A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 528: A situation where only one company dominates will never occur

In the editorial headquarters of the weekly "Shounen Jumk", Editor Aida, who had just finished communicating with new cartoonists, when he returned to the office, he actually saw a colleague who rarely appeared in the office because he was usually very busy!

"Eh? Yoshida-kun, it's rare that you are in the office today when you are free!" Editor Aida put the document bag on the table, looked at Yoshida with some surprise, and teased in a teasing tone, "By the way, you don't have to go to Hiramaru today. Is there a need for me to work as a supervising supervisor for Hiramaru-sensei to complete the manga? Or, as [My Familiar Cat], I don’t need to go to Phoenix-in-sensei to receive [special training]?”


"Hiramaru-kun will be completing the manga manuscripts honestly in the recent period, so you no longer have to work around the clock like before..." Sitting in the editorial office, Yoshida took a sip of tea and sighed to Aida, "And the most important thing is The important thing is that during this period of time, that guy Cheng has rarely been able to stay at home and complete comic manuscripts... This kind of peaceful daily life has been a long time coming for me!"

"Oh? Is that so? That's really gratifying..." Editor Aida stared at Yoshida with a smile, and cursed Yoshida viciously as if talking to himself, "But having said that, it's rare for Phoenix Academy teacher to be quiet. For a while... Could it be that he was secretly planning some shocking and cruel plan? "

"Tsk, Aida-san, we are all editors in charge... Do you intend to hurt each other with me by doing this?" After Yoshida complained and teased Editor Aida, he immediately turned his attention to the document bag on Aida's desk. He asked with interest, "How about the newcomer who just submitted a manuscript? Aida-san, you actually went to negotiate in person... It seems that soon, there will be another new work with great potential in the weekly serialization!"

"Not at all!" Editor Aida sighed helplessly, "Although affected by the animation broadcast of the comic "Dream Eater", the number of new submissions has increased a lot recently, but there are still potentials like those of Ajou Mumenha. The newcomers are hard to find! This time, the comic quality of the newcomers can only be regarded as average. Even if they try hard, they can still be serialized. However, considering the number of serializations in the weekly during the recent period, The quality of the comics... In order not to dampen the enthusiasm of the newcomers, and in order not to kill the hopes of the newcomers, in the end I politely rejected the kid’s comic draft!”

"Hey, Editor Aida is really a good person!" It was obviously a compliment, but Yoshida's tone didn't sound like a compliment at all... In other words, Yoshida's tone was a return gift to Editor Aida just now, right?

Although his tone was full of unkind praise, Yoshida did not think that his colleague Editor Aida did too much!

Originally, according to the criteria for selecting comics for weekly magazines in the past, there are naturally many comics manuscripts that have appeared in recent times that can be serialized. However, the editors of the weekly magazine only gave up the attempt after trying to adopt two new works. idea!

Because since the leader Makoto Takahashi planned [Great Battle] in the weekly magazine, we can know from the reader survey papers that were sent back that the competition between the six new serials in the weekly magazine was quite fierce... Under such circumstances, those two All the new comic strips published during this period were affected and their popularity dropped, leading the editors of the weekly to make the cruel decision to cut it in half!

Therefore, after the [Big Battle] in the weekly magazine started, many editors in the weekly editorial department had experienced the situation like Editor Aida rejecting a new author... Even Yoshida once made up his mind to reject an author. A cartoonist whose cartoons look interesting!

"Huh? Fair!? Huh, if you really want to say it...weakness is a sin!" This was the answer of a middle-class manga artist after Yoshida told Makoto Takahashi about this! "The reason for the failure is not because it was affected for no reason, nor is it because we, the participants of [Super Smash Bros.] bullied others... Fundamentally speaking, it is because those cartoonists are not strong enough, and those newly serialized comics are not strong enough!"

Although Takahashi Makoto's statement is a bit exaggerated, Yoshida rarely agrees with such a view!

For cartoonists, if a cartoon draft that has been completed diligently and conscientiously is successfully serialized for a long time through a serialization meeting, the energy and time spent before will eventually be compensated in other ways, such as money. , such as fame, and then status!


If the serialization meeting is not passed, or if the series collapses after a certain period of time... For cartoonists, what is lost is not only time and energy, but also what can be called [hope], which can also be called [hope]. [Power] exists!

One general's success and ten thousand bones withered!

Perhaps as mentioned in the comic "Dream Eater", cartoonists are more like gamblers in a sense!

The serialized comics were cut in half due to the decline in popularity; after giving the cartoonist the hope of serialization, this hope was shattered... For the cartoonist, this is no longer limited to being described as "cruel"... right? ?

What is this approach?

Is it the ultimate version of [True·Guiwu Wushuang]?

"Speaking of which, the competition between the cartoonists of the Fukuda Group is as fierce as ever!" Editor Aida did not continue to discuss this topic with Yoshida in depth. He picked up the latest issue of the weekly sample on the table, flipped through it casually, and said to Yoshida meaningfully, "But this enthusiasm... How long can it last?"

"Aida-kun... What do you want to say?"

"Now that these six comics have passed the initial stage of serialization, the next step is to test the cartoonists' control over the comics..." Editor Aida put the weekly back on the table and stared at Yoshida seriously, "I'll get straight to the point... Yoshida-kun, do you think there will be a situation where one company dominates?"

"Absolutely not!" Yoshida gave Editor Aida his own answer without even thinking about it!

"Oh my, Yoshida-kun, you are so confident... are you really a man?"

"Humph, you still don't understand the true nature of [Super Brawl]!" Yoshida snorted coldly, took out a thick stack of comic ranking statistics from the desk drawer, and said to his colleague Aida slowly with a disdainful tone, "Acheng once said that the reason why this competition between comic works was named [Super Brawl] is because none of the six comics serialized this time can beat the other five comics. This week, it may be "Hikaru no Go" that takes the first place, and next week it may become another comic... So Aida-kun, do you understand?"

"If this continues, the competition between comic works will become more and more intense, and the situation of one dominant company you said... will never happen!"

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