A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 243 The end of an era means the birth of a new god

Chapter 243 The end of an era represents the birth of a new god

Although Yoshida finally obtained seemingly valuable information from Makoto Takahashi after going through all kinds of torture, Yoshida was not happy! Not to mention the bitter process of obtaining the information, even the information obtained was not as valuable as imagined!

Knowing that the final ending was completed in "Ushio and Tora", and knowing that the protagonists would fight together in the end, and the frenzied Makoto Takahashi repeatedly stated that he would kill many characters in the final battle, this made Yoshida very worried! But Yoshida had no way to tell others, and didn't know how to say it! Knowing that the tragedy was about to begin, he was powerless to stop it and could only watch... This sense of powerlessness, this weak sin, made Yoshida entangled for nearly two months!

Although that's what he said, Yoshida was still surprised by the monster era constructed by Makoto Takahashi through comics! Although four monster comics with different styles were serialized, the monster era constructed through these comics did allow Yoshida and even many readers to witness the process of the monster era from prosperity to decline! Including the completed manga "Nura Oni", the development sequence of the four monster comics has allowed many readers to witness the rise and fall of the monster era!

In the manga "Inuyasha", monsters and humans divide the world... No, to be precise, the weak humans at that time were just the objects of monsters' wanton prey! Because the development level of human society was not very high at that time, and humans were still in the cold weapon period, the lethality to monsters was not very high, so in the comics, the real enemy of monsters was only the monsters themselves! For the monsters standing at the top of the food chain, humans are just food that can be replenished at any time...

In the completed manga "Nura Oni", the first generation of Nura group, Nura, has realized that monsters will gradually decline! Therefore, after defeating the monster Yuyuko entrenched in Kyoto, he did not replace the dominant position of Kyoto monsters, but returned to his hometown in Edo with his monsters and hid in the dark!

Perhaps monsters can continue to kill people unscrupulously, but such a path will eventually lead to the demise of monsters! It is precisely because of foreseeing such a situation that Nura Nura Nura has chosen to live in seclusion in human society with his monsters, because after the battle with Yuyuko, Nura Nura has seen the potential for human development and realized that the era of monsters has passed, and humans will become the real rulers!

This is the way of the monster era to induce readers' thoughts through comics! The most obvious is naturally the progress of humans fighting monsters in the comic "Ushio and Tora"!

Whether it is "Inuyasha" or "Nura Nura", in these two monster comics, humans do not have too many outstanding places. When dealing with monsters, most of them rely on cold weapons and spells... By the way, the humans here refer to the passing soy sauce extras, and they are humans who have not joined the protagonist side or even established a relationship with the protagonist side!

However, in the comic "Ushio and Tora", when humans deal with monsters, they have begun to use modern weapons! Although monsters are still very powerful, this power comes from the talents of their own race! Therefore, when many readers see humans using hot weapons to fight monsters in "Ushio and Tora", they will have such feelings in their hearts...

The monster era... has come to an end!

"Is this... what you want to express, Cheng?" Yoshida showed a melancholy expression on his face after reading the new comic manuscript, "Because humans are constantly progressing and developing, so... the monster era is gradually declining?"

Although he has felt what Takahashi Makoto wants to convey from the comics, Yoshida always feels a little uncomfortable! After all, the monster comics have been serialized for a long time. From the big monsters that humans cannot compete with at the beginning, to the monsters whose names are now bound by a book of friends, they have witnessed the monsters from being powerful and arrogant to now only being able to follow humans to ask for names... The entire process of the monster era from prosperity to decline makes Yoshida feel very complicated!

It's not because Takahashi Makoto said that the age of monsters is about to end, but...

"Hey, my cat, witnessing an ordinary human become a savior hero, and then watching this hero gradually grow old with the passage of time... Because you understand that this is an irresistible ability, do you feel sympathy in your heart?" Looking at Yoshida's tangled and depressed expression, Takahashi Makoto gently tapped the table and sneered disdainfully, "Humph! Humans are so weak that I hate them because of such pathetic sympathy!"

Although what he said is not wrong... But the root of evil is indeed Takahashi Makoto yourself, right?

"Acheng, the monster era you created really makes me feel like a hero in his twilight years..."

Yoshida, who has developed resistance to Takahashi Makoto's mockery of humans, did not start the spit mode, but unexpectedly agreed with Takahashi Makoto's point of view! Because in the three comics that are still serialized, the difference in combat power between monsters is too great! "Inuyasha" is the earliest monster manga. No matter it is the pure-bred big monster, the lolita-controlled Seshomaru, or the big villain, the half-demon Naraku, or even the occasional passerby monsters, they are much stronger than the monsters in the new manga "Natsume"!

"Let me put it this way... After the battle with the Dragon Bone Spirit, Dog Dad was seriously injured and could successfully break into the village where the army was stationed for Princess Izayoi... But if it were in this era, hundreds of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs would be thrown at him, and Dog Dad would definitely be wiped out!" Takahashi Makoto looked at Yoshida in thought, and a devilish smile appeared on his face, "When humans were still slashing and burning, monsters could use monster power; when humans began to use swords, monsters still used monster power; when humans began to use missiles, monsters still used monster power... Facing the ever-improving humans, monsters have not made any progress at all, so the decline and destruction of the monster era is not the so-called hero's twilight, but an inevitable fate!"

"Hey, my cat, the end of an era means the beginning of a new era. The replacement of the old with the new is the will of the world's development and the truth that cannot be disobeyed in the universe. !” Without giving Yoshida a chance to speak, Takahashi Makoto started talking to himself, “You are just witnesses, you are just observers, so your duty is to witness everything, observe everything, that’s all! And I, Fenghuangyuan Kyouma…”

“By the way, Cheng, you mentioned on the phone before that you wanted to talk to me about the order of comic serialization…” Facing Takahashi Makoto’s upcoming attack, Yoshida chose to switch the topic without hesitation to defend, “So, is there any problem with the serialization order?”

“Hmm? Actually, there is no big problem, I just want to perform a large-scale [Evil Wave] to announce to all humans and the entire world that the feast of the end of the monster era is about to begin…” Takahashi Makoto showed a fanatical expectation on his face, and continued to complete the content that was interrupted by Yoshida before, “At the same time, I also say to Gaia-chan, who represents the will of the world, that I, Fenghuangyuan Kyouma… will become the god who creates a new world! ”

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