A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 596: Summoning the Sacrifice of the [God’s Work]

"Teacher from the Phoenix Institute, where are the new comics you promised?"

The reason why the new wife Eiji came to find trouble is very simple. It is that there is still no news about a certain comic that Takahashi Makoto had promised to complete together until today...

As for the new wife Eiji, who was treated very unkindly by a certain middle-class manga artist who spoiled part of the plot early on, in the days of waiting for good news, the more she waited, the more curious she became, and the more she waited, the more she looked forward to... Although time can kill people. The emotion of love can make the person you once loved become strangers, but it can also give birth to an existence called [Curiosity], prompting it to grow crazily since its germination!

"Tsk...King of Black Flame, it's obviously not the right time to tell you now!" Eiji, the new wife, is not the uncle that Takahashi Makoto is waiting for, but considering that the other party is his [ally] for the time being, he decides to The cartoonist reluctantly placed his new wife Eiji into his home, "because the last and important piece of the puzzle has not yet been acquired..."

"...Is there still the most critical part that you haven't started yet? Understood!" A look of surprise appeared on Niizuma Eiji's face, he nodded in agreement, and muttered unwillingly, "If this is the case, there is nothing we can do about it. explain……"

"Well, thank you, Lord Black Flame, for your understanding!" Makoto Takahashi nodded matter-of-factly. After a moment of pause, he turned around and picked up some comic manuscripts of the comic "One Punch Man" and the comic "White Rabbit Candy" from the table. , said seriously to Eiji Shinzuma, "But fortunately... with the "Railgun" on your side, the three sacrifices for summoning the [Masterpiece] are now complete!"


"Oh! So in order to complete that comic, do you need to sacrifice three comics as sacrifices?" A look of surprise appeared on Niizuma Eiji's face, and then his eyes flashed with a light called [expectation], "It's true. Is it the existence that you call the "Masterpiece" of Phoenix Academy? Hmm, the more this happens, the more I look forward to it!"

"King of Black Flame, just like the agreement I made with you before..." Under Yoshida's astonished gaze, Takahashi Makoto casually threw the manga manuscript aside, "When that work is completed, you will get your What I have been looking for and what I have been lacking..."

"Hmm, according to the principle of [equivalent exchange], there is nothing wrong with this!" Niizuma Eiji opened his mouth with a very happy smile, but his eyes were fixed on Takahashi Makoto, and he said with a fierce spirit, " So after I completely master it..."

"Then let's have a brutal fight, King of Black Flame!" Makoto Takahashi also had a look of anticipation on his face, and let out a maniacal laugh that belongs exclusively to a second-year manga artist, "Hahahahaha... "

"Interesting! Super interesting to say! Hahahahahaha..." Eiji Niizuma also laughed in the same way...

By the way... what is this kind of communication like in a different dimension! ?

Don't make it look like the [inhuman being] is conducting some kind of transaction, okay?

Aren’t we all from the same dimension on earth?

Looking at the two cartoonists who were facing each other and laughing wildly at the same time, the corners of Yoshida's mouth began to twitch involuntarily!

Originally, Makoto Takahashi was a difficult person to communicate with, but now with the addition of Eiji Shinzuma... Yoshida felt that it was very necessary to ask for help from the editors of the weekly magazine at this moment, at least to summon the editor in charge of Eiji Shinzuma!

Less than five minutes after Yoshida sent the [request for help] email, the doorbell of Makoto Takahashi's house rang again...

"Oh oh oh oh! Finally... finally here!" Makoto Takahashi picked up the [Demon Sword Broken Star] and slowly walked towards the door, while not forgetting to give a [friendly] reminder to his new wife Eiji, " King of Black Flame, step back a little to avoid being affected by the coming battle!"

"Could it be that the next battle..." Upon hearing this, Eiji Niizuma immediately ran to the corner of the room obediently and asked Makoto Takahashi obediently, "It is what you said, Master Phoenix, is the most important puzzle piece. ”

"That's right! So King of Black Flame, the only thing you need to do later..." Makoto Takahashi walked to the door, took a deep breath, and then performed the starting move when drawing the sword, "That's it. Let the next battle be etched deep in your soul!"

Yoshida, who has been ignored or even ignored since the arrival of his new wife Eiji, after receiving the hint from Takahashi Makoto's eyes full of murderous intent, he curled his lips helplessly and reluctantly walked silently. The door opened in front of the door...

"Excuse me, uncle/white coat!" The boy and girl standing outside the door looked at Makoto Takahashi looking like he was about to use his big move, and they suddenly screamed in fear... Well, they were actually really scared. Only the Sorata boy named [Mashiro's Breeder] arrived, and the Mashiro girl still maintained her facial paralysis, looking at Makoto Takahashi calmly!

"Hey! How could it be you two little guys..." At that time, the sword in Takahashi Makoto's hand was only 0.01 centimeters away from Sorata boy's throat... Later, he showed off the special skill of [free retraction]. Afterwards, a certain middle school cartoonist curled his lips in displeasure, "I thought the person coming would be the Jisang guy..."

"Hey, hey, hey, uncle, that action just now was super dangerous!" The boy Sorata recovered from his fear, and shouted to Takahashi Makoto with a pale face, "Uncle, that's a real sword, right? ? You almost... almost killed me just now!"

"You're not dead yet, boy? Tsk..." Makoto Takahashi put down the magic sword in his hand without any embarrassment, and said in a tone as calm as a daily conversation, "And look at the calm girl over there, boy! Oh, you are making such a big fuss over such a trivial matter... Hey, what a courageous guy!"

"White coat, manga manuscript!" Mashiro girl skillfully took out the manga manuscript from her bag and handed it to Takahashi Makoto with anticipation!

"Yada!" Makoto Takahashi turned his head reluctantly, "Didn't you say it before? The last guidance education course was already the last one! If you still want to invite the great If the arrogant Phoenix Academy murderer helps...Mashiro girl, are you ready to pay the same price?"

"Three days... um... two days without eating Baumkuchen!" Mashiro girl puffed her mouth and said with great momentum... For Mashiro girl, this is indeed a very heavy price!

When the boy Sorata heard this, he immediately showed a helpless look, and then quickly covered his face with his hands... Is it because the scene of the Mashiro girl acting cute is too beautiful to watch?

Editor Yoshida, who had been arrogant after being ignored, saw clearly that the person who came was the Mashiro girl, and decisively began to send a [request for help email] to his junior, Editor Iida... Yoshida, you are going to continue to cause trouble. What's the rhythm?

"Huh? This level of price... is far from enough!" After Makoto Takahashi snorted coldly, he turned around and saw the curious new wife Eiji. After thinking for a moment, he faced the persistent Mashiro girl again. , a playful smile appeared on his face, "But girl, since you sincerely came to ask for my help in person, then... in the next period of time, I will dedicate your body as the price! "

"No!" After hearing Makoto Takahashi's [malicious] words, Sorata boy didn't even think about it and roared loudly, "Uncle, you...how can you do this!? You're just instructing Mashiro's comics. It’s just a matter of fact, how can you make such an excessive request?”

Originally, Yoshida was also shocked by Takahashi Makoto's condition, but after seeing the [joyful] expression on Takahashi Makoto's face, a certain editor opened his mouth, but wisely did not say anything...

"Huh? Too much? Boy, have you thought of something strange?" Makoto Takahashi looked at Sorata, whose face was red with anger, and pointed to the empty assistant seat next to him, "You want me to help Mashiro The girl observes the manga manuscript. According to the principle of [equivalent exchange], Mashiro Girl also needs to help me complete the manga manuscript..."

"Eh?" Compared to the confused look on Sorata's face, Yoshida put on an expression like "I damn well knew it would be like this"!

"Because there are a lot of manga manuscripts to be completed, and the quality requirements for each manuscript are also very high..." Makoto Takahashi slowly briefly described the difficulty of the next work to Sorata boy and Mashiro girl, "So There will definitely and inevitably be times where you have to stay up long hours or even stay up late to finish the manga... For a Mashiro girl, isn't this equivalent to sacrificing your body?"

"White coat comics...I want to help!" Mashiro girl didn't think too much like Sorata boy, and decisively agreed to Takahashi Makoto's conditions!

"Yes, that's it? I, I, I thought it was..." The boy Sorata smiled awkwardly and said to Takahashi Makoto sincerely, "I'm sorry, uncle, I misunderstood you!"

"Misunderstanding... Damn it! Boy, you seem to have had some terrible idea just now!" After thinking for a moment, Takahashi Makoto understood what Sorata-boy had misunderstood, and then...then a certain Chuni manga A look of horror suddenly appeared on Iya's face, and he put his hands firmly on the shoulders of the boy Sorata, "Are you planning to wake up the [World-Destroying Witch] sleeping in the seal and destroy the world? Fortunately, today The witch went out to practice, otherwise just based on what she just said...Young man, let me tell you, you just almost destroyed the world, do you know?"

"Uh..." Sorata boy looked at Makoto Takahashi who was happy to survive the disaster, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch... The uncle in front of him was not only a middle-aged man, but he was also severely henpecked!

Is this...the very popular cartoonist of the weekly "Shounen Jumk", Hohoin Kouma! ?

Sorata boy suddenly felt... It was quite unreliable to let Mashiro girl stay with Takahashi Makoto to complete the manga together!

"The King of Black Flame and the Mashiro Girl, the two strongest allies who don't need to prove themselves, joined in, and then offered three comics as sacrifices..." Not paying attention to Sorata's doubtful look, Takahashi Makoto nodded with satisfaction. , laughed angrily, "The ritual to summon the [Masterpiece] to come... Now all that's left is a fight to the death with the rampaging Jisang! Drink hahahahaha..."

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