A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 427: Several people are expected to suffer a tragedy

Ever since that day, Makoto Takahashi 'drove' Shizukawa and Mayuri with the excuse of "you are no longer of use", Miss Aoi Ueno did not know the reason, or she was motivated by the cruel behavior of a certain middle-class cartoonist. Perhaps he was angry because of the tragedy of the rabbit's death, or because he couldn't bear the tragic plot of the manga "CLANNAD"... The day after Shizukawa and Mayuri left, he submitted his resignation to Takahashi Makoto [Manga artist Shoin Yoshima Assistant】This job!

What surprised Uncle Tintin was that Makoto Takahashi did not make any attempt to retain Miss Aoi Ueno, nor did he explain all the hidden truths. He simply agreed to Miss Aoi Ueno... Perhaps a middle-class cartoonist seemed to You have already anticipated this situation, so you can be so calm, right?

Uncle Tintin originally thought that Takahashi Makoto would explain himself to him after Miss Aoi Ueno left, but... Takahashi Makoto was still busy completing the manga drafts that he should have completed every day, and he had no intention of explaining at all!

"Alas! I mean Cheng..." Uncle Tintin tried to vent the depression caused by the silent environment through a long sigh, but the visual effect was not very good... At least Takahashi Makoto, who was painting, did not act like Uncle Tintin paid no attention to himself as expected, but focused all his energy on the comic manuscript to be completed! "Is this really good?"

Although the workload has indeed increased a lot compared to before, but complaining... Uncle Tintin has passed the age of acting like a spoiled brat! The reason for raising such a question is not only because the work environment has become depressing recently, but more importantly, Uncle Ding Ding can no longer bear it!

"Although compared to animation, the performance in comics is indeed lacking, but..." Makoto Takahashi quickly waved the brush in his hand and said excitedly, "Humph! This super electromagnetic force that penetrates the sky The gun...isn't it also very gorgeous? Then...let's do it again! Oh la oh la oh la oh la..."

"...Forget it, forget it!" Uncle Tintin, who was being ignored, looked at Makoto Takahashi who was clearly in an [excited state] over there, and decisively chose to swallow the words that came to his lips, and continued to work with his head down as if resigned to his fate... ...Speaking of which, it’s just a manga draft. Makoto Takahashi, do you need to activate the [Hokuto-ryu] battle preparation mode?

Although there is only Uncle Tintin left among the assistants at this stage, the comic draft of "CLANNAD" has been completed. The only comic draft that really needs to be completed is "Dream Eater", which is still serialized in the weekly! What's more, judging from the speed at which Makoto Takahashi completes the manga manuscript, let alone Uncle Tintin as an assistant, even if Makoto Takahashi is left alone, he will definitely be able to complete the manga manuscript before the weekly deadline!

Of course, this is not good news for Uncle Tintin...

One second, he was finishing the comic draft with a "concentrated attitude that no one else could bear to disturb". The next second, he was wielding the magic sword and performing high-speed slashes while saying puzzling words or making disturbing noises. Trembling mad laughter... Ahem, in short, since the assistant side has been significantly reduced in staff, putting aside the depressing and sad thing of [the number of comic manuscripts that need to be completed has increased significantly], Uncle Tintin said that he is alone When facing Makoto Takahashi, he felt quite insecure!

Although only Makoto Takahashi and Uncle Tintin are left, for the only remaining weekly serial comic "Dream Eater", the number of comic manuscripts that need to be completed and handed over to Yoshida every week is less than before. It’s not a very heavy job. At least Uncle Tintin no longer has to work from morning to night drawing cartoons like he did some time ago...

Although there is nothing wrong with thinking this way... But Uncle Tintin seems to underestimate Takahashi Makoto!

The mood has not been affected by the large departure of assistants, and the number of comic drafts completed by a certain second-grade cartoonist has not decreased... No, the correct statement should be that with the number of toys for Takahashi Makoto to obtain pleasure Reduced, a certain middle-level cartoonist was able to concentrate on completing the comic manuscripts, but the number of completed comic manuscripts increased a lot!

"Yoshi, the mission is accomplished!" Putting down the brush and taking out his mobile phone, Makoto Takahashi was still in the habit of having a mysterious phone call with [Unknown Existence] after completing the comic draft, "According to the plan, what is to be done next The thing is...well, as the [Snake Apostle], of course I know...yes, all this is for the great [Leader]! ELPSYCONGROO!"

"I mean Cheng..." After watching Makoto Takahashi put down the phone, Uncle Tintin brought up the previous topic again, "About Shizugawa-kun and Mayuri-chan... Aren't you going to explain it to Aoi-chan? Although I don’t know what your plans are for Cheng’s delay in explaining to Aoi-chan, but even if you don’t explain, Jinghe-kun will tell Aoi-chan sooner or later!”

"Well...if the script develops like this, it would be quite interesting!" Makoto Takahashi flipped through the manga manuscripts on the table and said expectantly, "The gears of fate have begun to turn, and the relationship between boys and girls The threads of fate are entangled like a spiral...Ah, all of this is indeed the choice of the door of destiny!"

Although he didn't understand what Makoto Takahashi was talking about, Uncle Tintin could feel that whether it was Shizukawa and Mayuri who were nominally forced to leave, or Aoi Ueno who later left voluntarily, it seemed that the assistant's reaction to leaving the three people was different. In the calculation of a certain second-grade cartoonist... And looking at Makoto Takahashi's devilish smile and the look of expectation on his face, Uncle Tintin felt somewhat sympathetic to the three colleagues who had left!

"A person who is good at drawing bloody and brutal scenes, and a person who can reflect the darkness of the heart through comics, this combination is perfect! According to the practice of [increase in favorability comes from daily life], Ryuko is working with Mayuri to complete the comics During the drafting process, due to long-term cooperation, a tacit understanding that others cannot understand will arise in the mutual collaboration, so some wonderful changes may occur between the two former assistants..." Gao Qiao Cheng took out an unused piece of manuscript paper, and after casually smearing the two primary school students' favorite [stickman] images on the paper, he further explained to Uncle Tintin, whose mouth began to twitch, "And the most fortunate thing is, Ryuko and Mayuri have different genders, so they avoid the same mistake as Ajou Mumenha who embarked on the branch line of "both a cartoonist and a gay friend". Instead, they began to move towards the little sea otter, who was "both a winner in life and a gay friend". Toy Shou] branch line forward..."

"That is to say... Cheng, do you want to bring Shizugawa-kun and Mayuri-chan together?" Makoto Takahashi only roughly described his plan, but Uncle Tintin had already understood the ultimate goal of a certain middle-class cartoonist... ...Should I say that he is worthy of being the assistant to manga artist Hohoin Kouma?

"Matching up... Tsk, Tintin Gi-san, what a vulgar statement!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Uncle Tintin with disgust, frowned and corrected his statement, "This is to implement the righteousness of [Love and Healing], What a special aid action!”

"Yes, is that so?" Why do I feel that the fire of gossip in your body is burning, Cheng... Inconsistency is a god-level skill that adults must master, especially someone like Uncle Tintin. An assistant who works for a middle-class cartoonist!

"In order to fill the whole world with [Love and Healing], in order to re-correct the distorted and even wrong concepts of human beings, I, the Phoenix Academy, really threw myself into the [Body-Eating Snake] led by the [Alliance Leader]..." Gao Qiao Cheng completely ignored Uncle Tintin's confused and ignorant look, and began to explain his reasons for joining the association, "And this incident of Liuzi, although it seems that Liuzi just wants to follow us, and embark on the path called [Rebellion] The thorny road of the leader, but... in fact, this is just an experiment to verify whether the [Human Transformation Plan] proposed by our Phoenix Academy to the great [Alliance Leader] has made breakthrough progress!"

"Uh..." Uncle Ding Ding doesn't want to hear any more...

Putting aside the important question of [whether you can understand it], Uncle Tintin is very worried now. He is worried that Takahashi Makoto, who is emotional at the moment, will torment himself with the excuse of [you know too much]! Although they will definitely not be subjected to assassination or execution, but... being suspended in the air like insect chrysalises like Yoshida and Ueno Aoi before is also an unbearable treatment!

So...it's time to change the subject!

"Then Aoi-chan... uh..." To be honest, it's not that Uncle Ding Ding is not proficient in changing the subject, but the prehistoric spirit in your body... No, the soul of gossip has also begun to burn, right?

"Good question!" Makoto Takahashi showed a proud smile on his face, and happily described his great blueprint to Uncle Tintin who was obviously showing off "I don't want to hear it anymore", "After the little animal ran away in anger, I will definitely go to Liuzi to question the truth, and after discovering the hidden truth... hum, [whitewashing] can greatly increase my favorability! Then..."

"Wait! If it really develops like this, then Aoi-chan... Cheng, you..." Uncle Tintin looked at Makoto Takahashi with a puzzled expression, "Aren't you worried that Rina-chan will chop you into pieces and feed it to the dogs?"

"So the next step is the key to the plan!" Makoto Takahashi ignored Uncle Tintin's vicious curse and continued to explain in an orderly manner, "...and then when the guilty little animal comes to the door, I will mentally and physically The best candidate for the job of physically attacking her with an extremely effective double attack, and then comforting and curing the injured animal was, of course, Liuzi who rushed here after receiving the notice! , Liuzi will be forced to start the plot route of [Small Animal Line]... There should be no need to analyze the following things, right? "

"That is to say..." At this moment, Uncle Ding Ding already felt a little sympathy for the unsuspecting Jing Hehe...

"In order to prevent getting lost in the future, I kindly helped Liuzi solve his worries, so that Liuzi could calm down and complete the comics, and dance with us on the gorgeous stage as a cartoonist. ...Isn’t it said that behind every successful man, there should be a successful woman? If there are two women, the effect should be doubled!" Makoto Takahashi pinched his chin, with a look of anticipation on his face. , "But will Liuzi successfully open the Crystal Palace to fly in the end, or will he receive the special treatment of being cut in half by Hatao Haochuan... I'm really looking forward to it!"

Uncle Ding Ding, please stop looking at Takahashi Makoto with that expectant look of "When will this devilish guy be punished by God?" Without awakening the "Magic Eyes", you cannot see the death line or fate of Takahashi Makoto, and you cannot predict the future of a certain chuunibyou manga artist!

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