A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 338 This is not a strategy but a guide

When he first heard Makoto Takahashi say that there were some problems with the manga manuscript he had completed, Shizuka was a little surprised!

If Jing Hehe remembers correctly, he came to Makoto Takahashi as an assistant and was responsible for assisting Makoto Takahashi in completing the manga draft. This is the first time that Makoto Takahashi has given such a comment! But when he heard Takahashi Makoto’s added words, Shizuo He felt like thousands of grass and mud horses whizzing past...

As for listening to the life advice given by the chuunibyou cartoonist... Shizukawa said that he does not want to be the successor of Makoto Takahashi full-time, let alone the first assistant with chuunibyou in the assistant world! only……

Jinghe carefully took back the manga manuscripts from Takahashi Makoto, and while sorting out the scattered manga manuscripts on the table in order, he lowered his head and thought about life... After sorting out the manga manuscripts on the table several times, Jinghe Hehe sighed helplessly, looked up at Makoto Takahashi with a smile on his face, and asked in confusion, "Then Teacher Phoenix Academy, what do you want to say?"

"Hey, Ryuko, do you like the manga "CLANNAD"?" Rather than talking to Shizukawa, it's better to say that Makoto Takahashi was talking to himself, "As for me, I really, really like this work. That's right! Because the comic named "CLANNAD" is not just a comic, it is not an exaggeration to call it a "book of joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows of life", because this comic includes everything in life! When the ultimate form of this comic is completely born in this world in the future, no matter who you are, as long as you read this comic completely, you will be able to find your true self, understand some truths, figure out some things, and let your body and soul, obtain self-salvation..."

Although Shizukawa himself likes this comic very much, and although he also knows that Makoto Takahashi admires the comic "CLANNAD"...but listening to Makoto Takahashi's increasingly exaggerated praise, Shizukawa still can't help but frown! It is originally a happy thing to have something you like praised by others. However, excessive praise or blind worship will make people feel unreal and doubt others' true intentions. The result is disgust...

"CLANNAD" is just a comic, it's not as exaggerated as you said...

If it were anyone else, he might have asked Makoto Takahashi like this, even if he knew that the manga "CLANNAD" was written by Makoto Takahashi! But it was Shizukawa who was on the assistant side. Although he liked the manga "CLANNAD" very much, and although he did not agree with Makoto Takahashi's exaggerated evaluation of the manga "CLANNAD", he could not say anything to refute Takahashi. As for Cheng...it's not that I don't dare, it's that I can't!

I have said before that cartoonist is a career that is more home-oriented. You stay at home every day to complete cartoon drafts, and lack communication with the outside world. Over time, you will gradually lose the ability to communicate with others, and it is easy to fall into You can't escape from your own world...and Jinghe River is a typical representative of this!

Jing Hehe has a very high talent in comics, but according to the universal law of equal exchange [what you want to get, you must give something], Jing Hehe naturally also paid a corresponding price... Due to the long-term self-isolation relationship, resulting in Jinghe is extremely bad at interpersonal interactions and lacks resistance to stress. If he is put under even a little pressure, he will develop a self-defeating mentality!

For example, this time, when Makoto Takahashi announced that all the auxiliary work of "CLANNAD" would be handed over to Jinghe River, although Jinghe River liked the comic "CLANNAD" very much, he also knew very clearly that this was his own It was a job that could not be completed by one person, but due to communication barriers, Shizuka didn't know how to refuse, and could only silently endure the 'malice' from Makoto Takahashi!

Makoto Takahashi promised the editor that he would no longer be alone in the autistic world of Shizukawa's classmate... Ahem, I didn't intend to conquer Shizukawa, I was just looking for fun out of boredom! This is also the main purpose of Makoto Takahashi's meeting with Jinghe to talk about life this time!

But if you want to change someone...sometimes it's incredibly difficult! Just like if the person you love deeply falls deeply in love with someone else, and you want to make the other person change his mind or something... If you want to learn from Xiao Duan's example, "Sincerity leads to gold and stone," use sincerity to impress sister Yu Yan. , this is certainly a good method; but generally speaking, the responses you get are generally similar to "You are a very good person, but unfortunately I don't like it." What do you have? What's the solution?

So when Ueno Aoi was complaining about Shizukawa, Takahashi Makoto was observing Shizukawa very carefully! Makoto Takahashi was full of expectations when he saw Jinghe pursed his lips several times; however, Jinghe didn't say anything in the end... Makoto Takahashi knew that his plan had failed again!

Why do you say it again?

Because ever since Shizukawa joined the Phoenix Academy...no, he joined Takahashi Makoto's command, Takahashi Makoto had spent a long time observing Shizukawa-san in order to change his personality, either overtly or covertly. After several trials! According to Taizu's theory, the enemy must be despised strategically, but the enemy must be valued tactically. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle! So after experiencing painful lessons from repeated failures, Takahashi Makoto did not gain a will of steel, but gradually found a strategy... er, no, he found a way to enlighten Shizhe River!

It is not surprising that assistants develop feelings for the comics they are responsible for. For example, the previous assistant Li Bingyin has many Euphemia figurines and pillows at home; the proud Miss Ueno Aoi has posters related to "Inuyasha" on the walls of her home; and Tintin's home has collected many personal posters and figurines of "Higurashi"... By the way, according to Sebastian's investigation, almost all of Tintin's collections are related to Rika-chan!

And Shizukawa showed a different enthusiasm for the comic "CLANNAD"! After "CLANNAD" began to be serialized, compared with other assistants, Shizukawa was quite serious and meticulous when completing the comic manuscript! According to Makoto Takahashi's observation, Shizukawa never made a mistake in the process of assisting in the completion of "CLANNAD"!

After a certain failure, Makoto Takahashi once thought about whether to use a more extreme method to stimulate Shizukawa! For example, let Shizuru Kawase seriously study a certain dark work that Takahashi Makoto used to scare the editorial department before... But according to Sebastian and Takahashi Makoto's speculation, if this is really done, Shizuru Kawase will become the next Ōba Yozo... At that time, let alone completing the editorial tasks, Takahashi Makoto will be depressed and ready to travel through time again!

However, now that Shizuru Kawase's obsession with "CLANNAD" has been discovered, Takahashi Makoto will naturally start from this aspect... Naturally, he will not be taken away by Enma Ai because of [inciting others to commit suicide]!

"Hey, Ryuko, you are the same as I used to be! You are full of fear of human beings, you are full of anxiety about this world, and you are full of confusion about the meaning of your own existence..." Takahashi Makoto glanced at the trembling Jinghe River, and continued to open the aura of [Guide], "But this world will not be destroyed because of our disgust, and people will not eliminate their vigilance against each other because of this! So you... really don't need to do this!"

"..." Jinghe River did not say anything as usual, but unlike usual, Jinghe River did not fiddle with the comic manuscript on the table, but looked at Takahashi Makoto seriously!

"Escaping from reality may also be an interesting game! Just like Tomoya Okazaki at the beginning of "CLANNAD", because of his father and classmates, he gradually gave up himself and lived in a muddle... But Ryuko! You have to know that although this world is degenerating, knowing that it is impossible to save the old world and knowing that it is impossible to change the fate of destruction, there are still many people who fight for it and work hard for it!" Although it may be more convincing to persuade Shizakawa with Takahashi Makoto's own life, considering Shizakawa's obsession with "CLANNAD", Takahashi Makoto still decisively chose to use Tomoya Okazaki to persuade!

"Teacher Hououin... I..."

"Hey, Ryuko, if a person blindly gives up on himself, escapes from reality, and imprisons himself in that small world, although he can be free from the interference of the outside world and enjoy the loneliness and happiness of a person, but this joy is too small! It doesn't matter whether you choose to escape or choose to be alone... But don't forget that you are Hououin Kyōma's subordinate! You are the capable general of His Majesty the Great Demon King!"

"When you become my dependent, your life no longer belongs to you alone! In order to kill and torture the readers, in order to let His Majesty the Great Demon King Hououin Kyōma gain the supreme pleasure, become the sword in my hand and kill all the rebels for me; become the spear in my hand and defeat all the hostiles for me! Burn your soul, burst out the power that breaks through the sky, let "CLANNAD" reach the height I said before, and be praised and praised by the world in the name of a masterpiece!"

Looking at the mad Takahashi Makoto, Jinghe River didn't know what to say for a moment! Although the speech just now by Zhong Ershizu gave Jinghe River a new understanding of Takahashi Makoto's bad taste...but one thing that cannot be denied is that Jinghe River actually had a feeling in his heart that he had never had before!

"This is about the later content of the Kotomi chapter of CLANNAD..." Makoto Takahashi lifted the sofa cushion and took out a paper bag full of comics from the interlayer of the sofa. "Since I said before that this is specially prepared for you, then I'll give it to you now! As for after you finish reading, do you want to destroy the world with me, or return to that closed world..."

"It's all up to you to choose... because this is your life!"

"By the way, what I said before, 'about the gap between your finished comics and my imagination', is completely nonsense! The comics you finished are actually very good!" Makoto Takahashi put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and left a chic back to Jinghe River, "Keep working hard! Well, and... thank you for your hard work!"

CL is really great. By the way, when a certain cat recalls the plot of the animation when he is old, he actually starts to reflect on life. So sorry, the reason for the late update today is that a certain cat is lost on the road of thinking about life~ meow~

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