A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 251 Have a good rest, Takahashi Makoto!

After the assistant side was ruined by Makoto Takahashi, Yoshida and the little sea otter also fell into the clutches of Makoto Takahashi in the [real ghost mode]... The final result was that the assistant side completely entered the mechanized doll mode and was mass-produced. He has produced a large number of comic manuscripts, mixed with some comics from the non-yokai era; after this battle, Little Sea Otter has changed his previous decadent style and worked hard to draw comics unremittingly. Congratulations! Congratulations!

As for Yoshida...he didn't dare to go to Takahashi Makoto's house for three months to complete the work of collecting manga manuscripts, so he sent a little sea otter to the door every time, while Yoshida himself hid outside the door and waited, so that when the little sea otter fell into In times of crisis, decisively betray your teammates and escape! By the way, it was precisely because of the fear of being shaped again that the little sea otter would draw comics desperately during this period, trying to use this as an excuse to shirk the tasks assigned by Yoshida!

But he still couldn't escape what was coming. After Yoshida escaped for a while, he came to Takahashi Makoto's house again! It's not that the editor's conscience was condemned, nor that the editor's soul awakened, but that the little sea otter worked hard to draw the manga manuscript in order to prevent him from stepping into Takahashi Makoto's house again. As a result, he stayed up too late in the winter and triggered [ Suffering from illness】This magical mission!

"I really don't want to go in..." Looking at the door of Takahashi Makoto's house, and thinking about what happened that day, Yoshida's mouth kept twitching, and the look on his face became quite tangled, "Hiramaru-kun really knows how to choose. Time, he is actually sick at this time... Hey! Is that guy pretending to be sick just to avoid coming to Cheng's house? Well, this possibility..."

Before entering Takahashi Makoto's house, Yoshida has already begun to plan that after collecting Takahashi Makoto's manga manuscripts, he will visit the sick little Sea Otter-kun when he returns... But the most important question now is Takahashi's. Cheng's side!

Although Yoshida has always complained about the era of monsters created by Makoto Takahashi, he is still looking forward to it! Especially when Makoto Takahashi tried to end the Yokai Era and launch a war against manga artists. With this courage and courage, Yoshida could only sigh that being young is great... However, it was precisely because of this that Yoshida was quite dissatisfied!

Takahashi Shinobu vowed that he would take this opportunity to kill all the cartoonists and then come to the top of the world... Although the statement has always been full of Takahashi Seichuuji's style, Yoshida has already burned out his passion for complaining about this. , but the problem now is that Makoto Takahashi did not take any actual actions at all. The three comics still continued at a leisurely pace, without any so-called solemnity before the decisive battle, which made Yoshida quite speechless!

Are you really a man in daily drama? Where's the promised total annihilation curse?

Yoshida specially came to collect manga manuscripts today, but with the determination to die, he wanted to ask Makoto Takahashi about his future plans! Although the manga "Ushio and Tora" has begun to make arrangements for the final battle, the decisive battle that has not yet come has made Yoshida feel deeply powerless even as he was looking forward to it! If the serialization continues at this pace, let alone annihilating all the cartoonists, you should follow the rhythm of annihilating them all yourself!

"Eh? My beloved cat, it's rare that you come here by yourself this time. Have you really realized that you must die?" Makoto Takahashi nodded with satisfaction and curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "Or after this period of time? In practice, you have mastered the ability to defeat me alone, so you choose to fight me openly this time? "

Still upright... fight your sister!

Facing Makoto Takahashi who was in the second grade state, Yoshida's brain completely shut down. The words he had prepared before could not be said at all now! Although Yoshida knew that Makoto Takahashi was working very hard during this period, working on the manuscript all night without a good rest, which resulted in some mental abnormalities... But Yoshida was quite satisfied with being able to communicate normally today! At least the person who opened the door to greet him wasn't a magic sword stabbing his throat. That was really great!

"Um, Cheng, about comics..." Before Yoshida could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Makoto Takahashi!

"My beloved cat, you came just in time. There is something I need to inform you..." Makoto Takahashi dragged Yoshida into the house and sat across from Yoshida with a serious expression on his face. After pondering for a long time, Then he slowly said, "I am about to go to the Three Thousand Worlds to find the magic secret medicine for my subordinate witch Rina... So in the next period of time, everything will be left to you! Remember, in this place While you are away, don’t let your reputation be compromised!”

"Leave...eh? Could it be..." Yoshida looked blank at first, then clapped his fists suddenly, as if he suddenly remembered something, and looked at Makoto Takahashi with a smile on his face, "Is Rina-chan about to give birth? Cheng, you are going to become a father!"

"Hey! My beloved cat, you have obviously dedicated the rest of your life to the profession of Dharma Saint, don't show that kind of expression!" Takahashi Makoto rarely looked directly at Yoshida, turned his head, and put the table on the sofa Chun and Liuli threw them to the ground, pointed to the drawer, and then turned to look at Yoshida again, "I have already said it over there on the assistant side..."

"Wait!" Yoshida suddenly remembered something, looked at Makoto Takahashi with a puzzled look, and shouted, "Speaking of Cheng, I wanted to ask before, when was the wedding ceremony of you and Rina-chan? , why don’t I know?”

"Is this the same problem again? Alas, the wisdom of mortals!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida helplessly, "As early as when the world was in chaos, I had already signed a contract with the witch, and the whole world was changed because of this. Birth... Besides, how can ordinary people like you participate in my wedding? If you want to participate, you must at least practice to the level of a higher god..."

"That is to say...you haven't held a wedding ceremony yet? This is really...Ogata-kun will definitely kill you, Cheng!" Yoshida said that he had the same sentiment as Fang Slime. There is such a... The second sick brother-in-law! "For a father like this, I'm already worried about your future children!"

"Hey! I'm just a cat, how dare you comment on my actions without authorization?" The assistant also complained about this point. When Yoshida mentioned it again, Takahashi Makoto stared at Yoshida unhappily, "My thoughts, Is it something that mere mortals like you can guess? It feels quite loving to have my child participate in and witness the contract exchange ceremony between the Demon King and the Witch..."

"Hey, Cheng, I really want to talk to your teacher. What kind of education model will make you have such a view on life?" Yoshida has forgotten his responsibilities as an editor and started to worry. Takahashi Makoto came up with various matters, "Let's do this, Rina-chan..."

"The reason why a witch is called a witch is because, like me, I will not be bound by mere worldly ideas!" Shaking his head disdainfully, Takahashi Makoto completely ignored the dignified look between Yoshida's eyebrows. , tapping the table lightly, "Hey, my companion cat, are you ready?"

"Prepare? Prepare for what... Damn, what is going on?" Before he could finish speaking, Yoshida saw the manga manuscripts on Singchun and Liuli. His face was full of shock and he jumped up from the sofa suddenly, "This Not to mention the astonishing number of comic manuscripts, Dingchun and Liuli were able to cooperate with each other, take out the comic manuscripts from the drawer, put them in a box, and carry them over... As for Cheng, your Liuli and Dingchun, You have become a master through cultivation, right? You have definitely become a master through cultivation!”

"My beloved cats, is now the time to talk about this?" Makoto Takahashi moved the manga manuscript to the table, and then comforted the cat and the dog who were gritting their teeth at Yoshida, "Sadaharu, Ruri, I will wait a moment. You are allowed to lift the restrictions and launch indiscriminate dismemberment attacks on my cats... So now, just wait quietly!"

"..." Although it is still daytime, Yoshida said that he has already seen the shining death omen star in the sky! Yoshida, who had no integrity, immediately clasped his hands and apologized to Singchun and Liuli, "I'm sorry, I was too complacent before!"

"This was completed by all the former assistants under my leadership! When I return in three months, the cartoonist side and editor side will be destroyed... so please stay tuned!" Makoto Takahashi pointed to the manga manuscript on the table and said to Yoshida, "The situation is basically... like this!"

Yoshida looked at the comic manuscript on the seat, and the expression on his face became much more serious! The previous scene of Takahashi Makoto and his assistant staying up late to catch up on work, Yoshida has a vivid memory! Under such circumstances, he was able to complete the manga draft three months in advance. Although Takahashi Makoto did not say how many times he stayed up late during this process, Yoshida could not say anything when he saw that Takahashi Makoto had lost weight. Out...

"I accepted the manga manuscript..." Yoshida looked at the manga manuscripts on the table and decided that even if he stayed up all night tonight, he would read them all! The cartoonists have worked so hard, so as an editor, what reason do I have to take it easy? "As for killing the cartoonist side and the editor side, forget it. No one expects you to do that! But I am looking forward to your shocking ending three months later, Cheng!"

"Of course! Because I am a raging demon, and the manga artist Hohoin is fierce!" Normally, his speech would sound extremely chubby, which would definitely put Yoshida into a state of contempt and ridicule, but today Yoshida did not do so. Because Takahashi Makoto looked pale at this moment, and he was obviously in a haggard state that he had not had a good rest, but it made Yoshida's eyes sore!

"Speaking of Cheng, such a quantity..." Yoshida turned his head, trying to calm down his agitated mood, and began to use his skill of changing the topic, "How can I move back alone?"

"Hey, it's really useless at the critical moment, my beloved cat!" Makoto Takahashi closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa. After complaining about Yoshida's weakness, he snapped his fingers and said slowly, "Don't worry, I have already arranged all this! Dingchun, Liuli, I will leave the rest to you, I need to meditate..."

"I knew it would be like this! I knew it a long time ago..." Yoshida watched Sadaharu and Liuli enter the room with a group of cats and dogs, black threads wrapped around their heads, and turned to Takahashi Makoto to complain, " These cats and dogs... Speaking of Cheng, when did you change your profession to become a druid?"

There was no answer, no retort, and steady breathing meant that Takahashi Makoto, who was leaning on the sofa, had fallen asleep at this moment...

"Oh, it's really..." Yoshida shook his head helplessly and covered Takahashi Makoto with the quilt on the side, "You have worked hard during this period... so take a good rest, Cheng!"

Cheer for a certain cat, after an unexpected business trip and high-intensity overtime work, a certain cat survived! Well, I apologize for saying yesterday that I had to go on a business trip and didn’t have the chance to say goodbye before I stopped updating. I’m very sorry!

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