A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 377 Conditions for becoming friends

Humans will always show a firm will in the process of pursuing the truth!

Without strong willpower, one will not be able to embark on the path of pursuing the truth! But after knowing the so-called truth, when the answer you have been looking for appears before your eyes, and the journey of pursuing the truth reaches its end... what kind of expression should humans who have been pursuing the truth show?

Especially... when they know that the answer they have been pursuing with all their strength does not fully meet the expectations of the truth seekers?

"..." Yoshida was stuck for the longest time so far in response to Takahashi Makoto's answer - one minute! Yoshida came back to his senses, with a look of complete disbelief on his face, and asked Takahashi Makoto again as if to verify, "Wait, Makoto... Are you saying that the problem in this episode of "CLANNAD" is... is..."

"Tsk! My beloved cat, haven't I made it clear enough?" Takahashi Makoto boldly gave a positive answer to Yoshida's cautious assumption, "Because I don't have the kind of friends I can entrust my sister or daughter to, so I don't understand what so-called friendship is!"

"But, but..." What does this have to do with comics!

"Because he has not been able to experience this kind of emotion in reality, as a cartoonist, Hououin Kyouma, he cannot achieve the perfect state of integrating his body and soul into the comics when completing the comics... In short, the comics created in such an incomplete state will also lack the most important things!" Takahashi Makoto showed a helpless smile, "The content of the comics... cannot resonate with the soul of the reader! My beloved cat, isn't this a very serious problem for comics?"

"Yes, that's right... So this is the problem with comics... Hehe..." After hearing the answer from Takahashi Makoto that made him... well, the elegant way to say it is [a kind of faint sadness] again, Yoshida was like a broken toy, and his face, which had already begun to distort, gave out a He let out a chilling low laugh, "I knew it would be like this... I should have known it from the beginning... hehe..."

"Eh? Has it been played to pieces?" Watching Yoshida gradually enter the collapse, Takahashi Makoto frowned slightly, took out a silver pocket watch similar to the one in "Fullmetal Alchemist" from his white coat, and complained a little depressed, "Tsk! My cat didn't even last three minutes? It seems that the previous assessment was a bit inaccurate... Well, I think I should strengthen the training of my cat in this aspect in the next period of time! If I accidentally play with my cat, I will break it... Tsk, if there is only one little sea otter toy in the future... But it won't be enough to play with!"

When Takahashi Makoto was muttering to himself with resentment, Yoshida lowered his head and thought about something quietly!

At first, after learning Takahashi Makoto's reason, Yoshida's first reaction was that he was played by Takahashi Makoto, the second-year cartoonist! After all, the person who can say such a painful reason so seriously, perhaps... No, it is definitely only Takahashi Makoto who can do it! However, just when Yoshida was about to take this opportunity to turn evil and run away, he remembered the helpless smile on Takahashi Makoto's face when he spoke before...

No friends...?

For some reason, Yoshida suddenly felt a little uncomfortable!

The so-called friendship is not the kind of relationship that can be said verbally, but it takes time and effort to communicate, maintain, and manage! But Takahashi Makoto...

Perhaps in the eyes of others, being able to successfully serialize in monthly and weekly magazines at the same time can only mean that the cartoonist Fenghuangyuan Xiongzhen is a very talented cartoonist. However, as the editor-in-chief of Takahashi Makoto, Yoshida knows how much time Takahashi Makoto has spent to complete these comics!

The time to make friends, to maintain the friendship of friends...all the time, hasn't Takahashi Makoto spent all on completing the comics? When others are chatting, Takahashi Makoto is holding a paintbrush, leaning over to sketch the characters in the comics; when others are having fun and relaxing, Takahashi Makoto is holding an eraser, concentrating on correcting the slightest detail mistakes in the comics; when others are resting and sleeping, Takahashi Makoto is pulling out the manuscript paper and starting to draw the next page of the comics... Takahashi Makoto said that he has no friends, isn't this natural?

If you want to get something, you must pay for it. This is not only the truth in "Fullmetal Alchemist", but also the rule of any world! The manga artist named Hououin Kyouma, when he worked hard to complete one manga after another, paid the price...

"Hey, Makoto..." Looking at Takahashi Makoto spinning his brush while thinking about the plot, Yoshida, who had just come out of his trance, no longer had a broken expression on his face, but a seemingly calm look, "Now I seem to understand..."

It's not that I don't want to draw, but I can't draw because I don't have friends...

"Huh? My cat, why do you suddenly show that disgusting expression?" Feeling the sympathy and pity in Yoshida's eyes, Takahashi Makoto was so surprised that the brush in his hand fell on the manuscript paper, "Although I overestimated your willpower before... But it's just to this extent, it shouldn't be broken by me like this, right?"

"Trick you... Huhu..." The half words combined with the continuous deep breathing... Obviously, at this moment, Yoshida is trying his best to contain the uncontrollable wild power in his body! However, judging from Yoshida's weird face at this moment, a certain editor who was still confused and confused just now has an expression on his face like "I really want to kick you away"!

"Oh, oh, oh, my familiar cat that looks like it wants to eat people is really scary!" The problem is that the tone of your voice when you speak, Takahashi Makoto, sounds like you are mocking Yoshida instead of panicking. !

"Hey, Cheng..." Yoshida put aside the monthly magazine in his hand, and walked up to Takahashi Makoto with a serious face, "We are friends, right? I'm not talking about the kind of friends who only know each other by nodding... but They are friends who can trust each other and trust each other!”

"..." Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida's serious expression, and gradually stopped the smile on his face. After pondering for a moment, he asked Yoshida hesitantly, "So, my beloved cat, can you answer me a question first? ?”

"Although we have always been editors and cartoonists... But Cheng, I have always regarded you as a friend!" Yoshida seemed to be in some kind of demonic state, completely ignoring Takahashi Makoto's question. Instead, he went into [talking mode], "Although Acheng, you have a very bad character, although Acheng, you have brought me a lot of trouble, even though... Acheng, from the day I met you, I I feel like we will become good friends and lifelong friends!”

"Hmm, I have roughly understood what you are going to say... My best friend? But before that, please answer the question I just asked!" After a brief silence, Takahashi Makoto scratched his head in confusion, "My dependents Cat, do you have a sister?”

"Huh?" Yoshida, who had just looked excited, was confused by Takahashi Makoto's question! "Sister? I don't have any sister!"

"Hey! You don't have a sister...then why are you so excited!" Makoto Takahashi's voice suddenly became much louder, "I've said it before! A true friend is someone who can entrust his daughter or sister to each other. Ah! As a single cat, it is impossible for me to have a daughter...but I don’t even have a sister! How dare you talk to me about your best friend? Humph! To become friends with His Majesty the Demon King, let’s have a daughter or find a sister first!”

"..." At this moment, Yoshida's heart should be broken!

"As my beloved cat, you must have the consciousness of being my beloved! You are just a slave, a toy, and a tool to please His Majesty the Demon King!" Makoto Takahashi slapped the table while overwhelming Yoshida with his momentum, "And... ...Don't show any resentment! Compared with the little sea otter who is simply a toy, compared with the good friend Acheng Mu Mengye who is purely used as a tool to please me, compared with those humans who are not even as good as tools, it is possible to have three You should learn to be satisfied with this title!”

"Then I really should feel honored!" Yoshida said this almost through gritted teeth!

"Hmph! My beloved is a cat, don't be too complacent!" Makoto Takahashi pulled out a stack of manga manuscripts from his desk, with a look on his face as if he was an elder educating his younger generation to get married early, "It's better to wander between partners and toys. King of Black Flame, you are still far away!”

"Hey, hey, I will try my best... I should say this at this time!" After seeing Makoto Takahashi touching the magic sword with his right hand, Yoshida said with a depressed look while taking the manga from Makoto Takahashi's hand. draft. After a casual glance, Yoshida immediately showed a look of surprise on his face, "This is, this is... the content of the latest chapter of the "CLANNAD" manga!"

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" Makoto Takahashi was a little dissatisfied with Yoshida's suspicious tone, and turned his head away in displeasure, "Although you failed to pass the trial of My Cat, you can still be considered qualified this time! There were originally The content of the first chapter of the new work...but because you are just barely qualified, that comic is temporarily sealed as a candidate for the reward!"

Is this considered tsundere?

"Let's not talk about the new comics for now... you actually finished the manga draft that was not supposed to be completed until next month in a week?" Yoshida shook his head helplessly, "Acheng, you are really... a little bit Take care of your body!”

"My beloved cat, rest assured! Even if the end of the world is the end of humanity, I will live well!" Makoto Takahashi rubbed his right eye and leaned on the chair in a weird posture, "Although it is a reward ...But among the entire "CLANNAD", the content of this chapter is my favorite! Because for readers, this is one of the most cruel things that makes people cry, just more so than Xiao Nagisa..."

Takahashi Makoto's voice became softer and softer, and finally he fell asleep like this!

"A-Cheng is really dishonest!" Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi who was sleeping. He didn't wake up, but sat on the sofa and started reading the manga! "Let me see... uh... who is this boy in the hat? By the way, Cheng must have picked up the wrong comic manuscript, right?"

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