A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 410: Interested

"Oh hi..." Makoto Takahashi, who yawned, said hello slowly and walked to the desk, only to find Yoshida sitting in his exclusive seat with a gloomy face. Makoto Takahashi, who had just recovered from sleep, , immediately put on a look of disgust, "I heard from Sebas-chan before that there was an idiot who overestimated his abilities and wanted to come to do the dungeon mission of [Single-playing the Fierce Demon King of the Phoenix Academy], so I specially started from A Thousand Years I woke up from my deep sleep... What the hell, it turns out it’s just you, my beloved cat!”

"By the way, wasn't it Cheng who asked me to come here today?" Although there were many things that could be complained about in Makoto Takahashi's words, Yoshida, who had been waiting for nearly two hours, had no intention of complaining about them one by one. Going straight to the topic, "I said someone is coming over today to discuss the animation of the comic "CLANNAD"..."

"Hey! That four-eyed fox that disturbs people's dreams... Sure enough, they should have been skinned and punished on the day they met!" Makoto Takahashi, who was originally a little depressed due to lack of sleep, after hearing Yoshida's words, the look on his face His expression became even more unhappy. He turned to look at Yoshida and complained angrily, "Hey, my beloved cat, you are serving as the representative of the monthly magazine editor this time, right? By the way, did the commander who sent you to carry out this mission bring you? Come and give it to me?”

"No! Although there have been many comments about the manga "CLANNAD" recently, Editor-in-Chief Sasaki did not ask me to convey anything to you specifically! But..." After Yoshida recalled it carefully, he looked at Gao who looked tired. Qiao Cheng let out a long sigh, "There's nothing good to say about comics, I just want to remind you not to be too desperate..."

"Oh? Is that just that? Before, I was worried that the Commander-in-Chief couldn't bear the screams and roars from the readers and would blame me for the comic plot..." Makoto Takahashi showed an expectant smile on his face, "That is, Say...the commander didn't complain resentfully because the comic caused readers to burst into tears?"

"Whether it is "PCP" by Ajou Mumenha or this time "CLANNAD", comics can cause controversy on the readers' side, which shows the influence of comics in any case... So at least on this issue, any No editor-in-chief would blame the author for such a thing!" Yoshida didn't seem to understand Takahashi Makoto's words correctly, but instead tried to comfort Takahashi Makoto! However, when Yoshida saw the weird smile on Takahashi Makoto's face, he immediately gave up the consolation and warned in a serious tone, "Of course, these are based on common sense! If Cheng's comic series is like ****Anti-human content... But for comics with that kind of content, the serialization meeting will definitely not be approved!”

"If that's the case, I'm relieved!" Makoto Takahashi seemed to have foreseen some happy scene, and the smile on his face became thicker and thicker! Looking at the puzzled Yoshida, Takahashi Makoto did not tell the scene he was eager to foresee, but changed the topic to the comic "CLANNAD"! "Speaking of My Familiar Cat, in the previous monthly issue of the magazine, in addition to calling and complaining, readers probably took other actions to vent their anger and sadness, right? For example, they mailed curse letters, blood letters, and threats. Letters, blades, explosive devices, etc... I guess they should have arrived by now, right?"

"There is no such thing!!" Yoshida finally couldn't help roaring, "Speaking of which, if these things haven't been sent out by visual inspection, the sender will be taken away directly, right?"

"Eh, eh? No way... Did the readers just use a trick like [Telephone Storm] to attack the editor's base camp?" Why do you, Takahashi Makoto, show such a regretful expression? "When I was enjoying the pleasure of killing readers on the Internet, I deliberately provoked many readers to say it. I didn't expect that it would only reach this level... I am very disappointed! I am unhappy!"

"...I'm just saying, it turns out it's all because of you, Cheng!" Yoshida's face turned very ugly instantly! Under the curious gaze of Makoto Takahashi, Yoshida stood up and took a large cardboard box from the door, slamming it in front of Makoto Takahashi, "These are the letters sent by readers this week... By the way , because there are really too many letters this time, and the editorial department really doesn’t have enough people to identify them one by one, so... Cheng, you must be mentally prepared when you want to read them!"

Originally, according to the editor's customary practice, the editor would allocate dedicated personnel to screen and identify letters sent by readers to cartoonists. For those letters that ridicule and abuse cartoonists and undermine the cartoonist's enthusiasm for creation, the editor usually We won’t leave it to the cartoonist and handle it privately! After all, no matter how good a comic is, there will always be readers who don't like it or even hate it. Among these readers, there are some who are super capable. Not only will they call the editor's headquarters to curse and ridicule, they will even mail it to them. Letter, trying to convey his ill will to the cartoonist through the editor...

After the monthly issue of this multi-chapter "CLANNAD" comic was released, the editor, after experiencing the bombardment of phone calls, realized that there would definitely be a lot of letters... But when it came time to actually face it, Only those on the editorial side understand that they were too simplistic before!

By the way, in the face of numerous letters sent by name to the cartoonist Phoenix Academy, the editor did not express sympathy for a certain middle-class cartoonist... If he had to express sympathy, it should be for the person responsible for delivering the letters. That postman boy!

Although most readers sent letters because of the plot of the comic "CLANNAD", but... After learning about Makoto Takahashi's behavior in provoking readers online, Yoshida regretted that he only sent this part today. Bring the letter! Whether he was the culprit who caused this incident to appear, or he was the mastermind who once hid in secret and planned everything, Yoshida felt that he should actually bring all the letters over and let this [source of the problem] taste the consequences of his willful behavior. Cause trouble!

Sure enough, this guy Cheng should be allowed to have a deep understanding of what it means to "bring it to one's own fault"!

Just when Yoshida was regretting his 'kindness' behavior, Makoto Takahashi was quickly opening the letters in the box! He tore open the envelope, took out the letter and shook it. After scanning it for five seconds, Takahashi Makoto picked up another letter again... The sound of the paper being torn and the sound of shaking the letter circulated at a natural frequency. Then, Yoshida, who was still in deep thought, gradually came back to his senses...

"Phoenix Academy Murderer, you idiot, draw your [beep] comics! Do you know what comics are?"

"Being able to draw such cartoons means that your heart has been twisted, right? The Phoenix Academy is really fierce [disharmonious word]!"

"Brainless plot, psychopathic cartoonist! Go to hell!"

Picking up the letters that Takahashi Makoto quickly read and threw aside, Yoshida's face instantly turned ugly after reading only two or three letters! Although he had experienced similar things before when he was the editor in charge, and although he was really unhappy with Makoto Takahashi, the person who caused the incident...but after observing this small part of the letters, Yoshida was a little angry!

Although when he received those phone calls in the editorial office, Yoshida had already expected that the letters sent by readers would not have anything nice to say. However, based on Makoto Takahashi's past attitude, Yoshida felt that for a certain middle-class cartoonist Full of confidence! At least Yoshida believes that Takahashi Makoto and manga artist Hohoin Kouma will not be affected by these mere remarks...

But when Yoshida actually started to read through these letters and truly felt the malice coming from the readers, Yoshida realized that his thinking was too simplistic! As a bystander, I feel that the contents of these letters are a bit unbearable, so as the person involved, Makoto Takahashi...

Maybe... Cheng shouldn't be allowed to see this!

"These guys really...have gone too far!" Looking at Makoto Takahashi who lowered his head and quickly flipped through the letters, and saw Makoto Takahashi who didn't complain or say anything about the second grade as usual, Yoshida's heart suddenly Full of guilt and guilt!

"Haha..." Makoto Takahashi, who had lowered his head and remained silent before, suddenly let out a creepy laugh... Is this a reply to Yoshida's complaint?

"Uh... Cheng?" Looking at Makoto Takahashi who looked up with a smile on his face, Yoshida instantly thought of the word "blackening"! Out of biological instinct, Yoshida subconsciously retreated instantly, keeping the distance between him and Makoto Takahashi at more than two meters. After looking at Makoto Takahashi warily, he asked cautiously, "Are you okay? For readers Those comments in the letter..."

"Huh? Those comments? You don't need to care at all!" Looking at Yoshida who was standing outside his attack range, Takahashi Makoto was a little unhappy at having his delusion interrupted. He waved his hand impatiently and picked it up again. Continue reading the letters on the table, "Whether it's ridicule, abuse, praise or praise... I am the one who makes the final decision on what kind of plot to draw, what kind of comics to draw, and it's all the crazy manga artist Hohoin Koshin! That's it!" As a certain bald caped man once said, I didn’t become a hero to please you, or to get some evaluation. I just wanted to be a hero because of my interest... The reason why I drew comics was also just because of my interest. I just want to paint!”

"Although I'm very happy that Acheng can think like this, but Acheng, it's actually okay to show some emotions like anger..." He took a few steps back again, if he wasn't worried about what happened when he turned around. , his head would be bitten off by a certain white coat... No, if he was killed with a sword by a certain middle-level cartoonist who had turned dark at this moment, Yoshida would have escaped from this place long ago! "Speaking of which...can you please stop showing this smile that says [I want to destroy humanity and destroy the world and become the God of the New World]?"

"Hmm? My beloved cat, I am not so much angry at this moment as I am quite happy..." Makoto Takahashi put down the letter he was reading, and gently covered his chest with his hands, with a look of joy on his face. With a frightened smile, "As early as the beginning, I had imagined that after the comic "CLANNAD" was serialized this time, I would gain a huge amount of pleasure... But I never expected that the gain this time would actually be It’s far beyond my expectations! Oh oh oh, this heart-pounding pleasure, this feeling that makes your soul tremble... it’s really delicious!”

"..." This guy is hopeless! There is absolutely no hope! This state is definitely broken, right?

"Based on the content of the previous series, it seems that the plot can provide readers with a huge amount of pleasure... This is really great!" Ignoring Yoshida's strange look, Takahashi Makoto seemed to have entered some abnormal state and talked to himself, "From the reaction of the readers this time, the plot of the next comic "CLANNAD" may allow me to feel that wonderful feeling again? Ah, I'm really looking forward to it..."

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