A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 449 This is [Love and Peace]!

In order to facilitate the explanation later and to prevent Yoshida from being blinded by anger and losing his temper, Makoto Takahashi specifically asked Yoshida to put all the single volumes of "DN" on the bookshelf on the table...

"Hey, Makoto, I'm waiting for your explanation..." After finally sorting out the single volumes of "DN", Yoshida complained to Makoto Takahashi unhappily, "If you don't explain it clearly later... Humph!"

Moving a thick stack of comics to the table is a physical job...

Of course, the root cause of Yoshida's anger is that Makoto Takahashi did not put his debut works in the most conspicuous position like other cartoonists, but randomly placed them in various positions on several bookshelves! Looking for the single volumes of "DN" from the three bookshelves, especially some of the single volumes were crazily wrapped in other book covers by Makoto Takahashi...If it weren't for the fact that Makoto Takahashi would seriously explain the new comics to him later, Yoshida would have gone on strike long ago!

"Hey, my cat, before I explain the new comic to you, I have to confirm one thing with you first!" Takahashi Makoto squatted on the sofa, stroking the magic sword, and asked Yoshida in a serious tone, "Have you ever resented me, or even resented me to the extent of wanting to kill me?"

"Eh? I..." Yoshida originally wanted to give a positive answer, but after seeing the magic sword in Takahashi Makoto's hand and the right eye of a certain chuuni cartoonist that occasionally flashed with murderous intent, the shameless Yoshida violated the principle of "real men should tell the truth" in order to survive, and shook his head against his will to deny, "I, I have never thought of killing you, Cheng..."

"Really? That's really regretful... cough cough, it really makes me happy!" Hey, hey, hey, Takahashi Makoto, when you say this, dare you not show that kind of regretful look of "Tsk! My cat actually gave such an answer that didn't give me an excuse to kill him"?

"Okay, now that I have answered your question, Acheng, then..." Yoshida, who made the right choice and escaped the disaster, naturally did not want to continue talking with Takahashi Makoto about this topic that endangered his life, and decisively began to distract Takahashi Makoto's attention! "Can we start analyzing your new manga now?"

"Tsk!" Makoto Takahashi pouted unhappily, pointed at the single volume of "DN" on the table, and slowly said to Yoshida, "Then let's start with the manga "DN"! My beloved cat, what do you think Light Yagami is..."

"Wait, aren't we going to analyze that new manga? Why do we have to start with "DN"? " Yoshida stared at Makoto Takahashi with a suspicious look, and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that what you said before about [love and peace] was completely nonsense?"

"Of course not!" Makoto Takahashi suddenly turned his head away and muttered softly, "It's just that I just think that with your wisdom, my beloved cat, it's hard to explain it to you clearly without using examples..."

"...Okay!" Yoshida suddenly felt a sense of helplessness after being fooled by Makoto Takahashi's unnatural behavior. Feeling the power, he spread his hands helplessly, "Then, Cheng, go on!"

"In the comic "DN", Light Yagami's will, or mental power, is beyond the scope of normal humans... My cat, do you agree with this?" Looking at Yoshida's thoughtful look, Takahashi Makoto continued to add, "After Light got the small book, whether it was killing the first person or punishing criminals, killing his own kind as a human being... Light, who can have such awareness and can transform the [guilt of killing] into his own motivation to [become the God of the New World], can't be measured by normal human standards in a sense?"

"In a sense, I think Cheng you seem to be..." Yoshida complained in his heart, while pretending to nod and agree with Takahashi Makoto's point of view... It's really hard for you, Yoshida-kun!

"Killing is something that humans cannot bear mentally or willfully, because humans are humans, neither laws nor gods, and have no right to punish others, so no one in the world has the right to deprive others of their lives!" Takahashi Makoto picked up the new comic on the table, flipped it gently, and slowly said to Yoshida, "In the beginning, the price of using the Death Book in "DN", perhaps the readers did not notice it... But after this comic is serialized, perhaps most readers will understand that in a person's life, there is only one person who can be killed, and that is oneself!"

"...Should I say that Ah Cheng is worthy of being a graduate of the Department of Philosophy?" He looked completely confused, but he said such words... Is Yoshida complimenting? This is definitely a compliment!

"After using [Hell Communication], although you can send the person you hate directly to hell, as a price, after you die, your soul will not be able to reach the paradise, and will forever wander in hell, enduring endless pain and torture..." Takahashi Makoto read the words of Enma Ai in the comics, then looked up at Yoshida seriously, "Hey, my cat, from this rule, have you noticed anything? Do you think this setting is familiar?"

"Well... When I first saw this, I did have a familiar feeling..." Yoshida was very happy that Takahashi Makoto could communicate normally...

"Actually, the answer is very simple. It's the law in reality!" Makoto Takahashi watched Yoshida's expression change from frown to realization and then to frown again. Before the other party could ask a question, he continued to explain, "In reality, except Those mentally abnormal beings, many of them kill people because their resentment has reached a level beyond their control... But in the comics, this is a condition for being able to connect to [Hell Communication]!"

"You said that..." After Yoshida thought for a moment, he looked at Makoto Takahashi in surprise, "Could it be..."

"In reality, after human beings kill other people, they will be punished by the law and go to prison on the charge of [murderer], or even be sentenced to death!" Makoto Takahashi slowly closed the manga manuscript in his hand , sighing to Yoshida who was thinking, "But in the comics, it is not so cruel. It just allows people who use [Hell Communication] to be punished after death..."

"But no matter what kind of resentment it is based on, or what kind of reason it is based on, killing is killing! As I said before, people can only kill themselves and have no right to deprive others of their lives!" Makoto Takahashi put down the comic. He gently combed the hair on Liuli's body who suddenly jumped into his arms, and suddenly showed a helpless smile, "But My Familiar Cat, you have also seen that in the comics, Yama Ai once did There have been reminders to tell humans the price of using [Hell Communication], but humans still use it regardless of the cost because they cannot bear their resentment..."

"Everyone has moments when they are so resentful that they want to kill others... So even if there are legal restrictions in reality, some people still commit murders, and in the comics, because of the existence of [Hell Communication], the people are People dominated by resentment are even more unscrupulous!" Although Takahashi Makoto tried his best to explain the comics to Yoshida in a calm tone, Yoshida could hear the helplessness in Takahashi Makoto's heart! "However, human beings have never thought that if their hearts are filled with love, if they are not dominated by the so-called resentment...what kind of changes will happen in this world without resentment?"

"A peaceful world...?" Yoshida laughed at himself with the same lonely expression...

"So My Familiar Is Cat, now do you understand the true meaning of this comic?" Makoto Takahashi's eyes flashed with extremely dazzling light, "This comic called "Hell Girl" has brought great changes to mankind. It is not an opportunity for unscrupulous killing, but just to let the existence called human beings know that the resentment between people is not an excuse and reason to kill each other! And once the resentment between people is eliminated... …Isn’t what is left called [love and peace]?”

There is one update on Monday, two updates on Tuesday, and three updates on Wednesday. For readers who think of three updates, a certain cat can only sigh: He is really kind and simple! (laugh)

It depends on the situation. Although the sister who works in the same office as a certain cat is back, the distribution of workload is still one person doing the work of two people. Update a certain cat and do your best!

PS: Today’s second update is a certain cat’s personal perception of “Hell Girl”. Whether it’s right or wrong, this is how a certain cat thinks and feels. I don’t force you readers to understand, accept or even agree with it, but A certain cat feels that it is always good to have more exchanges of ideas and keep people in a state of learning ~ above ~

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