A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 554 The Cartoonist's Inherent Boundary

Although Yoshida smelled a conspiracy from the exciting slip of the tongue of a certain middle-class cartoonist, Takahashi Makoto pretended to be stupid... But even so, a certain editor who had been persecuted by a certain middle-class cartoonist for many years, The idea of ​​[Takahashi Makoto conspiracy theory] has already been deeply imprinted in my mind!

Originally, Yoshida thought that the cartoonists Shizukawa and Makoto Takahashi, who were the protagonists of this incident and the trigger, should have some inside information, but it is a pity that no matter how Yoshida inquired about Makoto Takahashi, or he secretly told them many times, I contacted cartoonist Jing Hehe, but still could not obtain accurate and valuable information...

Since the information you want to know cannot be obtained through direct methods, then let's use the curved method of secretly crossing Chencang... After many failed attempts to inquire, Yoshida finally made up his mind to find another way to obtain information from Takahashi Makoto!

And...that's not the only thing that worries Yoshida!

Makoto Takahashi once said before that he would give readers a special benefit called "God's Unfolding Plot" in the comics. This made Yoshida worried for a long time... But during this time, Makoto Takahashi said The completed comic series manuscripts, whether it is "One Punch Man" in the weekly, or "White Rabbit Candy" in the monthly, or "Railgun" jointly completed with Eiji Shinzuma under the name [Makoto Shinkai], are all There is no plot worth paying attention to [God unfolds]!

"A-Cheng, what kind of crazy plan are you planning?"

"My beloved cat, you have such crazy plans... you think too much!" Faced with Yoshida's probing questions, Makoto Takahashi, who was drawing the manga, paused for a moment with his hand holding the brush. , with a [joyful] smile that made Yoshida horrified, and said slowly in a calm tone, "The reason why I thought of issuing special benefits is just because I found something that makes me [pleasant]..."

"Things that make you [pleasant]... Hey, hey, are you thinking too much about this?" Yoshida suddenly made a long face, "A Cheng, what you call [pleasant things] can still be considered a trivial matter. ? Don't talk about such horrible things with a calm face! Tell me honestly, what did you find?"

"Well, I discovered something interesting..." As if feeling Yoshida's dissatisfied look, Takahashi Makoto pondered for a moment, then added, "It's also something that makes me [pleasant]..."

"Don't use this roundabout question-and-answer method to change the subject, Hundan!"

"Eh? This means that you, My Cat, want to communicate with me on an equal footing?" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida in surprise and asked in a confused tone, "My Cat, are you sure?" With your current wisdom, can you really understand what I’m going to say next?”

"If it's normal communication..." Yoshida, who was gritting his teeth just now, became a little hesitant... Being able to understand the thoughts of the crazy manga artist and keep up with the rhythm of the conversation, Yoshida said that he was really not that confident!

Sure enough, every person who has the attribute of "black belly and poisonous tongue" who looks like a slut is actually a slut who is "full of anger on the inside"!

"Because I have something to do later, so I'll keep the story short..." Makoto Takahashi suddenly looked up at the clock on the wall. After hesitating for a moment, he continued to say to Yoshida, "Previously, the former commander Zeng Jin proposed a Very interesting theory... Do you remember My Cat?"

"Former Commander-in-Chief... Do you mean former Editor-in-Chief Sasaki-sama?" It's obvious that Yoshida has begun to lose track of the rhythm... But it's good to be able to remember Editor-in-Chief Sasaki, Yoshida-kun! "Interesting theory is..."

"The character of the cartoonist will affect the style of the cartoon and the plot direction of the cartoon... To put it simply, the cartoonist's inspiration for creating cartoons comes from the reflection of his own inner world!" I saw Yoshida frowning and thinking again. After the meeting, he nodded in agreement. A fox-like smile appeared on Makoto Takahashi's face, "Different cartoonists will create different cartoons, and even if two cartoonists draw cartoons with the same theme, their differences will be different due to personal differences." Different comics are created based on the characteristics of one's own character... In other words, I prefer to call this phenomenon the composition of [inherent barrier]!"

"The... composition of [Inherent Barrier]?" Yoshida frowned again... Things that were initially somewhat understandable became complicated in an instant after a middle-grade cartoonist added words that were not in his vocabulary!

"Comics are the [inherent boundary] of the cartoonist, which is to embody one's mental landscape on the manuscript paper! Once the cartoon is created, the humans or other creatures imagined by the cartoonist, and even the entire world itself, are the cartoonist's The embodiment of the mental landscape! The cartoonist is not only the master of the [Inherent Barrier], but also the creator of the world, or... call it a god!" Makoto Takahashi stood up and came to the bookshelf, pulling out a few issues from the bookshelf. The published weekly "Shounen Jumk" was placed in front of Yoshida, and Yoshida continued, whose thoughts were already confused, and said, "The readers who observe the comics are the time travelers who have mistakenly entered the [inherent barrier] of the cartoonists! Readers Everything I see, observe, and feel is just the embodiment of the cartoonist's inner scenery, whether it is a plot that makes people cry or a battle that makes people excited! All of this has been arranged and destined... To put it simply, when readers observe comics, their inner world has been unknowingly created by the cartoonist. The barrier is invaded and corroded!”

"...Is this the interesting thing you said, Cheng?" Under the pause of a middle-class cartoonist [well-intentioned \u0026 well-intentioned], Yoshida spent a lot of time to sort out this sudden information shock!

"Of course not! Speaking of my beloved cat, I didn't expect your thoughts to be so superficial... I'm sorry, I overestimated your IQ!" Makoto Takahashi said this without any apology. I apologized sincerely... But seeing Yoshida about to go berserk, Makoto Takahashi was worried that he would not be able to find a "replacement toy" in the short term after destroying a certain editor in charge, so he decisively chose to continue what he had just said to change the subject! "When cartoonists construct [inherent boundaries], they will more or less be affected by their mentality in reality. When embodying the scenery that belongs to their own minds, they will embody their most ardent expectations or what they want most. Realized dreams are integrated into it... Being able to get a glimpse of other cartoonists’ expectations and dreams through observing comics is a really interesting idea for me!”

"To be able to have such an idea, Cheng, you are really... should I say that you are worthy of the arrogant cartoonist Phoenix Academy?" Damn it! Is this the idea of ​​"Peeping at the Demon King Makoto Takahashi"? It's really weird... As the editor-in-chief, Yoshida has naturally mastered the advanced conversational skill of "inconsistent words"!

"By the way, My Familiar Cat, why is that disbelieving expression on your face?" But please don't forget that Makoto Takahashi is a middle-class manga artist who has mastered the art of "mind reading"! "Hmph! In that case, I will use some of my fellow cartoonists as examples to explain to you in detail..."

Just when Takahashi Makoto was about to further replace [unusual common sense] with [common sense] in Yoshida's mind, he felt someone tugging at his white coat!

"Father, it's time to set off!" Takahashi Makoto's son Ogata Seiji pulled Takahashi Makoto's white coat with a stern expression, "Since we have made an appointment with others, we shouldn't be late! "

"Yeah, you're right, Seiji!" Takahashi Makoto first rubbed Seiji's little head, then picked up Ogata Seiji, who still had no expression at all, and said to Yoshida, "My dependents Cat, how about we continue the topic tomorrow? Next, I want to go out with Jingci..."

"...Okay, okay!" Yoshida, who had never thought that Takahashi Makoto would be a qualified father, was so surprised when he suddenly saw Takahashi Makoto's appearance as a good father who left work to accompany his children. My brain shut down for several seconds! However, after Yoshida reacted, his face immediately changed to a smile of "Uncle, I am a good person", and he smiled and asked Ogata Seiji in Takahashi Makoto's arms, "Seiji-chan, I have a date with my friend later." Would you like to go to the amusement park together?”

"No!" Ogata Seiji tilted his head and looked at the smiling Yoshida. After thinking for a moment, he said slowly in a childish voice, "Father said that he will take me to brush [a certain yellow-haired glasses] later. A copy of Jun's Go game!"

"Eh? Wha, what?" Yoshida almost bit his tongue when he heard Ogata Seiji's words...

I take back my preamble, Takahashi Makoto is really not a good father... Looking at Takahashi Makoto's back holding Ogata Seiji and walking away, Yoshida thought this!

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