A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 560 Humanity needs heroes...?

Chapter 560: Do humans need heroes?

"Dragon-slaying hero, do you feel that the Demon King is waiting for you? Dragon-slaying hero, do you feel the dissatisfied eyes of the princess coming from behind you? Dragon-slaying hero, do you feel that the hero will eventually... Died by a tragic fate..."

Makoto Takahashi usually calls himself the Demon King, but after having a conversation with Yoshida about Shizukawa's "Inherent Barrier", Makoto Takahashi took it upon himself to change the title of the manga artist Shizukawa to "The Brave Man Ryuko" ]!

So listening to Makoto Takahashi singing an unknown ditty while completing the manga manuscript at a hand speed beyond human common sense, Yoshida's eyes were quite strange... Is this because Makoto Takahashi was raising a flag on his own, hoping that Shizukawa-san would attack him soon?

Taking time out to come to Makoto Takahashi every week to collect manga manuscripts and chatting with a middle-school manga artist is a normal daily routine for Yoshida! Of course, Yoshida actually tried to resist at first when he was manipulated by a certain middle-class cartoonist in various ways, but now... ahem, I have to say that humans are really a highly adaptable species. !

Today is not the day to receive manga manuscripts, so Yoshida should not and does not want to appear within the scope of Makoto Takahashi's realization... But as the editor-in-chief of a cartoonist, when I heard Makoto Takahashi say "My manga encounter" When summoned as a medium for a completely unscientific reason such as a super big problem, Yoshida rushed here almost immediately!

On the way here, Yoshida has been thinking, is this really a problem with Makoto Takahashi's comics, or is it a certain second-level cartoonist who has developed a new way to tease himself... Of course, Yoshida looks at it based on years of experience. From the bottom of my heart, I have determined that this [Unexpected Summons] visual inspection is leaning toward the latter!

"I mean Cheng..." Seeing Makoto Takahashi minding his own work on the manga, with no intention of interfering with his own intentions, Yoshida hesitated and struggled for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask, "What did you do before?" What I said on the phone..."

"Hey, my beloved cat, first of all I have to confirm one thing!" Makoto Takahashi rarely put down his brush in the middle of completing the manga draft. After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head slightly, "How about forget it? ...I'm worried that I will destroy you, my beloved cat!"

"Speaking of which, Cheng, how serious is the matter you want to confirm?" Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi in surprise, his tone filled with guilt for no reason, "It shouldn't be that exaggerated, right?"

"Actually..." Makoto Takahashi hesitated again and looked at Yoshida with some hesitation, "Speaking of my companion cat, what are some of my next words... Will you treat me as a person after listening to it? Are you going to carry out a crusade against a [heretic] or [outer law] existence? Although fighting against the five scum like you has no impact on me at all, but I am afraid of the trouble of dumping the body or something... "

"Hey, the last sentence is redundant!" Yoshida decisively interrupted Takahashi Makoto's words by complaining, and looked at Takahashi Makoto with a resentful expression, "Okay, first of all, I'm here today because Cheng, you talked about comics. Something went wrong... So, I won’t discuss any topics that have nothing to do with comics!”

"Actually, it's about the comic "One Punch Man"..."

"Wait a minute, Cheng! Are you talking about the comic "One Punch Man"? What exactly happened?" Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi in disbelief, and after a moment of hesitation, he guessed, "Could it be...? It won’t be as I feared before, Cheng, you won’t be able to control the next plot, right?”

Although a certain middle-class cartoonist was criticized by readers because of the Jinghe River incident, after this momentum passed, several comics serialized by Makoto Takahashi gradually stabilized their position... ...Even the comic "One Punch Man", which worried everyone on the editorial side, has gradually stabilized its position in the top five!

Every time a villain appears on the scene, he always destroys and kills with all his strength, and then easily defeats a group of heroes who come to the rescue, and is finally killed by the bald Saitama teacher with a punch...

Previously, Yoshida, the responsible editor, once told Takahashi Makoto that the longer the plot mode of the comic "One Punch Man" is serialized, the easier it is for readers to suffer from aesthetic fatigue... and for comics For readers, this kind of routine plot is also very difficult to master!

So after hearing Makoto Takahashi say that there was a problem with the comic "One Punch Man", Yoshida, who had gradually let go of his worries, instantly felt bad! Could it be that... Makoto Takahashi has begun to lose control of the plot rhythm of this comic?

"I said my beloved is a cat. What's going on with that confused and responsible look on your face? Are you thinking about something strange?" Makoto Takahashi did not frantically use [Mind Reading Technique] on Yoshida this time. 】This kind of ability, but after just glancing at Yoshida, he sighed with a little melancholy, "The real problem in the comic "One Punch Man" is not the ones you are worried about in My Familiar Cat, but... the essence is... Or at the root!”

"Essence? Origin?" The corners of Yoshida's mouth twitched... Listening to Makoto Takahashi's melancholy tone, Yoshida was certain that the conversation that followed would begin to deviate in a strange direction!

"Hey, my beloved cat, I want to confirm something for you..." Makoto Takahashi put his hands on his chin and looked at Yoshida seriously, "Do humans need heroes?"

"Eh?" Yoshida was stunned... What on earth is this topic?

"It's about defeating the evil dragon and saving the princess, or defeating the evil demon king and saving humanity, or helping the weak and saving the world... That's probably what a hero is, right?" Takahashi Makoto seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be explaining to Yoshida again, "But do humans really need heroes?"

"Let's not talk about whether we need them or not..." Although he couldn't understand why Takahashi Makoto suddenly thought of saying this, out of the professional ethics of the editor-in-charge, Yoshida still tried his best to change the subject, "By the way, this has nothing to do with the comic "One Punch Man"... huh?"

It's not that he failed to change the subject, but that Yoshida suddenly realized the key to the problem!

Because the comic "One Punch Man" is based on the character of "Hero"... So the question raised by Takahashi Makoto about "Do humans need heroes?" is really unrelated to the comic "One Punch Man"?

"Humans... should need heroes!" Yoshida, who couldn't convince himself to use the topic change skill again, had no choice but to answer Takahashi Makoto's question like this!

"Is that the answer? Just as superficial as expected..." Takahashi Makoto narrowed his eyes and looked at Yoshida after hearing Yoshida's answer, "But humans... are really complicated creatures!"

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