A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 63 The new assistant has a good name

Because of the healing work "When the Higurashi Cries" appeared, Makoto Takahashi decided to use a new version of the story for "Fullmetal Alchemist", which is the FA version!

"Fullmetal Alchemist" has been serialized to the eighth episode. The Edward brothers obtained information about the Philosopher's Stone from Dr. Malcom and began to search in the library, hoping to find the Philosopher's Stone. How to make the Stone of Death to restore the body.

The last issue of "Fullmetal Alchemist" happened to be serialized at this point. Many readers are curious about what the raw material of the Philosopher's Stone is. After the new serialization of this issue was published, many readers couldn't wait to read it. When I reached the published page of "Fullmetal Alchemist", I verified my thoughts accurately.

"Research on demons is something that cannot be pursued..." In the comic, Edward had a gloomy look on his face and knocked on the floor angrily, "That's cruel, Mr. Marco! I will definitely hate you for the rest of my life!"

"The materials used to make the Philosopher's Stone...are living people!" Edward covered his mouth, his face turned pale, and continued to talk about the shocking facts, "And to refine a Philosopher's Stone, more people need to be sacrificed. life!"

When many readers read this paragraph, they suddenly felt a chill in their backs!

When we saw Dr. Marco take out a small piece of the Philosopher's Stone in the last issue, many readers didn't take it seriously, and Marco also said that it was an incomplete Philosopher's Stone, which made Brother Edward happy for nothing. It also made some readers very unhappy!

The thing you are looking for is right in front of you. When you reach out to get it, the other person tells you that this is not complete. Not only does it take it back, but it also tells you that even if I know how to make this thing, I will not tell you. you! Not to mention Brother Edward, many readers felt that Dr. Mal was a bit immoral. Even if Brother Edward was given a hint later, it would still be difficult to eliminate the readers' resentment!

But after seeing this issue of the comic, especially after many readers learned how to make the Philosopher's Stone, they have some complicated feelings for Marco! After learning the truth, I suddenly felt that what Marco did at the beginning was entirely to protect Brother Edward!

"You are worthy of being a teacher from the Phoenix Academy..." The uncle owner of a supermarket had a feeling of admiration after just reading the beginning, "In every work, the portrayal of human nature is indeed better than many The cartoonist is very clever!”

In "Destiny Note", the uncle boss watched Yagami Yue slowly transform from the best student in the country to Kira, and in the end he even began to proclaim himself a god! From the beginning, Yagami just wanted to get rid of the criminals and build a utopian world. However, after using the Death Note to take the lives of many people, Yagami gradually began to lose his way! Perhaps because of the rebellious period, Ya Shenyue cannot tolerate the existence of anyone who disobeys her!

From the beginning when Yagami used the notebook without any selfish intention, to later on when he started killing lives wantonly, the changes in his heart changed little by little! Just like after suddenly gaining superpowers, many people will act recklessly and even claim to be gods, but they have forgotten the fact that they are still human beings!

As for Lelouch in "Lelouch of the Rebellion", the boss couldn't help but sigh when he thought about it! Although like Yagami Yue, Lelouch also intends to create a utopian world, but the method used is different!

In the later stages of the manga, Yagami Yue has forgotten the fact that he is a human being after all, but Lelouch has always insisted on his own ideas and fought hard! It's not that Yagami Yue is inferior to Lelouch, it's just that the two of them chose different methods and have different ideological consciousness! Yagami Yue has become a ruthless demon king in the later stage, but Lelouch's final performance still maintains human thoughts!

But in "Fullmetal Alchemist", what the uncle boss saw was a depiction that was closer to life!

The Edward brothers made mistakes out of ignorance and did not choose to forget about escaping and retreating. Instead, they shouldered the pain and moved forward silently. Even though they knew that the road ahead was tortuous and bizarre, they never stopped!

When Brother Edward learned how to make the Philosopher's Stone, the uncle boss did not continue to read the comics. Instead, he began to think about it in another person's shoes. What would he do if he were in his shoes? Should I choose to use the Philosopher's Stone selfishly to restore my body without conscience, or should I give up the hope that I have already obtained and continue to explore unknown methods? The middle-aged uncle, who still had trouble making a decision after thinking about it, looked at it curiously. He had a hunch that Brother Edward would probably give up using the Philosopher's Stone to restore his body!

"A Cheng's painting skills have improved a lot!" Lan Dai put down the comic in his hand and looked at his good partner Huang Mao Glasses with a blank expression, "Hey, Qiuren, what do you think? Regarding the plot of the story !”

"I have to admire that Chuuni Cheng!" The yellow-haired glasses man pushed up the glasses on his face and pointed at the comics, "I don't know much about drawing, but the development of this story really makes me It feels uncomfortable to read it in one sitting! And what’s even more amazing is... Cheng’s ability to construct a story!”

"Story-building ability?" Lan Dai looked at his partner with some confusion.

"As you can see, I was thinking before that the characters who had appeared before were the three people with tattoos and the scarred man! If those people were just minor supporting roles, why did Ah Cheng give close-up shots?" The man with yellow hair and glasses looked at the more confused Lan Dai, sighed, and changed his explanation method, "Hey, Supreme, have you noticed that the story development of "Fullmetal Alchemist" has already laid a lot of foreshadowing! Although it seems to be just some scenes at present, maybe in the future, these foreshadowings will play a very incredible effect!"

"Akito, is it still time to sigh now?" Lan Dai closed one eye, "Since it has started serialization, we must work hard! Hurry up and conceive a new storyboard! The performance of "Suspect Detective TRAP" has begun to decline recently! If it goes on like this, it will be difficult to animate it!"

"Okay, okay!" Looking at Lan Dai who was in a trance state, the man with yellow hair and glasses couldn't help but smile embarrassedly. He knew that Lan Dai must be thinking about Yadou now!

Makoto Takahashi, who has become the subject of discussion, is now drawing a story that was difficult to accept in his previous life, the death of Lieutenant Colonel Mas Hughes!

This middle-aged uncle who did not appear often in the previous life loved his daughter and wife very much. He often took out photos of his daughter in the army to show his colleagues. Roy Mustang often complained about Hughes's show of affection! But it was because Hughes loved his family too much that he could not kill Envy when he saw that the appearance of the android Envy had become his wife, giving Envy an opportunity to kill Hughes.

"Although I have seen it no less than ten times, I still find it difficult to accept the death of Uncle Hughes!" Makoto Takahashi looked at the finished draft with a lonely face. This feeling had appeared before! When L died, and when Lelouch was stabbed by Suzaku, I had this feeling before!

"Speaking of which, those authors in the previous life must have endured a lot of resentment, right?" Takahashi Makoto looked at the sky covered with dark clouds outside the window, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Now I am the one who draws these comics, so these resentments will be borne by me this time? Alas, this is also an equal exchange, right?"

Looking at the vibrating mobile phone on the table, Takahashi Makoto did not answer the call, but closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair to rest slowly! Takahashi Makoto knew that it was Yoshida who called, but he was in a low mood and didn't want to talk to anyone, so he deliberately turned a blind eye.

But Takahashi Makoto thought too naively. Soon the door was knocked violently. Yoshida's voice sounded a little noisy, which made Takahashi Makoto annoyed and planned to continue to ignore it!

It's a pity that Takahashi Makoto underestimated Yoshida's persistence!

"My cat, you are really persistent!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida, whose hands were a little red, and couldn't help but sigh, "I deliberately added a layer of iron plate on the door before, but I didn't expect you didn't notice it and still insisted on knocking on the door for fifteen minutes! Congratulations on your achievement, congratulations!"

"I'll discuss the door with you later!" Yoshida looked gloomy and looked at Makoto Takahashi with dissatisfaction, "Didn't I tell you before? I will bring my assistant to you, but you have stood me up several times?"

"The Demon King never raises pigeons, but only tames dark dragons !” Takahashi Makoto shook his head and looked at Yoshida innocently, “Besides, I have to go to Sacred Heart College to brush dungeons every day, and make guides when I come back at night. I am so busy that I vomit blood every day. My cat, you, a servant, not only don’t help, but also keep complaining. You are really bad!”

“Brush dungeons? Make guides? Don’t treat daily classes and comics as games!” Yoshida’s mouth twitched, “Ah Cheng, have you started to become a otaku? You are just a chuunibyou, don’t become a chuunibyou otaku!”

“Hehe…” The two girls behind Yoshida suddenly laughed, interrupting their conversation.

"Oh, my beloved cat, have you sent a new sacrifice?" Takahashi Makoto showed what he thought was a ferocious smile, "It seems that this sacrifice is not bad! In this case, I can satisfy half of your wishes! Money, women, status, tell me, my beloved cat, what do you need?"

"Ahem..." Feeling that the two girls behind him were looking at him with some unfriendly eyes, Yoshida coughed awkwardly, "As you can see, this is Mr. Hououin Kyouma, his real name is Takahashi Makoto! Although he is a genius cartoonist, he is a complete chuunibyou patient!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, my beloved cat, did you miss something?" Takahashi Makoto looked at the two girls behind Yoshida. A man, his face turned a little cold, "I am the Lord Demon from the abyss of love and healing! Foolish human, remember this moment! Being able to witness the Lord Demon's demeanor will be something you will be proud of for the rest of your life!"

"Haha, it's just as Mr. Yoshida said!" The male assistant smiled slightly and walked to Takahashi Makoto, "Hello, Mr. Fenghuangyuan, my name is..."

"Name? That kind of thing is not necessary!" Takahashi Makoto looked up at the man who was a head taller than him, looked him up and down, and nodded with satisfaction, "Yoshi, you are good, from today on, you will become the Lord Demon's fourth subordinate! The name... let's call it Ding Ding!"

"Eh? Does Mr. Fenghuangyuan know me?" The male assistant smiled shyly, "My last name is Ding, and my given name is also Ding!"

"Ahahahaha... The evil eye of the devil can predict the future!" Takahashi Makoto smiled awkwardly, gave a thumbs up and praised, "I have to say, your name is very thoughtful, come and destroy the world with me!"

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