A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 458: Special method to improve strength

Taiwanese novel website →𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞

"Uh... what the hell is this?" Yoshida seemed to have walked into the wrong door, standing at the door and refusing to enter Takahashi Makoto's house. He looked at Rina, who was smiling bitterly, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked suspiciously, "Rina-chan, what does Makoto want to do today?"

"Improve your strength... Makoto-kun told me so before!" Rina, a big star who is used to big scenes, is a little confused about her husband's weird and strange behavior at this moment, "Makoto-kun said that this is the fastest way to improve your strength..."

"Let me explain this point!" After Sebastian offered Yoshida the black tea, he bowed slightly, and his face still maintained that unpleasant expression With a moderate smile, "According to the young master, among all the methods of improving strength, this method is said to be the most effective and the most efficient one..."

"Lie, lie, right? How can this be called improving strength? It can't be... But that's not right, you are still wearing a white coat at this time, you should at least change clothes or something, right? Ah, I don't know where to start complaining!" Yoshida pulled his hair a little madly, and asked unwillingly, "Also, what the hell does this situation have to do with improving strength?"

The reason why Yoshida couldn't complain was very simple... Because the current situation has completely exceeded the understanding of Yoshida, a senior editor-in-chief!

Previously, Takahashi Makoto told Yoshida that the reason for the decline in the performance of his comic "Dream Eater" was due to his lack of strength! Then Takahashi Makoto kindly reminded Yoshida that in order to improve his strength, he would take some special actions...

According to Yoshida's understanding, if a cartoonist wants to improve his strength, it is very likely that he will [find a way to improve his painting skills] or [find a way to improve his ability to grasp the plot of the comics]... In short, it means spending time thinking about the plot of the comics and honing his painting skills!

Although the methods mentioned above can indeed improve the strength of cartoonists, these are not things that can be effective in the short term! What's more, Takahashi Makoto is now serializing in a monthly magazine while serializing in a weekly magazine...A certain chuuni cartoonist who serializes three comics at the same time can complete the corresponding comic manuscripts before the deadline, which is already very good. Does he still have the mind and time to think about the plot of the comics and hone his painting skills?

Because he was worried that Makoto Takahashi would be overworked because of the pressure to improve his strength, Yoshida came to Makoto Takahashi's house early this morning after tossing and turning all night to see if Makoto Takahashi's so-called "strength improvement" method would affect Makoto Takahashi's rest... If Makoto Takahashi really planned to spend his precious rest time constantly drawing or something, Yoshida said that he would rather let Makoto Takahashi's serialized comics have such bad performance that they were forced to be cut off, and he would also dissuade Makoto Takahashi from such desperate behavior!

In Yoshida's imagination, after entering Makoto Takahashi's house, the first thing he would see should be the many comic manuscripts scattered on the ground, which is direct evidence of a certain middle school cartoonist staying up late to draw; then he should see a certain middle school cartoonist with dark circles under his eyes and a tired face, holding the brush in his trembling hands, still unwilling to rest and drawing on the manuscript paper; finally...

But when Yoshida arrived at Makoto Takahashi's house, the scene he saw was somewhat... no, it should be said that it was completely different from what he expected!

Yoshida imagined that he should be a middle school manga artist with a tired face, but now he is sitting cross-legged on a chair with a lively look, and a cat and a dog are lying quietly opposite him! On the desk where he used to complete the comic manuscript, there is now an incense burner, and the burning incense creates a misty environment...

"Oh? My cat, you are here..." Takahashi Makoto looked at Yoshida who was complaining to Rina and Sebastian, and did not taunt and attract hatred as usual. Instead, he greeted with a smile, and then continued his... well, special skills of [improving strength] to the crawling cat and dog! "Then Pavlov and Schrödinger, let's continue... The way of heaven is to reduce the surplus and make up for the deficiency. All living beings in the world are the way, but living beings in the world cannot prove the way with their bodies..."

"Sure enough..." Yoshida's mouth began to twitch...

Takahashi Makoto's behavior of talking about [the way] to the cat and the dog lasted for a whole morning... and in contrast, Yoshida's mouth twitched for a whole morning!

What the hell is this special skill called [Strength Enhancement]? What the hell can improve strength? It's just a waste of time, isn't it!

"My cat, as expected, your realm has not reached that level yet, so it's natural that you don't understand!" Before Yoshida, whose face was full of doubts and anger, exploded, Takahashi Makoto shook his head gently, and said with a slightly regretful tone, "As a primate, you have listened for a whole morning, but you haven't gained as much as Dingchun and Liuli... Alas! My cat, even though you are a human, your comprehension is too poor, right?"

"What does this have to do with comprehension?" Yoshida really wanted to pull Takahashi Makoto's collar and activate the [Collar Pulling Roar] skill! However, when he thought that there was not only Takahashi Makoto, who was much more powerful than himself, but also a rumored extremely black-bellied butler... Yoshida could only fantasize in his heart! "By the way, Cheng, you spent a whole morning, what exactly do you want to do..."

"Of course it's the legendary [Discussion on Taoism]!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida with some sympathy, but his tone of voice was full of ridicule and disdain, "My beloved cat, I will do it for you Shame on my superficial knowledge!”

"Uh..." Yoshida vaguely heard about Takahashi Makoto's statement... But it is said that this kind of thing seems to be something that immortals and others would do in the mythology of Zhongzhou, right? And... Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi with a somewhat unkind look, "By the way, does this have anything to do with you [improving your strength]?"

"Regarding the special techniques of [improving strength], among the methods I know, [Enlightenment] is the most effective and fastest way!" Makoto Takahashi said matter-of-factly, "[Discuss Tao] with all living creatures, It is helpful to understand [Tao], this is... Tsk, my companion is a cat, these are common sense contents, you can read some books when you have time!"

"..." After a brief silence, Yoshida finally burst out the anger that had been brewing for a long time! "What kind of common sense is this? Takahashi Makoto, you are a cartoonist! A cartoonist! The way for a cartoonist to improve his strength is not to draw more cartoons and think about the plot? Enlightenment? Understand your sister's way!"

"One is all, all is one!"

"Hey, hey, hey, this is not what you are talking about [Tao] at all! This is a line from "Steel"! Don't forget that I am your editor in charge!"

"Alas! My beloved is a cat, haven't you understood yet? The Tao of Heaven is impermanent, and all laws are Tao! Whether it's perception, painting, or even alchemy... they're all actually a type of [Tao]!"

"A Cheng, you are a cartoonist..."

"A mere cat of mine who doesn't even understand [Tao] actually dares to talk about [Tao] with the great Majesty of the Phoenix Academy. You really overestimate your ability!"


So the result is obvious... Yoshida is completely defeated!

"Hey! It took a lot of time, my beloved cat, you are indeed the undercover sent by the organization, right?" Makoto Takahashi finally let Yoshida go... No, the correct way to say it is, because Makoto Takahashi will still I have other things to do, so I don’t want to spend any more time on Yoshida!

Although he had been beaten by Makoto Takahashi and was squatting in the corner drawing circles, Yoshida was still paying attention to Makoto Takahashi's every move! Watching Makoto Takahashi pull out a previously published weekly magazine "Shounen Jumk" from the bookshelf, Yoshida was still a little confused about what Makoto Takahashi wanted to do, but when Makoto Takahashi opened the weekly magazine, he began to copy the previous serials by Eiji Shinzuma. After reading the manga, Yoshida had some vague speculations...

"A Cheng, what are you..."

"Huh? My Familiar Cat, I have achieved this level, and you still don't understand?" Makoto Takahashi began to copy the comics while replying to Yoshida with disdain, "This is also a way to improve your strength. !and……"


"If you don't fully master the [Fusion] skill, you can't eliminate the so-called hidden dangers!"

Ahem, writing novels is also a kind of [Tao], and coding is also a kind. So dear readers, maybe one day a cat will soar after writing it ~

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