A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 470 Appeared! The real-life uncle version....

Chapter 470 Appeared! The real-life uncle version.

Recently, Makoto Takahashi's attention has been basically focused on the comic "Dream Eater" serialized in the weekly "Shounen Jumk". This was originally a scene that Yoshida wanted to see... Of course, if a middle-class cartoonist's Yoshida might be more happy if all the attention was focused on the comic "Dream Eater" instead of negative comments from readers!

As for the two comics serialized in the monthly magazine, apart from submitting the comic manuscripts to Yoshida on time, Takahashi Makoto did not spend too much time paying attention to it like other cartoonists... According to a second-year cartoonist's comments to the editor-in-chief Yoshida The explanation is that all of this is a [free-range] education on the comic "Railgun" and the comic "White Rabbit Candy"!

Although Takahashi Makoto's irresponsible approach made Yoshida feel quite speechless, but with the results of the previous "CLANNAD" serialization, Yoshida did not say anything, especially in the comic "White Rabbit Candy" which achieved Yoshida's unexpected success. After the results, a certain editor in charge completely gave up the opportunity to persuade Takahashi Makoto!

The comic "White Rabbit Candy" is a healing comic, and Yoshida knows this... But in the past two months, the performance of this comic has actually suppressed the performance of the cartoonist Shizukawa's "Zhan" and the cartoonist [ Makoto Shinkai's "Railgun", this was completely beyond the expectations of Yoshida and the editor of the monthly magazine!

"By the way, the recent results of the comic "White Rabbit Candy"... seem a bit unscientific!" Takeshita looked at the ranking of the comics in his hand with an incomprehensible expression on his face.

"Do you feel the same way, Takeshita-kun?" Toda bit a lollipop and quickly flipped through the weekly "Shounen Jumk" in his hand, asking in a vague voice, "At the beginning, we all were very interested in "Sonen Jumk". The comic "White Rabbit Candy" is not a good one... Although I did not directly say something as outrageous as the deputy editor did, "This comic will be cut in half after three months of serialization", but I also agreed with the deputy editor's opinion at the time. ! But looking at the current results of "White Rabbit Candy"...should it be said that it is a manga by Phoenix Academy Master? Maybe the reason why the deputy editor took sick leave recently is because of his swollen face? "

"Originally, I thought that Shizuka-kun's manga "Zhan" could use the recent plot to suppress the "Railgun" manga..." Takeshita did not answer Toda's words, but was a little depressed. He muttered, "Unexpectedly, the two comics that were supposed to fight fiercely were actually suppressed by "White Rabbit Candy" that had been ignored!"

"That's right... Although I admit that the teacher of the Phoenix Academy is very good, but this "White Rabbit Candy" is basically about the daily life between father and daughter, and its performance in recent times has actually surpassed the other two. This comic is completely different from what we originally expected!" Regarding Takeshita's depression, Toda did not add insult to injury. Instead, he began to talk equally depressedly, "Just like Takeshita-kun, the comic "White Rabbit Candy" The results are not scientific at all... Tsk, why did it come to such a result? "

"Perhaps it's because "White Rabbit Candy" is also a healing comic?" Takeshita looked at the monthly magazine with some uncertainty. After pondering for a moment, he gave an answer with his [intuition] as the editor in charge. A seemingly reasonable explanation is, "Following the conclusion of the comic "CLANNAD", the cartoonist Phoenix Institute Jiuzhen has created another healing comic... Perhaps it is for this reason that it can achieve such results, right?"

"Hey, hey, Takeshita-kun, are you trying to say that because readers of the monthly magazine like this kind of healing comic very much, the performance of the comic "White Rabbit Candy" will get better and better with the serialization, right? "Toda looked at Takeshita in disbelief, quickly flipped through the manga manuscript in his hand, and said in a sympathetic tone, "If this is true, then it is really a big deal for the manga artists who have submitted their contributions in recent times. What a disaster!”

"That's not the case, Toda-kun!" Takeshita put down the monthly magazine and began to review the manga manuscripts sealed in folders on the table. "It is also a healing manga. Compared with the [brutal" manga like "CLANNAD" Level] comics, the comic "White Rabbit Candy" is much gentler in terms of pace and plot! If the comic "CLANNAD" is as intense as a roller coaster, then the comic "White Rabbit Candy" is like drifting with the tide! Like a small boat..."

"The plot of the comic "CLANNAD" follows the ups and downs style of "laughing while crying, and tears while laughing", while the plot of the comic "White Rabbit Candy" highlights the use of "simple and calm daily life" Warm and Healing Life] This style..." As an editor-in-chief, Toda naturally has the professionalism to match his title... Although he highly praises Makoto Takahashi's comics, he still expresses his regret for not being able to become a middle-class cartoonist. For Toda, this sense of loss will only make the editor-in-chief even more depressed! "Tsk, such a monster cartoonist...that guy Yoshida is just out of luck!"

"Speaking of Toda-kun, are you still depressed about not being able to become the editor-in-chief of Hoho-in Kouma-sensei?" When talking about the editor-in-chief of the manga artist Kouma-hoho-in, Toda, who was already a little depressed, became Even more depressed, but Takeshita, who was just a little depressed at first, became happy! "As long as Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Academy agrees, you can become the editor in charge... Didn't Yoshida-kun already say so? According to your character, you should..."

"Do you think I haven't tried it?" Hearing his colleague's complaints, Toda, who was already quite depressed, roared like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "I personally visited Mr. Hououin Kyouma no less than fifty times, and I was hoarse with nice words... But what was the result? Not only did I get a direct rejection without any tact every time, but there were even several times when I almost reported to the underworld because I witnessed and was involved in the real sword battle between Mr. Hououin Kyouma and that smiling butler!"

"No less than fifty times...?" Ignoring Toda's face that looked like kidney deficiency after roaring, Takeshita turned his head away with a frown...

"That's right! In order to show my sincerity as the editor-in-chief, I followed the example of the predecessors... Hey, Takeshita-kun, what's that look in your eyes?" Seeing that Takeshita seemed to question his sincerity, Toda said frankly without any sense of abnormality!

Should I say you deserve it? This level of frequent visits, let alone showing sincerity, even if he is reported to the police as a [stalker] or [voyeur], you won’t feel wronged, right?

Think about it, facing an uncle with the awareness of [If you don’t agree to my request, I will pester you to the end], normal people will be angry, except for gay fanatics, right? So... Takahashi Makoto, who deliberately involved Toda in sword fights several times, is definitely a good person [kind by nature] in a sense!

"Ahem... It’s nothing... By the way, the sage you just mentioned should be the one who visited the thatched cottage three times... right?" Discrediting the sage... There is a more advanced and innovative way!

"Of course!" Completely unaware of Takeshita's increasingly weird gaze, Toda's face showed an inexplicable smile, as if he had fallen into some kind of delusion, "If I can become the editor-in-chief of the cartoonist Fenghuangyuan Kyouma... Oh oh... If I can become the editor-in-chief... Hehe..."

Appeared! The uncle version of [Shirai Kuroko] in real life has appeared!

Ahem, I apologize for the lack of updates in the past few days!

Something happened in my hometown, so I went back. Because I left in a hurry, I didn't have time to post an announcement. I sincerely apologize to all the readers!

I didn't get home until 9:30 tonight. I can still write a chapter, so I'll write one chapter first.

I sincerely apologize again, meow~ Dear readers, please go to bed early at night!

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