A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 494 I want to feel pleasure, but I also don’t want

Chapter 494 Want to gain pleasure, but also don’t want to lose

"HUNTERxHUNTER" is a new comic Little Sea Otter is preparing to submit to the serialization convention...

"The Soul of the Game" is a manga that Ajou Mumenha is preparing to submit for a new serialization...

Just these two new comics that were ready to be submitted to the serialization meeting were enough to make Takahashi Makoto, who was preparing to serialize "One Punch Man", very entangled and depressed... However, after going to the silver-haired guy's studio, he observed the cartoonist Fukuda. After preparing a new comic for serialization, a certain middle-class cartoonist truly felt the hostility of the entire world towards him!

Because the new manga by the silver-haired boy Fukuda, like the new manga by Ajou Mumenha and Little Sea Otter, are about to submit to the serialization conference, it is also one of the classic works of the other world that Makoto Takahashi is extremely familiar with!

The comic begins with a story about the love and murder between a rich boy and his adopted son. As the story develops, fantasy creatures like vampires appear in the plot... That's right, the silver-haired boy Fukuda just came up with it recently. This new comic is the famous comic "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" with its weird and cool painting style and breathtaking plot!

So... after observing this comic in the silver-haired brother's studio, when Takahashi Makoto looked at Fukuda, who is also a cartoonist, his eyes were full of jealousy and envy!

Jealousy, the reason is the same as before. This comic is also a comic that Takahashi Makoto wanted to draw but didn't have time to draw... It's like a daughter who has been raised for many years will be suddenly killed by an unknown child one day in the future. It's as if the bastard has been abducted. Isn't this sad feeling of "taking care of someone for a long time but being snatched away halfway" not enough to make people jealous?

What's more, Takahashi Makoto endured such an experience three times in one day today...

As for envy...

You must know that this comic is a super long series, which can be classified as a "lifetime series" comic like a certain work about a certain Death God elementary school student... Being able to continue to serialize such a long masterpiece, for other comics For everyone, this is something to be envied, but what Makoto Takahashi really envies is that the silver-haired boy has the will and consciousness to persevere!

Because this is what a certain middle-level cartoonist currently does not have... and has always longed to have!

It is not a shameful thing to envy what you don't have but what others have... because this is the original sin of mankind!

However, what Takahashi Makoto really feels at this moment...is the malice coming from the world!

Originally, Makoto Takahashi thought it would be very interesting to submit the comic "One Punch Man" to the new serialization meeting! Especially after the editor of the weekly magazine was tortured by the original comic manuscript, and then submitted an improved cartoon manuscript, through the contrast of different styles of the same comic, it was a perfect plan to tease the editor of the weekly magazine and gain pleasure...

But...please take a good look at some of my colleagues on the manga artist side!

Whether it is "HUNTERxHUNTER" or "Soul of Chess", or even the later "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", several colleagues on the cartoonist side are preparing to submit new comics to the serialization meeting one by one. They are all extremely brutal works... Even Takahashi Makoto is very confident in the comic "One Punch Man", but facing so many "brutal" level comics, a certain second-grade cartoonist no longer feels like "we have no opponents ahead of us"!

Let’s not talk about whether the comic "One Punch Man" can compete with other classics... As long as a few colleagues on the cartoonist side can choose a comic and submit it to the serialization conference at the same time as "One Punch Man" On, Makoto Takahashi’s perfect opportunity will definitely fail, for sure!

What is this?...

"Hey, my beloved cat, I feel deeply at this moment that the whole world is full of malice..." After coming out of the studio of the silver-haired brother Fukuda, Makoto Takahashi led Yoshida back, I kept feeling this way over and over again along the way!

When Yoshida heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched. Although at this moment, he really wanted to ask Makoto Takahashi, what the hell is [The Malice of the World]... But considering the bad taste of a certain middle-class cartoonist, a certain editor-in-chief was very He tried hard to suppress his curiosity and didn't ask any further questions!

And... although I don’t understand what’s going on with Makoto Takahashi’s current state, it’s an excellent opportunity for Yoshida!

"I'm talking about Acheng, Hiramaru-kun's "HUNTERxHUNTER", Ajou Mumenha's "Game Soul", and Fukuda-kun's "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"...Are their new comics really exciting?" I heard. After Yoshida's words, Takahashi Makoto's face became a little unhappy, but a certain editor did not notice this situation. Instead, he continued to speak as if he was talking to himself, "As your editor, I have worked with you for so long. Over the years, I have rarely seen you show that kind of surprise when you see new comics..."

"My beloved cat, about this... I remember I told you before!" Makoto Takahashi pulled the white coat on his body, turned his head and looked at the sky, "The series I have published since my debut Comics, even the comics I see today, I have seen them in another world... That's right! Like my soul, those three comics come from that world! You still won’t believe it, but this is…”

"Is it Steins;Gate's choice again? Okay, okay, let's change the topic..." Yoshida did not take the serious words of a middle-class manga artist seriously. Instead, he waved his hand feebly and turned to stare at Takahashi. Cheng asked seriously, "I remember when you saw Jinghe-kun's comic "Zhan", you were as surprised as you are today, right? Could it be that...the three comics you saw today will also be the same in the future? Will it become a popular comic like "Zhan" which is serialized in the current monthly magazine?"

"Humph, of course there is no doubt about this kind of thing!" Makoto Takahashi answered decisively, without any hesitation!

"Then Cheng..." Hearing Takahashi Makoto's quick and concise reply, Yoshida showed a sinister smile... It was finally time to show his fangs to a certain middle-class cartoonist! "Do you think your new comic is the current "One Punch Man" with its magical style? If it competes with those three comics at the serialization conference... Cheng, are you confident that you will get the chance to be serialized in a weekly?"

Whether the original comic version of "One Punch Man" can be serialized in a weekly magazine is a question. If it really wants to compete with those three comics for serialization opportunities... Takahashi Makoto did not answer Yoshida's words, but the answer is something like that. In fact, it is already very obvious!

"..." Although it seems aggrieved to cover up with silence, what a certain middle-class cartoonist uses is only madness, not arrogance!

"Cheng, the result is very obvious... If "One Punch Man" only relies on the current style of painting, it is simply impossible to compete with those three comics for serialization opportunities!" Seeing Takahashi Cheng rarely fell into silence, and Yoshida did not hesitate to take advantage of the victory, "Although I don't have the ability to accurately predict comics like Eiji Niizuma, but based on my many years of experience as an editor, as long as I can seriously modify the comics " "One Punch Man" style, then I believe your comic will definitely pass the serialization meeting!"

"Revise the comic manuscript...?"

Makoto Takahashi hopes to torture and tease viewers through comics to gain pleasure, but...

Makoto Takahashi also doesn’t want to lose!

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