A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 311 Reinforcements? You are just causing trouble.

Compared with cartoonists who debuted at about the same time, Makoto Takahashi is undoubtedly quite successful, but compared to those veteran cartoonists who have been famous for a long time, Makoto Takahashi still lacks a lot in every aspect... But None of this can deny the fact that Yueisha treats the cartoonist Hohoin Koshin with a preference that would make other cartoonists jealous!

Let’s take this new serial “Dream Eater” as an example!

Evidence 1: Just because of the new serialization of the first chapter, I got the opportunity to be featured on the cover! As the characters on the colorful masthead, they are naturally the two protagonists of the comic "Dream Eaters", the blue-eyed classmate holding a paintbrush, and the inseparable good friend Huangmao Glasses Jun... Although the original idea of ​​​​this comic was originated from Yu Yacheng Mu Mengye is a cartoonist, but if you want to understand this fact, you have to at least read the comics to understand it!

Evidence 2: Although cartoonists have the right to add some more harmonious words in their works...but usually, conscientious editors will advise cartoonists to use erasure except for the explanations related to the plot. Come and show off your cute words! However, in the fierce new series "Dream Eaters" by the manga artist Hohoin, Makoto Takahashi enjoys special treatment, and some words that have nothing to do with the work are actually preserved!

Evidence 3: Cartoonists who have been serializing comics for a long time will always enter [ "Endless issue" mode, but when you start to update comics or start a new serial, unlike Takahashi Makoto, you can't get publicity and recommendations from the comic magazine itself... Although Yoshida is telling Takahashi Makoto that this is about [The favor from the editor] was retorted by Makoto Takahashi saying [It is too shabby as a reward for my uncle who has been serializing for so many years without interruption]. However, the effect is still good, at least for many readers. Man, I am also looking forward to the upcoming new serial "Dream Eater"!

Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ

Regarding this comic, in order to keep it mysterious, the editor did not announce the specific content and theme of the comic. It just briefly said that the protagonists are two teenagers... But this news alone is enough to arouse curiosity. Readers’ side, it’s been a lot of fun!

So on the day when the new issue of "Shounen Jumk" was released, the first thing many readers did when they picked up the comic was to jump directly to this new serial to see what kind of comic "Dream Eater" is!

Although the title sounds very sci-fi, many readers said they were deceived by the title! At the beginning of the comic, it tells the story of a young shota and his cartoonist uncle! The young Shota has shown excellent drawing talent since he was a child. He yearns for his uncle, a cartoonist, and is inspired to become a cartoonist in the future!

"..." A certain cartoonist read a new serial titled "Dream Eaters" and had a complex look on his face that was difficult to express in words!

"Hey, Supreme, are you okay?" Finding that his good friend suddenly fell into the sluggish rhythm of [Memory Killing], a certain yellow guy didn't seize the opportunity to save the strategy, but used the most brutal way to break the [Memory Killing]... Important Flag... As expected, after becoming a wife-controller, it is a difficult task to change jobs and become a gay man, Kouya!

Recently, due to the incident involving the seiyuu sister, even though Lan Dai tried his best to appear full of fighting spirit, no matter whether he is a good gay friend or the wife of a good gay friend, they can all feel the pressure on Lan Dai! But even as the closest comrade and gay friend, he is powerless to intervene in this kind of thing... After all, although Ajou Mumenha is a famous cartoonist, he is not as reliable as Takahashi Makoto or Niizuma Eiji. Using the so-called 'fame' to rewrite society's perception... Speaking of planning and actually doing this, I'm afraid it's only a certain middle schooler who treats the world's human beings as toys, right?

"I just thought of something..." As he absentmindedly flipped through the comics in his hand, Lan Dai's eyes revealed an abnormal light that was difficult to understand for the man with yellow-haired glasses! After being silent for a long time, Lan Dai slowly opened his mouth and said to his good friend in a comforting way, "Man! I'm really fine, Qiuren..."

"Speaking of...most importantly, I just want to know how that guy Acheng knows these things?" Although he found that his good friend was perfunctory, the yellow-haired glasses man did not tell the truth, but tried his best to change the topic. , "On top of that, you only told me a little bit about your uncle back then. Although you learned a little bit about it from other people later... But why does Acheng know about this memory of your uncle getting along with you?"

"That's because Acheng's middle school boy was also there back then!" Lan Dai shrugged helplessly, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Speaking of which, that guy Acheng was obviously a cute guy back then. Just a young shota, why has he evolved into such a ferocious chuuni? And..."

The guy who was clearly not as good at painting as me back then has now reached a height that is difficult for us to chase... This is Lan Dai's unfinished voice, not only for good friends, but also for now and in the future!

"And what..." Seeing the uncomfortable look on his good friend's face, as if recalling some unfortunate incident, a certain yellow guy immediately became energetic and asked with a gossipy face!

"Tsk! That guy Acheng is really..." Lan Dai showed a helpless bitter smile on his face, pointed at the uncle of the little boy in the comic, and explained to his good friend, "Acheng came to my house specially to draw this content, and talked with my father for a long time... Unfortunately, I didn't go home that night, so I don't know what they talked about! But I heard from my mother that my father drank too much that night and kept saying "thank you"... Well, my grandfather was the same!"

"Hey! Hey? What did that guy Takahashi Makoto do!" A certain yellow-haired man once again experienced Takahashi Makoto's incomprehensible second-year worldview... and brutal brainwashing ability!

"Who knows? Hey? This is..." Lan Dai stopped flipping through the comics and looked at his best friend in surprise. He asked seriously, "Hey, Qiuren, do you still remember the comics that Cheng showed me? I remember..."

"I know what you want to say..." The yellow-haired man with glasses pushed his glasses, trying to hide the serious expectation under his glasses. "Although I have a guess now, I can't prove it now! But if it is really as I guessed... Supreme, you have to thank Cheng!"

The serialized content is different from what everyone saw on the cartoonist's side. The content of the comics has indeed changed. It's not that the plot suddenly developed, but that something that makes people feel very worried did not appear... The content of the comics has jumped from telling the memories of the little shota to when he became a junior high school student, but up to now, this junior high school student who is suspected to be the protagonist has still not revealed his name to the readers!

"Dream Eater" is not like the world of "DN", where there is a death god who loves apples, and the setting that you will die once your name is revealed... From the previous content, this comic does not have superpowers or monsters, these products of the fantasy world, but just a simple everyday world! And the previous content seems to be relatively bland. Except for the plot of the male protagonist's uncle's death, which makes the readers feel "unexpected but expected", most of the content of this comic so far is a male protagonist who refuses to reveal his name, constantly complaining about his or others' muddled life!

Of course, there are also some readers with sharp eyes and good memory. When they saw the plot about the male protagonist's secret love for a girl in the same class, they subconsciously exclaimed something like "Isn't this the previously serialized "Aoba Toki"? "! Although some fans of Miss Aoki Hong also had hostility like "Houhouyuan Kyouma actually shamelessly started plagiarizing", there has never been a rule that similar plots cannot appear in serialized comics, right?

If that's the case... the hero who carries the aura of the protagonist, at the critical moment [suddenly counterattacks the villain and saves the world and his partners], is it also a blatant plagiarism? Moreover, would Takahashi Makoto, who calls himself a [plagiarism devil], care about such things... Humph, the wisdom of mortals...

However, the following plot makes readers extremely happy, and the cartoonist named Yashiro Mumengye is blushing! After all, how many people can smile calmly when it comes to their own youthful and frivolous behavior? Embarrassment is inevitable...

If you want to empathize with it, you can go back and find your junior high school essays, preferably with the title "My Ideal is XX", and then invite your family or friends as the audience to recite the full text with deep emotion... Maybe in this way, you can further understand Yashiro Mumengye's feelings, and the synchronization rate really shouldn't be too high!

As the male protagonist, Mashiro Toutou, inspired by another male protagonist, Takagi Akito, made a surprising declaration to the girl, Azumi Miho, whom he had always had a crush on!

"...So when that dream comes true, please marry me!"

The main plot of the comic has been clarified, telling the story of how two boys become cartoonists; the content of the comic has been determined, which is the process of the male protagonist Mashiro Toutou constantly fighting for his promise with the female protagonist Azumi Miho... However, the most surprising thing for the readers is that the names of the characters appeared at the end of the first chapter of the comic!

The male protagonists are Mashiro Toutou and Takagi Akito, and the female protagonist is Azumi Miho... In the world where the readers live, there is no large-scale magic such as [Angel Fall] that affects the world by a son-obsessed person, and people's [inner] and [appearance] have not been completely replaced, so the readers naturally remember the incident that caused a sensation in the comics industry a few days ago!

"Puff! Mashiro Takashige... Takagi Akito..." A boy who just bought a comic sprayed water all over his mouth, but his hands were tightly holding the comic magazine, his eyes fixed on the comic that was claimed to be the "returning work of cartoonist Hououin Kyouma", "Fuck! I remember these two names... Ashiro Mumeha's real name, it seems to be this?"

"The male protagonist becomes a cartoonist... The female protagonist becomes a voice actor... After the comic is animated, the female protagonist voices... and then gets married..." A girl who longs for this romantic love is completely moved by this plot and falls into a state of delusion! "What a romantic promise! If a man also makes such a promise with me..."

For the recent events, some media outlets have interviewed the cartoonist. In addition to Takahashi Makoto, Nizuma Eiji and others have issued statements of support for Lan Dai! As for Takahashi Makoto, who has been hiding his whereabouts and has not expressed any opinions, many media outlets directly gave him a title that was lost, [Cartoonist Hououin Kyouma and Ajo Mumenha are at odds], and published it without any scruples!

"I like to see humans express their will in various ways, and I hate the existence of people who have no soul and follow the crowd! I, Hououin Kyouma, hereby declare that those who do not know the truth and follow the crowd, as a punishment for your choice to ignore the truth, accept the punishment from God!"

In order to publish this paragraph at the end of the comic, Takahashi Makoto took Sebastian and the new editor of "Shonen Jumk" Pingzi to negotiate in a friendly manner for an afternoon... Even Yoshida did not know the specific process and content of the conversation, but the editor-in-chief who strongly opposed it before actually agreed to Takahashi Makoto's unconventional approach!

By the way, because of the last part of the comic by Makoto Takahashi, the impression of all the cartoonists on a certain chuunibaku suddenly increased significantly...

However, after the new serial "Dream Eater" was published, the group ridicule at the end of the comic not only slapped the faces of those unscrupulous media, but also showed Makoto Takahashi's position and attitude! Of course, many readers were dissatisfied with Makoto Takahashi's arrogant remarks, and clamored to see what Makoto Takahashi's so-called "God's punishment" was...

"Is this what you call... reinforcements, Makoto Takahashi?" After reading the newly released "Shonen Jumk", Chen Ben rubbed his temples and complained to a certain white coat who was drawing over there with a resentful tone, "You are... causing trouble, okay!"

Ahem, sorry, I was sick before and piled up a lot of work, and I'm very sorry to say that the endless overtime side quest is open~!

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