A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 496 Participants in the Grand Brawl

Due to Takahashi Makoto's previous nonsense, everyone on the manga artist side was in preparation for the upcoming brawl...

"...My beloved cat, are you sure that the King of Black Flame and Liuzi are going to participate in this [Great Brawl]?" Makoto Takahashi looked at the information that Yoshida had worked so hard to collect, and a look of confusion appeared on his face. Some looked heavy, "Speaking of which, these two guys... aren't they still publishing monthly? Why do they still have time to participate in this [Great Battle]?"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

"I'm not very clear about Shizuka-kun... but I think Eiji Shinzuma will definitely participate!" Regarding Takahashi Makoto's doubts, Yoshida said angrily, "Speaking of which, Makoto, are you sure you are qualified to do this? Are you talking about someone else? Don’t forget that you are also serializing in a monthly magazine! And you are still serializing it in a monthly magazine..."

"No, now I only need to complete the manga manuscript of "White Rabbit Candy" every month! The King of Black Flame should be responsible for this part of the recently serialized plot of the manga "Railgun"!" Makoto Takahashi Looking at Yoshida with some confusion, "You don't even know about this kind of thing... By the way, are you really my editor-in-chief?"

"Who is all this because of?" Yoshida was very angry when his ability to work was questioned, "Who the hell knows how you and your new wife Eiji divide the work! Besides, I'm already pretty good at this. That’s right… Yujiro, the editor-in-chief of Eiji Niizuma, doesn’t even know where Eiji Niizuma’s manga is being serialized!”

"Hey, hey, hey, you are really too irresponsible, aren't you?" Makoto Takahashi showed a look of disgust on his face, complaining with some annoyance, "Don't think that your generation has the right to speak in the entire society. You can do whatever you want and send us young people around as you please... Look at this rotten world, look at this fallen society! It's all because you scum in high positions just sit in your high positions and yell nonsense all day long. But he doesn’t do anything that is beneficial to mankind and the world, so the world is gradually heading towards destruction!”

"It shouldn't be... not that exaggerated, right?" Although I think Takahashi Makoto has some truth, Yoshida's face is full of black lines at the moment... He is just talking about the issue of comics, and it is necessary to rise to the level of [national policy] The height?

"Now, My Beloved Cat, do you dare to deny that this world is gradually decaying?" Makoto Takahashi beat his chest and looked distressed, "This world is because of people like you, My Beloved Cat." If there are too many people, it will gradually deteriorate, decay, and decay! When I was born, I was amazed by this beautiful world! But now...my heart is crying, sad, and painful!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Cheng..." Seeing Takahashi Makoto gradually enter the second grade state, Yoshida began to become uneasy! "We are only talking about comics, do you understand? Any unexpected matters related to comic serialization are forbidden to be discussed now!"

"Now, my beloved cat, have you ever thought about guiding confused humans? Have you ever thought about changing this world? Have you ever thought about saving this world?" Makoto Takahashi ignored Yoshida's suggestion and instead repeated it again Arrogantly, he issued the second declaration, "If the blood in your body has not yet cooled down, and if there is still a trace of the great long-cherished wish of caring for the country and the people in your heart, then my beloved cat... follow my steps and embark on the journey. The thorny road of the rebels, worship me as the god of the new world!”

"I told you that now we are talking about manga serialization..." Regarding Takahashi Makoto's arrogant middle school mode, Yoshida once again recalled the long-lost feeling of powerlessness! Seeing that Makoto Takahashi seemed to be interested in continuing his tirade, Yoshida decisively chose to change the subject, "Okay, okay, I know you have high aspirations, Makoto... but is it really okay to continue like this? Yujiro and I were both I told you that I will come to your place with my new wife Eiji and my new comics later!”

"The King of Black Flame...?" Upon hearing this somewhat unexpected news, Takahashi Makoto was stunned for a moment, and then a look of anticipation appeared on his face, "So that's it! The King of Black Flame has felt my determination to save the world. , is that why you traveled thousands of miles to come to our aid? Sure enough, the world is not hopeless yet!”


Yoshida's information is not very accurate...

Because the people who came with Yuujiro were not just Shinzuma Eiji's classmates... but also the manga artist Shizuka Shizuka who had always considered himself a disciple of manga artist Shoin Kouma!

"The King of Black Flame and Ryuko...?" Makoto Takahashi looked at the two cartoonists who arrived at almost the same time, with an expectant look on his face, turned to Yoshida and smiled, "Hey, my Familiar cats, did you see that I am not the only one who wants to change this decadent and hopeless world! Hahahaha..."

Didn't Eiji Niizuma say he was coming to discuss the serialization of weekly comics with Makoto Takahashi? It's not like the saviors or sons of God in comics are just a group of cartoonists... Saving the world or something like that is a bit too exaggerated, right?

"You, what are you talking about?" Looking at Makoto Takahashi who was laughing wildly, Yujiro looked blank. He turned his doubtful eyes to Yoshida, his colleague in the weekly editorial department, and spoke in a voice that could not be heard by the three cartoonists who were communicating. He asked in a low voice, "I'm talking about Yoshida-kun, this, what exactly is this..."

"Yujiro, you definitely don't want to know what happened just now... Believe me! Believe me!" Yoshida, who was pale, pressed his hands firmly on Yujiro's shoulders and let out a sigh of relief, " Fortunately...fortunately you came in time! If you had come later, I don't know if I could have continued..."

"Teacher Phoenix Academy, I heard from Teacher Fukuda that..." Eiji Niizuma's tone was full of resentment, "Why didn't you tell me about such an interesting thing? I also want to participate!"

"Hey, King of Black Flame, haven't you already joined in?" Makoto Takahashi seemed quite dissatisfied, staring at his new wife Eiji, "Speaking of which, it's okay for you to participate in this [Great Brawl]...but there's a problem. Yes, King of Black Flame, don’t forget that you are currently responsible for completing the comic manuscript for the monthly series of "Railgun"!"

"A real man, a real man!" A confident smile appeared on Niizuma Eiji's face, "I have been drawing the manga manuscripts for the monthly series... And, Master Phoenix Academy, don't you also want to complete the manga manuscript for "White Rabbit Candy"? Since you If I can do it, I can do it too!”

"So what about the manga manuscript to be prepared for the new weekly series? Have you finished the Black Flame King?" Since Eiji Niizuma has promised to insist on completing the manga manuscript of "Railgun", Takahashi Makoto did not continue to make things difficult for him. Allies, "You have to know that the opening battle of [Super Smash Bros.] is at the serialization meeting! If you, Lord of Black Flame, do not prepare the comic draft for the new serialization, and it is just the opening battle... you may be forced to leave the show. Yo!”

"It is indeed a new comic..." Eiji Niizuma was not surprised, but took it for granted, "The opening battle is at the serialization meeting... In other words, will everyone's comics be submitted to the serialization meeting at the same time? Well, not only can I have a fair competition with the Phoenix Academy teacher, but I can also compete with other people, oh oh, this kind of thing is super interesting!”

"It's true..." Takahashi Seiruo looked at his expectant new wife Eiji thoughtfully, and continued, "I was a little confused before... It seems that the information about my beloved cat is not wrong, you I also created a new comic!”

"Hmm, Master Phoenix Academy, do you want to read it?" Eiji Shinzuma ignored Yujiro's call to stop him, grabbed the document bag, and handed a thick stack of manga manuscripts to Takahashi Makoto, "Same treatment, same type ...Phoenix Academy Teacher, this time, this time I can finally fight with you openly!"

"Oh?" Hearing the implication of Eiji Shinzuma's words, Makoto Takahashi squinted and took over Eiji Shinzuma's manga manuscript... But Makoto Takahashi did not look through it in a hurry. Instead, he turned to Jinghe River and asked, "Hey, Ryuu Son, you came to my realm today because... you also want to participate in this [Great Battle]?"

"Hey, Cheng! You guy... do you want to destroy the weekly?" Before Jinghe could say anything, Yoshida immediately started shouting!

Yoshida has told Makoto Takahashi before that, including Makoto Takahashi, there are already six cartoonists (Ajou Mumenha counts as two) who are preparing to submit new comics at the weekly serialization conference at the same time, and the weekly magazine is because of this The so-called [Great Battle] incident is in trouble... But now, Makoto Takahashi is still trying to drag Shizukawa, the cartoonist who is serializing in the monthly magazine, into this [Great Battle] ?

And... looking at the silent Shizugawa, Yoshida is absolutely certain that this manga artist, who calls himself a disciple of manga artist Phoenix Academy Kumamoto, will definitely agree to Takahashi Makoto's devilish temptation. I suggest you join this [Great Battle]!

"Does master hope that I will also participate in this... this [big battle]?" Jing Hehe hesitated for a moment and asked hesitantly...

"Of course! If Liuzi also joins, the fighting in this [Great Brawl] will be even more intense!" Makoto Takahashi seemed to have noticed Shizuhe's hesitation, a smile appeared on his face, and he began to bewitch his former assistant, "Speaking of which, Liuzi, wouldn't you feel unwilling to miss such an opportunity? Isn't the opportunity to fight head-on with us what you have always longed for?"

"Jinghe-kun, don't mess around with Acheng and the others!" Yoshida looked at the agitated Jinghe and immediately persuaded him, "I don't want you to participate in such a weird event when you serialize "Zhan" in the monthly magazine Instead of creating a new series...this will distract you and even affect the current performance of the comic "Zhan"!

"Although the motives of my beloved cat are not simple..." Rather than saying that Makoto Takahashi rarely agreed with Yoshida's statement this time, it would be better to say that he further deceived Shizuka! "But this is indeed the case... Liuzi, do you believe you have the ability to serialize weekly and monthly magazines at the same time?"

"I..." Regarding Takahashi Makoto's question, Jinghehe hesitated...

"If you don't have this confidence, you can just focus on serializing in the monthly magazine and hone your skills and will..." Takahashi Makoto didn't give Shizukawa too much time to think, and directly expressed his thoughts, "But... if you have an unyielding will in your heart, if you have a burning fighting spirit in your soul, then... just stand up like a man and fight to your heart's content!"

"Oh, Shizukawa-sensei, aren't you going to participate?" Nizuma Eiji also joined the team of persuaders! "Both of us are serializing comics in monthly magazines, and we are both submitting new comics to weekly serialization meetings. Maybe we will also serialize them in weekly magazines later... Under such extremely rare fair conditions, the chance to decide the winner in an upright manner... But it is rare! Teacher Shizukagawa, is it really okay for you to give up such an opportunity so easily?"

"I, actually I..." Shizukagawa seemed to have finally made up his mind. He took out a stack of comic manuscripts from his backpack and handed them to Makoto Takahashi in front of everyone's surprised eyes, "This is the new comic I came up with recently..."

"..." Seeing Shizukagawa's actions, Yoshida wanted to kill Makoto Takahashi at this moment...

"New comics..." Makoto Takahashi looked at the comic manuscripts of the two new comics in his hand, and after a moment of silence, he looked up at Eiji Nizuma and Shizukagawa, with a playful smile on his face, "Hey, King of Black Flame, Ryuko, I suddenly have an interesting idea at this moment..."

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