this and immediately became worried. She wanted to watch the follow-up, but found that the manga ended here. She was a little depressed, but there was nothing she could do about it. Many people had complained about the bad taste of the Phoenix Academy murder card plot on the Internet. Many times!

First of all, I would like to apologize. Something happened at home recently. I will update my apology. I hope you will understand me! Of course, when the book is finished, it is not the kind of perfunctory ending that comes with a super simplified so-and-so ending. It is a complete book that is recognized by the cat himself. This is a must. The cat still has this kind of integrity ~ above ~

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