A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 581 Special Instruction

When Makoto Takahashi was looking through the manga manuscript completed by Mashiro Shoujo, everyone present couldn't help but hold their breath and concentrate because of the atmosphere...

Whether Takahashi Makoto's weird and weird method can successfully transform the Mashiro girl from a "genius painter" to a "cartoonist with genius drawing ability"... This is what Uncle Tintin, who is the assistant, is thinking in silence. question!

Can Mashiro Shoujo improve the problems that appeared in the previous manga manuscripts, such as the plot jumps too much and is not coherent enough... This is what the escort, Sorata Shounen, is worried about in silence!

As for the Mashiro girl...if she could really infer the girl's thoughts from her expressionless face, maybe such a being could become the next [God of Strategy], right?

"Is the plot of the manga based on everything that happened here that day? The degree of restoration is quite high... Well, it feels a bit like that!" Makoto Takahashi put down the manga manuscript and asked what he was waiting for. The three people gave a positive comment, "It's just a little bit far from the level I expected... Girl, you still need to continue to practice!"

"That's great, Mashiro!" Perhaps the only one who cheered with such excitement at this time was Sora...

"..." Uncle Tintin took the comic manuscript handed over by Makoto Takahashi and was observing... It's just a comic manuscript. Uncle Tintin, do you need to start this exaggerated facial performance? It’s not like after eating Yao Wang’s food, you will have the kind of hallucination where your body is completely out of control!

"...That's it?" The Mashiro girl seemed a little dissatisfied with Takahashi Makoto's evaluation. After hesitating for a moment, she tilted her head and asked, "White coat, what else?"

"Girl, you have to carve out your own path in the future..." Makoto Takahashi looked at the girl in front of him and said seriously, "Every cartoonist who calls himself a god has his own path forward, and who is willing to use it. The goal to strive for throughout your life! What others teach and guide is not your own... Of course, it does not mean that it is not good to learn from other people's [fake], but when you use such [fake], the soul's The degree of fit cannot reach the highest synchronization rate!”

"Hey, uncle, what are you... talking about?" Sorata, who had recovered from his excitement, had been silently listening to what Makoto Takahashi was saying to Mashiro. [Special Teaching], but the problem is... The boy Sorata said that the more he listened, the more confused he became!

For Takahashi Makoto, or for the name [Phoenix-in Murama], Sorata boy always has a certain amount of awe and admiration in his heart... In addition to the fact that Takahashi Makoto is now the leader of Mashiro Shoujo manga, What's more important is that the name "Phoenix Academy Fierce" is a legendary existence in the gaming world!

It's not that he has a transcendent status like a god of strategy, but because most of the games he participated in the design have become phenomenal existences in the gaming world... Well, at least about [Game Designer·Phoenix Academy] The relevant reports of "Jie Zhen" commented like this!

As for those games, especially those 18+ banned games that caused a phenomenon... The young boy in Kongtai said that because he was still a minor, he could only find some simple reports, but had not played it himself. !

Sorata, a boy who regards being a "game planner" as his future goal in life, naturally hopes to learn something related to game planning while Takahashi Makoto educates Mashiro after learning about the past experience of Phoenix Academy. Knowledge... Let’s not mention how slim the unrealistic hope of the young boy is, but at least this attitude of hard work is completely worthy of recognition!

So, there was an incident where Sorata boy got in when Mashiro girl was receiving a [special assignment] from a certain middle-class manga artist...

"Hmph, the wisdom of mortals!" Makoto Takahashi brushed aside the confused Sorata boy over there, with a disdainful smile on his face, "Young man, have you ever seen a mere ant discuss the bitterness of life with a human? Just a mere ant. A mere mortal who can’t even read a comic book dares to talk to a being like me!”

"Huh?" At least Yoshida has spent these years under this kind of ridicule and contempt, so Sorata boy...just take it lightly!

"Well, I guess I understand!" Compared to Sorata boy, Mashiro girl has a higher visual understanding... At least Mashiro girl can understand Takahashi Makoto's unclear words! "Sata... is indeed an idiot!"

And...Mashiro Girl didn't seem to forget that she used the [Mockery and Contempt] skill again after Takahashi Makoto, causing tons of damage to Sorata Boy!

"The existence that can be seen but cannot be seen can be shown through comic manuscripts..." Takahashi Makoto did not continue to pay attention to the tangled boy over there, but stared at the thing in front of him seriously. The Mashiro girl sighed inexplicably, "Girl, it's amazing that you can do this... Or maybe you are the only one who can do this!"

"White coat...you can't do it either?" The hair on the white girl's head shook, and for the first time, a look of doubt appeared on her face!

"Although according to common sense, men should have responded angrily to this comment..." Takahashi Makoto spread his hands helplessly, with a bitter smile on his face, "But whether based on the facts or some other [prohibited matters] factors, if the entire comic reaches that level... I can only admit that I really can't do it!"

"Eh? Even you, an uncle, said so?" Listening to the conversation between Takahashi Makoto and the girl Mashiro, the young boy Kota showed an unbelievable look on his face, his eyes were a little dazed, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself in a low voice, "Sure enough... It turns out that Mashiro is so powerful..."

"This little girl named Mashiro... Of course she is very powerful!" That Uncle Ding Ding, who finally got rid of the fantasy state of [Drug-inducing Manga Draft], looked at Mashiro with a complicated expression, and said to the mumbling boy Sorata, "It's really as Makoto said, the only person who can do that... maybe she is the only one?"

"So..." Sorata looked at the middle school manga artist and his assistant who gave Mashiro a high evaluation in front of him, and asked a little depressed, "You have been praising Mashiro for being great... What are you talking about?"

"The resonance of the soul between the manga artist and the manga... or call it [the heart of the manga]!" Makoto Takahashi's answer... still made Sorata confused as always!

"The manga draft is full of the manga artist's emotions..." Uncle Ding Ding's evaluation is relatively easier to understand... It seems that this is the case for Sorata!

"Uh... this..." But in fact, it seems that Kota is still a little difficult to accept this statement...

"When a chef makes a dish, he will put his personal emotions into it, or call it a personal mark, or call it the heart of the chef..." Takahashi Makoto took the comic manuscript of Mashiro and handed it to Kota, and explained, "When a cartoonist completes a comic, he will also put his strong emotions into the comic..."

"Mashiro can do it? That's right... When I saw Mashiro's paintings before, I could feel some indescribable feelings!" Kota took the comic manuscript and showed a look of confusion on his face, "But uncle, According to you, as a popular weekly cartoonist, you should be able to do it, right? "

"I can do it, but I can also say I can't do it! Although I can integrate part of my soul into it, and even engrave the technique of [driving the heart] in the comic manuscript... If it is only to this extent, of course I can do it!" Takahashi Makoto turned around and picked up his own comic manuscript from the desk and placed it in front of the boy Sorata, "But for the situation like Mashiro girl, making the whole comic like this from beginning to end... I am willing but unable to do it!"

"Well, the white coat comic..." Mashiro girl nodded gently, saying with an expression of agreement, "Sometimes... it is indeed impossible to do it. Have feelings!"

"That being said... but girl, you still have a lot to learn!" As for Mashiro's comments, Takahashi Makoto, who knew his own business, did not intend to explain too much, but showed a [pleasant] smile, "I have already felt the [anger] in the comics you brought... so it should be the turn of other emotions next, right?"

"Other... emotions?" Mashiro hesitated for a moment, then turned her gaze to Sorata...

"... Why do I suddenly have a bad premonition?" Sorata, who was about to flip through Mashiro's comics, suddenly felt a chill, looked up at the three people who ignored him, and was embarrassed. He smiled awkwardly, "Wrong, an illusion?"

"Ah!" Patting the shoulder of the young boy Sorata sympathetically, Uncle Ding Ding tried his best to suppress the twitching corners of his mouth, and tried to squeeze out a sympathetic look at the other party...

"Greed, jealousy, arrogance..." Takahashi Makoto, like a demon who instigated humans to sign a contract, recommended it to the girl Mashiro in a joyful tone, "These are the original sins engraved in the depths of the human soul... Girl, don't you want to try them one by one, and then add more colorful colors to your comics?"

"..."Silence is the best answer...

At least now the light of expectation in the eyes of the girl Mashiro answered Takahashi Makoto like this!

Readers who have some unrelated associations because of the title, you need to reflect on yourself and purify your soul~

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