A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 373 Don’t make Mei cry

For Yoshida who was waiting for the manga manuscript, after being suddenly told by Takahashi Makoto that the manga manuscript had been completed, he immediately rushed from the editorial base to Takahashi Makoto! Although there is still about a week left before the deadline, looking at the number of "CLANNAD" manga manuscripts neatly placed on the table, Yoshida can already confirm that the latest chapter is also the one he is most looking forward to at the moment. Makoto Takahashi has already prepared it in advance Done!

Although Yoshida has always felt that as the editor-in-chief of the cartoonist Hohoin Yoshizhin, having to deal with a chuunibyou who thinks differently from ordinary people is an extremely hard job, and many times he has to apply for a change of job from the editor-in-chief. idea! But like now, when readers are still struggling to wait, they can see the comics in advance... This may be the most important reason for Yoshida to persevere!

"A-Cheng, have you finished the comic manuscript for "CLANNAD"..." Although judging from the thickness of the manuscript paper, the number of comic manuscripts on the table has met the needs of a monthly serialization, but as a conscientious editor, , Yoshida still has to confirm it with the manga artist himself, Makoto Takahashi!

"How should I put it... It can be said that it is completed, or it can be said that it is not completed!" Makoto Takahashi crossed his hands and clasped his chin, with a serious expression on his face. After staring at the comic manuscript on the table for a long time, he felt helpless. He spread his hands and said, "If it is a serialized content, it can indeed be said to have been completed! But..."

"Uh..." Yoshida originally planned to pick up the manga manuscript and observe it, but after hearing Makoto Takahashi's contradictory statement, his outstretched hand stopped in mid-air! Turning to look at Makoto Takahashi with a serious face, Yoshida complained with black lines on his face! "Didn't you say that the content of this statement has been completed before? So what is going on with this statement now?"

"My Familiar Cat, in fact, the manga manuscripts you saw are only semi-finished products!" After hesitating for a moment, Takahashi Makoto let out a long sigh, "Although I know that there are still some problems in those manga manuscripts, but they are very Unfortunately, I can’t figure it out based on the current situation!”

"Eh? As a cartoonist, you actually said that there are problems in comics that even you can't solve? Cheng, stop joking..." Although I subconsciously thought that this might be a joke Takahashi Makoto was teasing himself... ...However, when Yoshida looked at Takahashi Makoto's solemn look, he didn't seem to be joking. His thoughts of complaining immediately dissipated, and he asked curiously, "So Cheng, what is the problem you are talking about? Although I You don’t know how to draw comics and you are not a cartoonist, but don’t forget, I am your editor! The so-called editor is the strong support that provides help to cartoonists when they are in trouble!”

"..." The shady editor suddenly made a shameful declaration, which directly caused Takahashi Makoto's brain to go into a panic state for three seconds! Makoto Takahashi came back to his senses with a look of disgust on his face. After staring at Yoshida for a long time with his right eye squinted, he sighed helplessly, "Although I understand very well your mood of being single and waiting for rescue, my companion cat. But... from soul to body, he is the template of a ghost uncle, so don’t even start a strategy for a man, Hun Dan! If you don’t have a baby face, don’t follow the crazy strategy emperor of a certain support department, Kou Ya!”

Who the hell wants to conquer your chuunibyou! Just as the resentful Yoshida was preparing to fight back, Makoto Takahashi's next attack arrived...

"And My Familiar Cat, instead of spending time and thinking about how to defeat me... why not take a good look at the "CLANNAD" comic manuscript! If I didn't tell you the content of this chapter, My Familiar Cat would have no idea what you are doing. You won't find that problem!" Makoto Takahashi slammed the table with a look of disdain on his face, "What's more... Huh! I won't tell you anything about the "CLANNAD" comic manuscript now. , just use your soul as the editor in charge to understand and search...if you can't find it, commit suicide a hundred times!"

Seeing Makoto Takahashi who was a little excited, Yoshida wisely chose to sit on the sofa and start reading the manga! This is not unreasonable, because Yoshida knows very well that if Takahashi Makoto is stimulated a little now... Yoshida said that he does not want to experience the experience of dancing with death again!

If he follows the usual pattern of collecting manga manuscripts, unless it is something he is very interested in, Yoshida will usually just read through it quickly! After all, as a cartoonist who has been serializing for more than ten years, although Takahashi Makoto is a bit of a middle-class character, in terms of professional ethics as a cartoonist, Yoshida is quite reassured!

"There is no mistake in the order, and the number of pages is enough..." After quickly looking through the manga manuscript, Yoshida was a little dazed! Because according to the editor’s evaluation, the comic manuscript in hand is already completed! "What...isn't this already completed? If there are still problems with this comic draft...is it a plot issue?"

Although I wanted to take the manga manuscript and question Makoto Takahashi about what the problem was... Yoshida's instinct kept sending warnings to his body and stopped this death-seeking behavior! In desperation, Yoshida sorted out the manga manuscripts in his hands and read them again from the beginning!

According to the usual development pattern of "CLANNAD", the happier you laugh in the beginning, the sadder you will cry in the end! I remember when the Fuko chapter just started serialization, Okazaki Tomoya complained and teased Fuko-chan, which made many readers laugh continuously; and as Fuko-chan's story unfolded later, watching the friends around him gradually forget Fuko-chan... Many readers with sensitive emotions almost finished reading the subsequent content with tears in their eyes!

And this episode of "CLANNAD" also inherited this spirit! In the previous serialized comics, Haruhara Yohei has always appeared as a funny character, and he has triggered the tears of funny characters and used contrast to heal readers... In a sense, the lethality is even greater!

Just like Mei is worried about her brother, although Okazaki Tomoya said that he didn't care about Haruhara Yohei's affairs, he was willing to silently pay for his friends! In order to get Haruhara Yohei back to the football club, Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa accepted Mei's commission and tried to help the people in the football club to gain favor in exchange for the opportunity to get Haruhara Yohei back to the football club!

"CLANNAD" has been serialized to the present. Although the protagonist Okazaki Tomoya was a bad boy at the beginning, as the plot unfolds, readers have gradually realized that Okazaki Tomoya's so-called "bad boy" title is just a disguise! Because Okazaki Tomoya is the kind of person who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and cares about his friends!

In the comics, although there have been some heart-wrenching plots and some plots that make readers cry, looking at the whole comic, it can be said that it is full of positive energy! However, where there is light, there must be darkness... Although the comic "CLANNAD" has been recognized by readers as a healing comic, this does not mean that there will be no disgusting characters in the comic "CLANNAD"! For example, just like what Yoshida sees now, the scumbags in the football club!

Mei and the Okazaki couple agreed to be the logistics staff of the football club in order to let Haruhara Yohei return to the football club again! The people in the football club never thought about letting Haruhara Yohei return to the football club again. Instead, they took this opportunity to torture the three innocent boys and girls!

Nagisa Furukawa and Mei both had expectations, thinking that as long as they worked hard enough, they might be able to move the people in the football club, so that Haruhara Yohei might return to the football club again... But Okazaki Tomoya, who knew the bad nature of the members of the football club, had already seen through everything!

Just as Okazaki Tomoya expected, after teasing the three people, the people in the football club directly pointed out that it was impossible to let Haruhara Yohei return!

"These scumbags..."

Although as the editor-in-charge, you should maintain a neutral attitude when reading comics... But I have to say that the appeal of the comic "CLANNAD" is too strong! When Yoshida carefully observed this plot, he couldn't control his emotions and shouted angrily for Mei's sister!

When he turned to the next page of the comic, Yoshida was even more angry! Facing Mei's sister's questioning, the people in the football club not only did not feel the slightest shame, but showed a very proud look. At the same time, they laughed at Chunyuan Yangping in front of Mei's sister, laughing at Mei's most beloved brother!

"Your brother knows what you are doing, but he dares not show up like a coward!"

"It seems that you, as a sister, have been completely abandoned by that useless stray dog!"

"That useless..."

"No, my brother is not that kind of person!" Facing the ridicule of everyone, Mei couldn't help crying...

"I'm so annoyed, go back and cry if you want to cry!"

"After all, she is Chunyuan Yangping's sister..."

"Why don't you just shout louder..." And the people in the football club continued to ridicule! One of the members of the football club even picked up Mei with one hand and began to torture the crying little loli! "See if your coward brother will show up!"

"My brother will definitely come!" Mei still believed that her brother would come until this moment!

Facing the evil deeds of the members of the football club, Okazaki Tomoya has reached the edge of going berserk! Although Okazaki Tomoya has the title of [bad boy], this does not mean that he has a strong force value like a plug-in! Facing the large number of strong football club members, Okazaki Tomoya also knows that there is no chance of winning if he fights... However, at this time, even if he knows that there is no chance of winning, he has to go!

Just when Okazaki Tomoya was about to take action, a figure flashed by...When Okazaki Tomoya reacted, the football club member who had just carried Mei had been kicked to the ground!

Just as Mei said before, when she cries, her brother will definitely appear! The person who kicked the football club member away was Haruhara Yohei, who had been missing for a long time!

"Don't make Mei cry!"

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