A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 489 The next target is Yacheng Mu Mengye

There are many ways to control a person, such as using reason, using emotion, coercing the person, etc... But if the object to be controlled is a small sea otter, Takahashi Makoto said that there is no need for the previous methods. It's a very troublesome method to operate, and it doesn't even require the most basic and simple threat of force!

After all, facing a mere little sea otter, you only need to use a little verbal talent... to have a "harmonious and friendly communication" is enough!

"Yoshi, the contract has been completed!" Takahashi Makoto raised a thick pile of contracts in his hand, ignored the burned little sea otter beside him, and said excitedly to Yoshida, whose face was full of black lines, "It has been captured I found a wild little sea otter! Next, let’s head towards Yacheng Mu Mengye’s house, Bikachao... uh no, it should be my beloved cat!”

"Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you, Cheng, is it really okay for you to do this to Hiramaru-kun?" Although Yoshida usually thinks that he treats the little sea otter badly enough, after observing what Makoto Takahashi did just now, Yoshida I really feel that I was quite friendly to the little sea otter in the past! "You will be punished by God! You will definitely be punished by God for doing this! Why don't you think about it again, Cheng? After all...the contracts in your hands are really too vicious, aren't they?!"

"My beloved cat, you who have never experienced a long wait will never understand the resentment in our hearts! Besides... how do you usually treat the little sea otter? Do you think you are really qualified to say this?" Complaining dissatisfied with Yoshida's words, Takahashi Makoto raised the contract in his hand and asked with a joking face, "For example, [If you don't complete the manga manuscript properly, you will enter a debt crisis], what [If you don't finish the manga manuscript seriously, your wife will be in trouble" I will be abducted by my assistant], and these conditions such as [I will lose everything I have now if I don’t finish the manga]... Aren’t these all the things you suggested to me when I made the contract just now? Familiar Cat, you seem to be more excited than me! And those additional conditions... Speaking of my Familiar Cat, are you sure this is not your curse on the little sea otter?"

"Tame... ahem, if you want to guide Hiramaru-kun, this method is naturally the most reasonable and effective!" Yoshida's face straightened and he said righteously, "Hiramaru-kun is a rare person in a hundred years... no, a rare one in ten years. He is a talented cartoonist. If it were not for this method, Hiramaru-kun would probably gradually lose his amazing talent due to his short-term self-satisfaction..."

"So...the threats that you, my beloved cat, have provided, which sound like crazy threats, are actually intended to spur the little sea otter to prevent this talent from going to waste?" After hearing this, Takahashi Seibu After finishing the high-sounding excuse that Yoshida had not yet finished, the little sea otter who looked like a spoiled little sea otter just now was looking at Yoshida with excitement, the corners of his mouth were trembling, and he wanted to say something but could not. Say it...

"This, this is of course! Because I am Hiramaru-kun's editor in charge!" Although he was a little lacking in confidence, in order to increase the favorability of the little sea otter, Yoshida shamefully admitted it!

"Sure enough, this is another excuse! But I understand, I understand. After all, my companion cat is just an editor. It is very rare to go out today and bring a brain or something!"

"Hey, hey, Cheng, you guy..."

Speaking of Takahashi Makoto and Yoshida...you two just have such a brutal conversation in front of the little sea otter as if nothing happened. Are you really a man? I didn't see the little sea otter over there, and I was already imagining that I would take the opportunity to throw myself into Miss Cang Shuhong's arms for comfort.

"Tsk! You actually use this method to gain favor with the cartoonist under your command... As expected, your shamelessness is as shameless as that of Drill!" Makoto Takahashi saw the look on Yoshida's face He looked proud, but did not continue to say anything. He turned around and stared at the little sea otter, "So... little sea otter, you have remembered everything I told you before, right?"

"Yes! I will definitely abide by the teachings of the God of the Phoenix Academy and complete this comic for you with all my heart!" The little sea otter, who had just been praised by Yoshida for his kind words, was moved by a certain second-grade cartoonist [full of majesty] Under his gaze, he immediately transformed into the most devout believer and answered Takahashi Makoto’s words very respectfully!

"Very good! You are indeed an obedient little sea otter!" Makoto Takahashi snapped his fingers, then turned to Yoshida and said, "My beloved cat, you have wasted too much time... Now it's time to hit the road." Bar?"

"Although I know Cheng, you are urging me... but I always feel that these words are full of malice!" After Yoshida complained helplessly, he was also ready to leave with Takahashi Makoto... However, before leaving, Yoshida He patted the little sea otter's shoulder hard and said in a sinister way, "Those things I specified in the contract are actually absolutely impossible for Hiramaru-kun... After all, you and Mr. Soju Kurenai Already married! So Mr. Hiramaru, you should know by now that the person who is really threatening you this time is not me but Cheng!"

"Yes! That's it!" The little sea otter suddenly reacted and said with a reassuring smile, "My Yuri-chan will never abandon me!"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Yoshida turned to Takahashi Makoto, who had disappeared, and a devilish smile appeared on his face, "Hiramaru-kun, you seem to underestimate your [Phoenix Academy Divine Appearance] too much, don't you? If Acheng really has this plan, even if Teacher Cang Shuhong will not abandon you, I think that guy Acheng will come up with some ways to make you want to leave Teacher Cang Shuhong voluntarily, right?"

"Uh... this..." Although the little sea otter has now lived a happy married life, Yoshida's words made the little sea otter once again recall the fear of being dominated by Yoshida and Takahashi Makoto!

"So Hiramaru-kun..." Yoshida stared at the little sea otter for a long time with eyes that said nothing, and then said earnestly, "I will help you submit the new manga to the serialization meeting, but... until Before the new comic series ends, you must complete the comic manuscript carefully! "

After Yoshida said the so-called "Good Words", he decisively chose to chase after Makoto Takahashi who had left... The little sea otter, this unlucky child, after experiencing enough hurtful mental torture today, may not be there for a long time. , they will stay at home with peace of mind to complete the comic draft, and will not run away from home if they disagree, and go on an escape trip at the drop of a hat, right?

"Hey, Cheng, are you sure that Ajou Mumenha is in the studio now?" This was the first question Yoshida chose to break the silence after catching up with Takahashi Makoto... Of course, for Takahashi Makoto With a look of contempt, Yoshida chose to ignore it, pretending to look up at the weather, and said in a slightly worried tone, "Are we really brave enough to just attack directly like this? The weather today is visually very suitable for travel, maybe Acheng Mu Mengye and the others Out..."

"Oh, so you are just the editor-in-chief of My Familiar Cat!" Even though Yoshida tried very hard not to let Takahashi Makoto complain, it was still difficult to avoid the ridicule from Takahashi Makoto! "You don't understand the so-called cartoonists at all, especially cartoonists like Ajou Mumenha!"

"I don't know Ajou Mumenha... I admit that!" What the hell is [Ajou Mumenha type cartoonist]? Yoshida said that he really doesn't know, so for Takahashi Makoto's subtle statement, Yoshida naturally chose to ignore it! "But Cheng, you actually said that I don't understand the so-called cartoonists... I can't pretend that I didn't hear this!"

"My Familiar Cat, do you really understand?" I don't know what he thought of, Takahashi Makoto's tone lost the previous joking, "So-called cartoonists, what is the daily life like? I want to You should know better than me about my beloved cat, right? But the good friends Acheng Mumenha work harder than many cartoonists!"

"This...isn't necessarily true?" Yoshida glanced sideways at Makoto Takahashi beside him, opened his mouth and then fell silent...without saying what he wanted to say!

Yoshida has not really seen Ajoki Mumenha's energy when he worked hard to complete the manga manuscript. At most, he only knew from previous serialization meetings and conversations with fellow editor Hattori that Ajoki Mumenha is a very hard-working person. type... But Yoshida feels that the one who works the hardest among all cartoonists is definitely Takahashi Makoto!

In Yoshida's knowledge, a certain middle-level cartoonist is definitely the hardest-working cartoonist, bar none!

"Cartoonist is definitely one of the most stay-at-home professions!" Makoto Takahashi ignored the weirdness in Yoshida's tone and continued the topic, "In order to complete the manga manuscript, you must endure isolation and loneliness, and resist the urge to go out for fun. Temptation... As for Acheng Mu Mengye's pair of hard-working gay friends, do you think that even if the weather is suitable for fun, they will choose to give up staying at home to complete the comic draft and go out to have fun? It's so sweet, as expected. Familiar cat, you are so sweet!”

"That's right..." Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi thoughtfully, "By the way...Aren't you also a cartoonist, Cheng? Other cartoonists stay at home or in the studio to complete manga manuscripts. I finished the comic manuscript, but Cheng, you are..."

"My beloved cat, don't use mere human standards to measure my existence!" Makoto Takahashi suddenly stopped, looked up at his former residence in front of him, and laughed loudly, "Oh, wow, but The arrogant cartoonist Phoenix Academy is so fierce! Drink hahahaha..."

After a certain cat struggled for a long time, he decided to play a big game. Ahem, of course it refers to the plot!

Previously, a certain cat struggled with this plot for a long time, writing and deleting, deleting and writing again. It was really a toss-up o(︶︿︶)o!

Well, the weather is getting colder, and a certain cat will try to update as early as possible in the evening, [equal exchange], so all readers, please rest early!


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