A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 370 Compared to the feelings that accompany life, winning or losing is nothing

Chapter 370 Compared to the feelings that accompany life, winning or losing is really too insignificant

The manga "Madoka" by [Makoto Shinkai] lost to the manga "REVERSI" by Akiru Kiyomi...

Just as the editor Hattori thought, regarding the victory or defeat this time, although Makoto Takahashi and Eiji Nizuma had many excuses to excuse their failure, judging from the result alone, even if "Madoka" was only two votes behind "REVERSI", but... losing is losing!

So although Eiji Nizuma and Makoto Takahashi were somewhat unwilling, they finally accepted the result very calmly...

But Yoshida said that he couldn't understand it at all!

It's not that he couldn't understand the victory or defeat of this manga duel; nor was it that he couldn't accept that the manga "Madoka" was defeated by "REVERSI" by two votes; nor did he feel that "Madoka" was wronged and wronged this time...Yes, what Yoshida couldn't accept was that Makoto Takahashi actually accepted the result of this defeat so calmly! Takahashi Makoto did not team up with Nizuma Eiji to kill Yajo Mumenye, nor did he impulsively rush into the editorial base with a magic sword in hand. Instead, he stayed at home and completed the comic manuscript seriously...

Is this... is this still the crazy and crazy middle school cartoonist in my memory, the devilish demon king Hououin Kyouma?

"It's not scientific, it's not scientific at all..." Seeing Makoto Takahashi enter the cartoonist mode contrary to his usual behavior and finish the comic draft at home, Yoshida, who had been observing for nearly a week, was quite confused. Even when reading the comic draft, he couldn't concentrate and kept repeating in his mouth...

"It's not scientific! After Madoka upgraded to Madoka, although the setting in the comics is magic, whether it is the rules of the universe or the law of causality, these are all scientific in nature!" Makoto Takahashi complained to Yoshida while drawing the comic draft, "And my cat, if you are free recently, go and torture and kill the little sea otter who is enjoying the sweetness of love! Don't stay in my barrier all day, wandering like a ghost!"

If Makoto Takahashi knew that Yoshida's so-called "unscientific" remarks were not referring to the comics but himself, hehe... So, Yoshida, be thankful that you and Makoto Takahashi were not on the same channel this time and escaped!

The full-powered [Takahashi Makoto. Unit-01] completed the comic draft of the last chapter of "Madoka Madoka" in just three days! What surprised Yoshida the most was that the content of the last chapter of "Madoka Madoka" was completed entirely by Takahashi Makoto alone. Eiji Nizuma only knew the plot and did not even participate in the storyboard!

This guy, Makoto, said that he didn't care about winning or losing at all... Now he is working so hard, it is obvious that he cares about winning or losing this time! So when the second-year tsundere becomes arrogant, it is really not cute at all!

While Yoshida was flipping through the comic draft in his hand, he secretly glanced at a certain second-year manga artist who was completing the comic draft with the intention of "trying not to arouse Takahashi Makoto's hostile eyes"... Although Yoshida held the comic draft in both hands and tried hard to look like he was reading the comic draft seriously, it was obvious that Yoshida's attention was not completely focused on the comic draft, but he was desperately complaining about Takahashi Makoto in his heart!

According to the rules of a certain universe, whether it is a weak human or a great demon king, when being talked about, they will sneeze inexplicably, pierce their fingers with embroidery needles, break the handles of cups, and precious vases or frames used to store precious memory photos will fall to the ground and break inexplicably, etc. ...

However, Makoto Takahashi, who has the attributes of a chuunibyou demon king, is...

Makoto Takahashi, who was drawing the manga of "CLANNAD", suddenly stopped the brush in his hand, looked at Yoshida with a dull expression, and said expressionlessly, "Hey, my cat, do you want to die once?"

Although Makoto Takahashi looked dull, Yoshida's heartbeat suddenly accelerated at this moment... Because the cold light flashed from Makoto Takahashi's only remaining right eye, Yoshida felt that everything was seen through...

Sure enough, the swamp jump fish... No, it should be Makoto Takahashi who has seen through everything!

"...Madoka has become a concept like this! What a tragedy!" By the way, Yoshida, dare your acting skills be worse? Not to mention that the flattering smile on his face was totally inconsistent with what he said... The brief silence before was definitely thinking about how to divert Takahashi Makoto's attention!

"If there is a next time..." Takahashi Makoto terminated the [Swamp Leaping Fish that Can See Through Everything] mode and returned to the cartoonist mode again, "My beloved cat, I will gather all the cartoonists and editors to watch you perform [Leap of Faith] on the balcony! Of course, I will also be kind enough to give you some time to write..."

"Sorry, Cheng, I was wrong! I will now seriously read the comics of "Madoka Madoka", so forget about the suicide note..." After seeing Takahashi Makoto slowly draw out the magic sword while drawing, Yoshida decisively threw away his moral integrity...

"Huh? Predicting the future?" Takahashi Makoto looked at Yoshida with some surprise, put down the magic sword with some dissatisfaction, lowered his head and began to draw comics, "Tsk! In this case... Well, since you, my beloved cat, have already turned on the [Prophet] mode, I will not do it again next time! Drink!"

Takahashi Makoto suddenly burst out with a cry of unknown meaning, which shocked Yoshida! Just when Yoshida was about to complain, the teacup placed in front of Yoshida suddenly broke into two pieces...

"Hey!?" Yoshida looked at the neat cuts on the teacup. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately stood up with a pale face and took a few steps back. He stuttered and let out a horrified roar in an unbelievable tone. , "Hey, hey, are you kidding me? That, that, that just now, what, what's going on?"

"Hey! Because you pay too much attention to speed, do you ignore accuracy?" Completely ignoring Yoshida's frightened questions, Takahashi Makoto left the messy table and pulled the eyepatch hanging on his left eye with some depression. He muttered to himself, "It seems that I have completely mastered this move... Phoenix Academy Fierce Master, you are still far away!"

"A-Cheng, do you want to kill me? You definitely want to kill me!" After the panic, there was outright anger... Yoshida's performance at this moment perfectly explained the weak nature of human beings!

"Eh? How is that possible? I don't kill animals..." Makoto Takahashi explained slowly while drawing comics, "Silly tape! That move just now was a 100% hit for my companion cat. , it will not bring you any harm, and at most it will only allow you to experience the [Secret Technique of Exploding Clothes] once!”

"...That's even worse, okay!" Compared to physical harm, mental torture is indeed more frightening... Should we say that Yoshida is worthy of being a familiar cat with sinister attributes? You know the market very well!


After the manga "Madoka" lost to Ajoki Mumenha's "REVERSI", Makoto Takahashi's recent abnormal performance gave Yoshida an indescribable sense of disobedience. However, through what just happened... Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi lowered his head to draw, but the sense of dissonance disappeared at this moment!

This guy is Makoto Takahashi! This guy is Makoto Takahashi! This guy is Makoto Takahashi... Why do you suddenly feel the emotion called 'pity and sympathy' towards the daily life that Yoshida and Makoto Takahashi used to get along with?

"Hey, my beloved cat, I'm currently finishing the manga manuscript for "CLANNAD"!" Makoto Takahashi suddenly threw the brush aside, looked up at Yoshida, his face became extremely gloomy, "You suddenly want to perform [ I can understand the feeling of "The World of Hirata. Yoshida Edition"! But... if you interfere with me again, what you will experience next time will not be the "Secret Technique of Exploding Clothes", but a comprehensive display of the artistic beauty of human body explosion. , an opponent-level ultimate move called [Blood Sea Collapse]!”

"Hey! It's true... I just managed to enter [Friendship and Personality]!" Makoto Takahashi picked up the brush again, closed his right eye and began to apply autosuggestion to himself, "The personality system is being adjusted... …Seal the [World-Destroying Demon King Personality]...Switch the core circuit [Thinking] in the brain...Change the third personality thinking mode...Replace the memory of the sixth personality...[Friendship ♦ Personality ♦ Personality] is being opened again... Personality transformation...completed!"

In order to be able to bring the cartoonist's own emotions into comics, many cartoonists need to adjust their state of mind and emotions when completing comics! Although Yoshida also knows this truth, Takahashi Makoto's adjustment method...

"Uh..." Yoshida's mouth twitched several times before he suppressed the urge to complain, "I'd better take a good look at the content of "Madoka"! After all, this is the last episode of "Madoka" Already..."

The content that Makoto Takahashi is currently drawing is a chapter in "CLANNAD" describing the friendship between Haruhara Yohei and Okazaki Tomoya!

As a work that covers the three main human emotions of friendship, family and love, the stories told in "CLANNAD" may seem simple and ordinary, but if you are a reader, you will refer to your own life while watching. , basically you can find your own shadow in it! Whether it is the sweetness and bitterness when getting along with a lover; whether it is rebellion and tolerance when getting along with family members; or the awkwardness and understanding when getting along with friends...it can more or less reflect the experiences that everyone has had!

Whether you lose the comic duel or the comic is finished, these are just a small episode in life! In the process from birth to death, people have to bear too many things... Friendship, family affection and love, these important things are the existence that human beings cannot refuse!

The momentary gains and losses are too insignificant compared to the emotions that accompany life!

However, if you want to truly convey this feeling and convey this heart to the readers' hearts through comics, what you need is not just a few simple stories, nor a few random pictures... What is really needed is every word that contains the heart. One stroke, every painting containing faith, creates a world!

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