A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 585 I was wrong this time

Yoshida, the editor-in-charge of the weekly magazine, has recently found that his job seems to have become much easier...

Because a certain chuuni cartoonist was temporarily assigned the task of [guiding new cartoonists to change jobs] by the weekly magazine editor, Yoshida does not have to worry too much about what Makoto Takahashi will do. Every week, he only needs to go to Makoto Takahashi on time to collect the comic manuscripts of the manga "One Punch Man". At the end of the month, he will temporarily collect the comic manuscripts of the manga "White Rabbit Candy" as the editor-in-charge of the monthly plug-in, and occasionally the comic manuscripts of "A Certain Scientific Railgun" completed by Makoto Takahashi...

So, Yoshida spent most of his free time on To supervise the little sea otter...

Especially under the advice of a certain chuuni cartoonist [Goodwill and Joy], Yoshida has mastered the multiple battle plans of [Slackness against the Little Sea Otter]. Yoshida, who originally needed to use words and body movements to suppress the little sea otter, now only needs a look to make the little sea otter kneel down in front of the desk with a wronged look, and with the tragic momentum of [I can rest after finishing this chapter], he began to draw the comic book with enough resentment to break through the sky in another world with tears...

Compared to the little sea otter who delayed the submission of manuscripts with various excuses, Takahashi Makoto's performance in recent times can be said to have made a certain responsible editor quite satisfied!

At the beginning, Yoshida was worried that Takahashi Makoto would delay his own serialization because of guiding Mashiro Girl to carry out the task of [Cartoonist Change], but in the past month, whether it was weekly or monthly serialization, Takahashi Makoto was always able to hand in the comic manuscripts on time and in quantity, without any signs of delay at all...This made Yoshida's worries gradually dissipate, and gradually relaxed his defense against a certain chuuni cartoonist!

Today, after using various means to obtain the comic manuscript from the little otter, the next [recovery target] of the conscientious editor [Recovery Expert Yoshida] is a certain chuunibyou manga artist...

"Although his personality is far less difficult to deal with than Makoto, in terms of the professional ethics of the manga artist, if Hiramaru-kun can have Makoto's dedication... No, even if it's only half as good, I will be much more relaxed!"

"But then again, if Makoto can be as obedient as Hiramaru-kun and his personality is not so bad... Tsk tsk!"

Speaking of Yoshida... Have you heard of the saying [Being too greedy will be punished by God]?

When he arrived at the door of Makoto Takahashi's house, Yoshida stopped imagining all kinds of impossible scenes and prepared to reach out and knock on the door... Although he had agreed on a time with Makoto Takahashi before, Yoshida said that he was a very polite editor-in-chief and would never break into the house without the permission of the manga artist like a certain colleague Yujiro!

"My beloved cat, I have been waiting for you for a long time..." As soon as he entered the door, he saw Makoto Takahashi sitting in a chair facing him, and Yoshida instantly had a bad premonition... Unfortunately, before he could say anything, the next words of a certain chuunibaku cartoonist further confirmed Yoshida's premonition! "This time's cartoon draft... is a little troublesome..."

"Trouble?" Seeing Makoto Takahashi's expression of "I don't want to elaborate", Yoshida immediately turned to Uncle Ding Ding who was bowing his head and asked, "Is there something wrong...?"

"Um... that... cough cough..." Uncle Ding Ding's stuttering tone, coupled with his performance of looking around, made Yoshida's bad premonition even stronger! "Yoshida-kun, it's actually about the comic manuscript of Acheng's One Punch Man..."

"What's wrong with the comic manuscript of One Punch Man?" Yoshida walked quickly to Uncle Ding Ding, grabbed the unfinished comic manuscript on the table, and asked in confusion while flipping through it quickly, "Did Acheng come up with some incredible plot again?"

"Of course not!" This time, it was Makoto Takahashi who answered Yoshida! "As a crazy cartoonist, I won't draw a plot that makes people hate me!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Cheng, you really dare to say such a thing!" Yoshida looked at Takahashi Makoto with contempt, and complained bluntly, "Think back to the comics you have serialized since your debut? Ninety percent of the comics you serialized are tragic, and the remaining ten percent... are also moving towards tragedy!"

"Nonsense! The comic "White Rabbit Candy" is a healing one..." Takahashi Makoto naturally tried his best to deny Yoshida's evaluation, "Especially the next part of the plot that has not been published yet... Humph, my cat, when that plot comes out, you and Jing Zhonghao Yoshi-san, you will understand what "true love" is! "

"True love? Hehe..." Yoshida responded to Takahashi Makoto's self-evaluation with a "hehe" response, and decisively shifted the topic back to the comic manuscript of "One Punch Man", "Now tell me, what is the problem with the comic manuscript of "One Punch Man"?"

"Actually... this... that..." Takahashi Makoto hesitated for a long time, and still did not give Yoshida any useful information... Just when a certain editor was about to explode, a middle school cartoonist cleared his throat and said in a serious tone, "Ahem... Actually, it's the comic manuscript of "One Punch Man", I... or let Ding Ding Ji-san tell it!"

"Eh? Let me talk?" After taking over the topic, Uncle Ding Ding immediately felt the burning eyes of a responsible editor... Uncle Ding Ding, who was originally planning to speak, seemed to be frightened by Yoshida's [longing] eyes, and even his words became incoherent, "Yes... Yes, Cheng hasn't... Ah, forget it, Cheng! I think this kind of thing... It's better for you to say it yourself!"


Seeing that Takahashi Makoto and Uncle Ding Ding would rather blame each other than talk about the real business, Yoshida's string of [reason]... broke!

"I say..." A deep voice sounded, Yoshida looked back and forth at Takahashi Makoto and Uncle Ding Ding with a look that said "I want to chop you up and eat you as soon as possible", "Whether it's Acheng or Ding Ding-san... Now, can you tell me what's wrong with the comic manuscript of "One Punch Man"?"

"Because of some reasons, I suddenly don't want to continue drawing..." Takahashi Makoto, who had just been [happily] shirking responsibility with Uncle Ding Ding, suddenly became a little depressed, and his tone of voice became a little low...

"Oh, you don't want to continue drawing... huh?" Yoshida reacted, "What, what? Don't want to continue drawing what the hell?"

"Because when I was instructing Mashiro Girl, Acheng was impressed by the painting skills of the [world-class painter] I was stimulated, so Yoshida-kun... you know!" Uncle Ding Ding looked at Yoshida who was confused, and sighed in a helpless tone, "Although I have persuaded him many times during this period... But as you can see, it is useless! This blow is too big for Ah Cheng!"

"So my beloved cat, I don't want to continue drawing the comics of "One Punch Man"..." Takahashi Makoto paused for a moment, shook his head gently, and continued to say something that shocked Yoshida even more, "No, not only that... I have begun to doubt that I... Can such an incompetent me really be called a cartoonist?"

Takahashi Makoto was actually shocked by the painting talent of the white girl... Come on, are you kidding?

The existence that claims to be a [crazy cartoonist] actually became so decadent because he felt the gap with world-class painters... This is a lie, isn't it?

Yoshida originally thought so...

But now looking at Takahashi Makoto's "starting to doubt life" look, Yoshida suddenly felt that he had strongly recommended Takahashi Makoto to be responsible for "guiding the world-class painter Mashiro to change his job to become a manga artist" was a stupid and wrong decision!


The feeling of regret began to spread...


The feeling of guilt began to grow...

"I was really wrong this time..."

Yoshida didn't know how to comfort Takahashi Makoto at this moment. Perhaps the only thing he could say now... is this?

A cat suddenly realized recently that competing with NPCs for luck will shorten his life.

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