A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 274 The root of the disaster is sneaking in

At least 80% of readers expressed dissatisfaction with the outcome of Makoto Takahashi's use of [Hyper Fusion]!

Although after the release of that issue of "Shounen Jumk", it was clearly stated at the end of the comic that this was the last chapter of the Yokai manga... but members of the reader side did not believe that the Yokai manga would end like this! However, with the release of the next issue of "Shounen Jumk", the space originally used to publish the Phoenix Academy's vicious monster comics was replaced by three comics. Readers finally realized that the crazy killing ending was actually This is truly the end of the Yokai manga! Then……

Then there was no more, the ‘war’ to conquer the Phoenix Academy’s murderer broke out...

Dissatisfaction with the way the manga ended in this way, resentment at the heart-rending choice of the cartoonist Hohoin Koshin... Readers began to criticize the editorial department when they could not find the cartoonist Hohoin Koshin. Brutal attacks on demonstrations...

First, there was a phone storm that lasted for nearly a month!

As Yoshida had expected, an exaggerated situation occurred in the editorial department. For a whole month, the phone rang non-stop. Members of the editorial department kept repeating, 'Answer the phone, explain, This unsolvable four-fold cycle of "hanging up and answering the phone"... Editors who have their own cartoonists are slightly better off. They can use the excuse of "having to go out to collect cartoon manuscripts" to stay away from the center of the disaster, but those who are always there The editorial staff in the office were almost driven crazy by torture...

By the way, the editor-in-chief who had outstanding performance and ability was originally going to be assigned to be in charge of the monthly magazine this month. However, due to the chaos caused by Makoto Takahashi, the editor-in-chief had to take over and stay in "Shounen Jumk" for a while. , deal with this turbulent chaos...

The second is the resistance behavior on the readers’ side!

Although most readers are quite unhappy with the ending of the comic, there are also some sane people among them! Faced with the ending of three comics in this way, some members of the reader side who maintained a neutral attitude called on everyone on the reader side to calm down. At the same time, they also made requests to the editorial department, hoping that the cartoonist Hohoin Kouma would give everyone an explanation. , I hope that the manga artist Hohoin Kouma can give an explanation, I hope... It’s just a pity that for a whole month, the manga artist Hohoin Kouma has not given any explanation or excuse to the readers!

Although the cartoonist Hohoin Kouma has the three characteristics of "wearing a white coat, wearing an eye patch, and speaking and acting in a tactful manner", it is quite difficult to find a person in the vast sea of ​​​​people! Although some of Makoto Takahashi's former classmates had provided the original address of Makoto Takahashi's home after joining the [Reader Side Allied Forces] to attack Makoto Takahashi, the results of the investigation by the Pioneer Army showed that it had already become a It is the filming and production place of [Philosophy♦Movie]...

Therefore, the readers who were still neutral before, in despair and anger, finally agreed to launch a boycott demonstration and appealed to the massive readers of "Shounen Jumk". If the cartoonist Phoenix Inferno did not explain clearly, they would boycott "Shounen Jumk" 》The behavior will be carried out to the end...

Of course, such extreme behavior is only the wish of some readers. Not everyone will give up the "Young Jumk" weekly that has accompanied them to grow up for this reason... However, according to the statistics of the editor, during the resistance actions In the month since it was launched, the sales volume of the weekly magazine has indeed dropped a lot compared to before...

Makoto Takahashi, who was the culprit at the root of the disaster, received a lot of information from Sebas-chan, but he did not take any action. He just gave his assistants a long vacation, and then just disappeared from the world. Just like that, Yoshida, who came to the door several times, was in vain...

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Yoshida, the young master is not at home..." Yoshida looked at Sebas-chan who was smiling but did not answer, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes!

How many times has this happened? The butler in black tuxedo in front of him always had this smile on his face whenever he came to look for Takahashi Makoto during this period, and he obviously looked like "I know where Takahashi Makoto has gone", but every time When I tried to find a clue from the conversation, the other party easily avoided the key part...

It's not that Yoshida hasn't tried before, such as asking Sebas-chan about the whereabouts of Rina and her two children, trying to locate and capture Takahashi Makoto through his wife and children... Unfortunately, the answer was that they were with the young master. Together... When I continued to ask about the whereabouts of Takahashi Makoto and his party, I got exactly the same answers as before... just like the NPC in the RPG who only repeats one line of dialogue!

"If life is a game, I must have chosen the master level difficulty at the very beginning..." Like an uncle looking for a paradise, Yoshida had an expression on his face that said he was about to die of illness after failure, like a zombie. Just like that, I left Makoto Takahashi’s house staggeringly...

"Master, according to your previous arrangements, Mr. Yoshida has inquired about your whereabouts for the twenty-eighth time..." Looking at Yoshida's disappearing back, Sebas-chan took out his mobile phone and turned to the phone with a smile on his face. Makoto Takahashi over there asked, "Are you following the previous setting and waiting until Mr. Yoshida triggers the hidden condition of [Questioning Makoto Takahashi's whereabouts for the 30th time] before telling... Yes, I understand!" "

Fortunately, Yoshida's hearing is not master-level, and he does not have a high IQ to use the [Returning Spear] skill... Otherwise, if he knew about Takahashi Makoto's evil arrangements, Yoshida would definitely have a reason to fight with Takahashi Makoto... Even if you fall into hell because of this, you will have no regrets!

"Hey! That bastard Ogata Slime actually wants to take this opportunity to reconstruct the rune seal that summons the witch Rina..." Makoto Takahashi, who was carrying two children one behind the other, said unhappily. Walking out of a certain building, he kept complaining, "It's rare that this time I can activate [bring new people to refresh the new village dungeon], but I was dragged by that bastard to be a temporary worker... I am not A member of the Master House, but a crazy cartoonist..."

"The Phoenix Academy is really ferocious!"

Before Takahashi Makoto finished his complaint, he heard a resentful roar next to him! Xun Sheng looked over and saw a young man with headphones on a chair not far away. He was clutching a comic book with both hands and muttering in a low voice with red eyes... an attitude that didn't care about the attention of passers-by at all. , made Takahashi Makoto stop taking action!

"Young man, why are you so angry?" Slowly arriving in front of the young man, Takahashi Makoto covered half of his face, with the cold murderous intent exuding from his remaining right eye, and slowly drew out his eyes from his waist. Demonic Sword Broken Star, "Although I don't know what happened to you, but... disturbing the rest of the Demon King and his family is a sin of Heavenly Punishment! Do you want to die completely?"

"...I'm sorry!" Although the boy didn't want to say this in his heart, the cold feeling on his neck undoubtedly showed that the weapon in the opponent's hand was real... If he didn't apologize seriously, he would definitely be beaten by this sudden appearance in front of him. The guy hacked and killed...

"Hey, it's really insincere to apologize in this tone..." Makoto Takahashi slowly took back the magic sword, with a disdainful smile on his face, "But since it was an unintentional mistake on your part, , I will forgive you with great mercy this time..."

Is this guy mentally ill? The boy looked at Makoto Takahashi in astonishment...

"Boy, are comics... interesting?" Glancing at the comics in the boy's hand, Takahashi Makoto showed a smile on his face, because the comics spread out in the boy's hands were the products of the previous [Super Fusion]!

Looking at Makoto Takahashi sitting next to him, the boy's face looked a little unusual! After all, the person who almost killed him with murderous intent a second ago is now communicating with him in an attitude [like a friend he hasn't seen for many years]. This kind of behavior is definitely not something that normal people can do... Although the boy is very He wanted to stay away from this dangerous person immediately, but the boy's instinct was telling him that once he took this approach, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable...

"Uh... Yes, it's very interesting..." The restless boy looked at Makoto Takahashi's increasingly gloomy expression and immediately stammered in reply, "It's just the manga artist Hohoin Kyuma..."

"Huh? From your tone, it sounds like you are really dissatisfied with the Phoenix Academy..."

"Eh? No, that's not the case! I just feel..." As if a certain switch had been touched, the young man saw the man in the white coat staring at him with interest, and his feeling of uneasiness became more and more intense. Be strong! The boy secretly looked at the face of the weirdo in front of him and answered cautiously, "I just think the comic ends in this way, which makes people a little..."

"Does it make you feel depressed? Does it make you feel angry? Does it make you feel incomprehensible?" Makoto Takahashi looked at the young man in front of him and nodded hurriedly in admission, with a smile on his face. "Although human beings have always emphasized the need to live in peace, in reality, They often hurt each other...but this is just a form of love!"

"This..." The young man's face showed a look of complete disbelief, but he had no reason to refute Takahashi Makoto's words! Although the words and deeds of the weirdo in front of me are a bit abnormal, I have to admit that what the other person said does make sense, but it always sounds weird, "Why do you say that..."

"Huh? Young man, it seems that you are also a person with stories!" Seeing the young man in front of him squeaking and not saying anything for a long time, Takahashi Makoto showed an "I understand" look on his face. , patting the boy on the shoulder hard, "In fact, people's daily life is constantly hurting each other. It's not strange to doubt others... But if you don't believe anything, it's the same as feeling. Without the love of others! Have you never suffered from being alone? Have you ever lived humbly? "

"...Probably..." Each word pierces people's heart. Who is this weird guy in front of him? There was a pensive look on the young man's face. After pondering for a long time, he gave Takahashi Makoto an uncertain answer!

"Really? Then you are probably loved too, right? In order not to let that love disappear, boy, live strong!" Takahashi Makoto patted the boy's shoulder again, with a relieved smile on his face, "So, the most important thing between people is love and peace!"

Love and peace...

The boy looked at Takahashi Makoto in disbelief, but the corners of his mouth kept twitching! Let's not talk about how this weirdo in front of him said this shameful words seriously without changing his expression. Is the guy who drew his sword and threatened others without asking the reason before qualified to say this? But I seem to have heard this way of speaking before...

"Makoto-kun!" Rina, wearing sunglasses, suddenly came to Takahashi Makoto, pouting apologetically, "Sorry, I kept you waiting! My brother insisted on persuading me to go back..."

"Tsk! That bastard Ogata Slime actually dared to do this!" Takahashi Makoto, who was still smiling just now, stood up angrily at this moment, "Haven't you already harvested a lot of valuable materials before? You're still obsessed with the witch, hum! I'm going to chop that greedy guy now..."

"Forget it, Makoto-kun... Let's go home!" Rina held Takahashi Makoto, who was about to run away, with a happy smile on her face, "It's rare that you don't have to work so hard to draw this month..."

"Tsk, a slime with bad luck..."

What a strange existence, that guy... Forget it, let's just treat what happened just now as an episode...

Looking at the gradually disappearing backs of Takahashi Makoto and Rina, the boy showed a helpless bitter smile on his face, and continued to pick up the comic book to read... But the boy suddenly remembered something, and his hand that was flipping the comic book suddenly trembled. He looked up and stared at the direction where Takahashi Makoto was going away, and a trace of doubt appeared between his eyebrows...

"Eh? Wait... I remember there were rumors on the Internet before, the cartoonist Fenghuangyuan Kyouma... seems to be..." The guess in his heart made the boy no longer have the heart to read comics! After rushing back home as quickly as possible, the boy began to look for something on the Internet... Soon, the boy's astonished look turned into a helpless bitter smile, "Oh my! The weird guy before, it turned out to be the cartoonist Fenghuangyuan Kyouma!"

The things at home are a bit complicated. Why do humans hurt each other? The closer the person is to you, the more you like to hurt them. It turns out that humans are selfish creatures! Is this the "love" that Sister You said to Judai? Humhahahahahaha, I tried my best to seal my dark personality yesterday, so I'm sorry for not updating.

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