A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 416 Reasons for becoming the editor-in-chief

"Although the content of the comic always seems to be that Cheng is deliberately planning to take revenge... but judging from the plot development of the comic itself, this kind of ups and downs seems to be very effective!" Yoshida was sorting out the content of "Dream Eater" Comic manuscript, while saying as usual, "I accepted the comic manuscript... Although I really want to remind Cheng that you should pay attention to your health, I guess you won't listen!"

"Hey hehe..." Speaking of Takahashi Makoto, at this time you show such an embarrassed smile like "I was discovered by you", what the hell are you going to do!

"...How is the completion of the manga "CLANNAD" going?" The silence before speaking was because Yoshida was trying hard to suppress the [power of complaining] in his body! Yoshida with some difficulty suppressed the urge to complain about Takahashi Makoto, and brought the topic to another comic, "Although the previous issue of the monthly magazine that serialized the comic "CLANNAD" was released, many readers said that because of the comic The plot is too heart-wrenching and I don’t want to read it anymore, but many readers also said that after reading the part between Okazaki Tomoya and Shio, they hope to read it again..."

"As expected..." Makoto Takahashi turned around and walked to his desk. While sorting out the comic manuscripts on the desk, he began to lament about human beings' "bad nature" as usual, "Humph! Readers will see I had expected such a reaction! When human beings are in dire straits, they always hope that a hero will appear to save them. But when the hero actually appears and saves himself, not only does he not express gratitude to the hero, but he actually And he justifiably blames heroes for always appearing in times of crisis... Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, saviors are treated like this, let alone other things? Human beings are such capricious and ugly creatures..."

"A-Cheng, what you said is true... uh..." After Yoshida nodded thoughtfully and acknowledged Takahashi Cheng's point of view, he seemed to suddenly remember something and immediately slapped himself hard on the head. Then he looked at Makoto Takahashi with a black line on his face, "Speaking of Cheng, aren't we discussing the plot of the comic "CLANNAD" now? Why did the topic change to discussing the ugly aspects of human nature..."

And what saddens me the most is that I didn’t react immediately today and was led astray by Makoto Takahashi...

"My beloved cat, this means that your thinking circuit has finally been patched with a new patch, and you are beginning to get closer to the great Majesty of the Phoenix Academy!" Makoto Takahashi picked up the completed manga manuscript of "CLANNAD" and placed it on While handing it to Yoshida, he said with a smile, "Isn't this great?"

"Tsk, I don't think it's good at all when I hear what you said, Cheng!" Yoshida made such a arrogant statement while taking over the manga manuscript!

Makoto Takahashi, who was about to finish the manga manuscript, looked at Yoshida who was about to look through the manga manuscript, and suddenly asked: "Speaking of My Familiar Cat, that thing I told you about Ryuko before, you What do you think?"

"Ruko? Oh! Cheng, you mean Jinghe-kun? Of course! If it's convenient over there, I'll ask Jinghe-kun to come over later!" Hearing Takahashi Makoto mention this matter, Yoshida flipped through the comic The hand of the manuscript paused for a moment, then nodded and said, "And..."


Cheng, the comic manuscript you completed seems to no longer need the guidance of me, the editor in charge, from various aspects...

Seeing that Makoto Takahashi has begun to enter the cartoonist mode, Yoshida did not say the next words, he just said the beginning, then lowered his head and started reading the manga manuscript!

Regarding a certain middle-level cartoonist, Yoshida said that this is the most difficult guy he has ever encountered among cartoonists since he started working as an editor! When treating Takahashi Makoto, you cannot treat ordinary cartoonists with the same attitude...Yoshida has known this a long time ago! But when it comes to comics by manga artist Hohoin Yoshima, to be honest, Yoshida has gradually developed a sense of loss recently!

What kind of characters to draw, what kind of plot to draw... Cartoonist Hohoin Kouma seems to have no need for the guidance of the editor in the process of completing the manga manuscript!

How will the next plot develop and what kind of characters will appear? Every time Yoshida, after reading the manga manuscript and thinking hard for a long time, is ready to give some suggestions to Takahashi Makoto, he discovers , a certain secondary cartoonist has already realized these problems, and has already improved them on his own in the cartoon draft to be completed... Regarding certain plots or characters, the effect is even better than what Yoshida, the editor-in-chief, expected. Much better!

"Phoenixin Yakuza is really a talented person... no, he should be considered a monster-level cartoonist, right?" Regarding Makoto Takahashi's evaluation, whether in the editorial side of monthly or weekly magazines, they are basically similar to this...

Although colleagues on the editorial side all envy Yoshida for having such a monster-level cartoonist under his command; although Yoshida can't help but show off to his colleagues every time he talks about the murderous nature of the cartoonist Phoenix... However, the reality is that Yes, whenever Yoshida calms down recently, he always considers whether he is suitable to be the editor-in-chief of the cartoonist Shoin Yoshima, and even begins to doubt whether he is a qualified editor!

There is no need for the editor-in-chief to dictate the plot of the comic...because the cartoonist, Phoenix Academy Murama, can do it even better than the editor-in-chief!

The editor-in-charge doesn’t need suggestions or opinions on the character settings of the comics… because the manga artist Hououin Kyouma himself has already thought about how to perfect each character through the plot!

On the contrary, as the editor-in-charge, because I don’t know the plot of the comics, the suggestions I give are often narrow; because I don’t understand the subsequent development of the comics, the opinions I give are often one-sided… Even if I have a flash of ideas and opinions about the comics, every time Yoshida has not had time to speak out, the other party has already taken the lead and perfected it by himself!

Perhaps for the manga artist Hououin Kyouma, the editor-in-charge’s usefulness is to collect the comic manuscripts every week and every month before the deadline…

Just like the comic manuscript of this episode of "CLANNAD" in his hand, Yoshida has observed it from beginning to end no less than three times, but whether it is the development of the plot or the setting of the dialogue, there is absolutely no place to pick out problems…

But in this way, can’t anyone be the editor-in-charge of the manga artist Hououin Kyouma?

The more Yoshida flipped through the comic manuscript in his hand, the more he felt so!

Without spending most of my time on Cheng, I can use the extra time to supervise Hiramaru-kun or train the newcomer Jinghewa... This might be a good choice!

After all, Cheng doesn't need me anymore... right?

"My beloved cat, your expression... Tsk, it really looks like an abandoned pet!" Yoshida suddenly heard Takahashi Makoto's disgusted voice, and came back to his senses from his deep thoughts. What he saw was Takahashi Makoto staring at him from a close distance with curiosity, "Speaking of this chapter's comic draft, does it have this special effect of making people fall into contemplation? I remember that after Ding Ding Ji-san finished the content of this chapter, he ran to the toilet, crying and calling his father, saying extremely disgusting words... But there was no reaction like my beloved cat?"

"Maybe it's because Ding Ding brought too much of his feelings into the process of completing the comic?" Yoshida turned his head away a little unnaturally...

"Tsk, I thought I accidentally put [ The [Tears] technique was implanted into the [Silence] technique... Wait, maybe it's because your body structure is different from that of ordinary people, so this reaction occurs? Tsk! What's going on? It turns out that it's not me who's wrong, but you, my beloved cat!" Takahashi Makoto looked like he was shirking responsibility, which made Yoshida's mouth twitch unconsciously...

"Ah Cheng, you guy..." He should be angry at this moment...

"But my beloved cat, after reading this episode, you just entered a silent state without crying..." Takahashi Makoto complained a little depressed, "According to my expected effect, after reading this episode, my beloved cat will show all kinds of ugly behaviors when humans burst into tears, just like Ding Ding Ji San... Tsk! It seems that the content of this episode is visually tear-jerking. The effect is still a little lacking!"

"This is... what a bad taste!" But why...

"Hey, hey, hey, my cat, after watching such a touching father-son plot, you didn't cry? The editor-in-chief's soul in your body will cry! It will definitely cry!" Takahashi Makoto said, patting Yoshida's shoulder hard, "The existence called [Editor-in-chief's Soul] in my cat, obey the orders of my cartoonist Hououin Kyouma, in order to achieve the great cause of [love and healing], in order to implement the truth of [darkness and evil], break free from the body cage that imprisons your freedom, bring sin and darkness to the world, bring despair and destruction to mankind, become the vanguard of playing with the souls of the world, and come to this world to protect the pleasure of the great devil Hououin Kyouma. !”

“…It hurts, damn it! And there is nothing like that in my body! By the way, Cheng, you must have said that on purpose because you wanted to hit me! There is no point in turning your head away and pretending to be innocent!! You just showed an expression of [Tsk! Seen through!] on your face, right? I saw it! I saw it! ”Why is it now…

“But since it can make the absent-minded My Favorite Cat enter the [Silent] state, in a sense, the content of this episode of the manga "CLANNAD" should be considered a success, right?” Just as Yoshida was roaring angrily, Takahashi Makoto pinched his chin and sighed thoughtfully, “My Favorite Cat, as the editor-in-chief, you are the most suitable person to test the effect of the manga!”

“So my role is just to test the effect of the manga?” Although this statement is very hurtful, but…I should be angry, why do I feel a little happy at this moment?

“It seems that choosing to let My Favorite Cat be my editor-in-chief was indeed the choice of Steins;Gate! "Takahashi Makoto, who was unaware of the situation, launched a magical finishing blow to Yoshida, and it seemed that... the effect was outstanding!

"Tsk! But I always feel that... becoming your editor-in-chief, Cheng, is the most unfortunate choice in my life!"

"Oh my, you can't say that! If it's someone else on the editorial side, for example, the sea urchin head who is called a good guy by his good friends, it is estimated that he will explode before I can play with him for a few days; for example, a certain servant called a fool by the King of Black Flame, it is estimated that he will be broken in three days... at most three days; for example..." Takahashi Makoto looked Yoshida up and down, with a weird smile on his face, "After all, it is quite rare to be able to play with a guy like you, my cat, who can be bullied at will, and a toy that can be played with at will without breaking, which is quite rare!"

"..."Okay! Now Yoshida has one more reason to become the editor-in-chief of Takahashi Makoto!

To protect colleagues on the editorial side from the persecution of a certain chuunibyou cartoonist!

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