A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 672: Guys with strong intuition are all cheating monsters

Although a certain middle-level cartoonist had previously said that he planned to hand over the subsequent serialization of the comic "Fate" to Eiji Niizuma, and even let Eiji Niizuma do whatever he wanted... But when he turned on the [Cultivation] mode to complete the manga manuscript that night, Eiji, the new wife, discovered that a certain middle-class manga artist was shamelessly going back on his word! ?

"Ah? Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute, didn't you just say that you would leave it all to me..." Seeing that Makoto Takahashi was still drawing the manga "Fate" manga, Eiji Niizuma complained with some dissatisfaction. Get up, "Why are you starting to draw again now..."

"King of Black Flame, you must learn to be content as a human being! For such an interesting and [pleasant] part, I can separate part of it with you to complete... This is already for the sake of you being [my ally] !" The brush in Takahashi Makoto's hand stopped for a moment, and then began to dance quickly on the manuscript paper again, "According to the original plan, I originally planned to enjoy this [pleasure] alone... So, the King of Black Flames , do you still think you have the right to complain about me?"

"Hmm... Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute is really cunning!" Eiji Shinzuma walked up to Takahashi Makoto, flipping through the manga he had already drawn, and muttering resentfully, "You know I'm very interested. , I also really want to paint in this style..."

"Hey! King of Black Flame, you are actually starting to steal food from me now..." Makoto Takahashi put down his paintbrush and stared at his new wife Eiji. After seeing the light originating from [Detection] flashing in his eyes, he was stunned. The cartoonist immediately stopped complaining, then put on a "regretful" look, and sighed depressedly, "Tsk, if I had known it would be like this... I shouldn't have taught you how to find [pleasure] in the first place!"

"Ah? Is that so? Hehe... But I am very grateful to Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Academy for saying that!" Eiji Shinzuma suddenly put on a serious look, bowed to Takahashi Makoto, and then said seriously, "It's precisely because During this period of time, my cooperation with Phoenix Academy Kuma-san has opened the door to a new world for me... Although Yuujirou-san has always warned me not to learn from your bad taste, Phoenix Academy Kuma-sama!"

"Oh? Is it a bad idea...? Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that stupid-looking servant to have such courage and courage to say such a thing!" Takahashi Makoto complained to the editor in charge. After that, Yujiro sighed with a somewhat disappointed tone, "Can Nian! If I had known this earlier, when I chose to practice the technique, I should have chosen the one that comes with it. Full Strike】Conceptual technique with legendary effects!”

Speaking of Takahashi Seiyo, if Yuujiro saw your current expression now, he would probably be scared to the point of being unable to sleep at night! ?

"Teacher Hohoin Kuma, please leave Yujiro-san alone for now!" Eiji Niizuma put the finished manga manuscript on the table and urged with expectation, "Please draw the remaining manga manuscripts as soon as possible!"

"King of Black Flame, do you really want to know the follow-up plot?" Although he can't express it in words, Takahashi Makoto can really feel it. At this moment, the eyes of Eiji, the new wife, are like a child's curiosity about unknown things. , just pure exploration and expectation for the follow-up plot! "Speaking of what the follow-up plot is...haven't I told you everything before? If you are really anxious to watch it, you can also do it yourself!"

"No! Say it differently!" As if he was dissatisfied with Takahashi Makoto's attitude, or perhaps for other reasons, Eiji Shinzuma suppressed the expression of curiosity and expectation on his face, and said seriously, "The Phoenix Academy is really fierce. What the teacher told me is just the plot development of the comic, which can be listened to as a story...but the comics are different!"

"Oh? King of Black Flame, are you trying to argue with me? Interesting! It's really interesting!" Squinting his eyes to look at Eiji's new wife, whose expression became serious, Takahashi Makoto pulled the collar of his white coat and waved it. Straighten your sitting posture... If Yoshida or Uncle Tintin were present, they would definitely make complaints like "The bad smell started to spread from a certain middle-class cartoonist"! "Then please allow me to listen to your opinions with all my ears!"

"Although there are subsequent plots, every cartoonist can draw corresponding cartoon manuscripts based on the previous characters of the work... but the reality is still different!" It seems to be influenced by a certain middle-level cartoonist, Niizuma Eiji also unconsciously restrained his usual naughty side, and began to tell Makoto Takahashi his understanding of comics with a serious expression, "The cartoonist's personal preferences, preference for characters, understanding of the plot of the comics, every Each cartoonist has his or her own characteristics...so even if the plot is the same, the cartoons drawn will be different!"


Eiji Niizuma, you put on a serious look because... just want to say this?

Isn’t this too low for you, the genius Shinzuma Eiji?

"Phoenixin Kyuma-sensei, don't you think the world created by the comics is very exciting?" Before Takahashi Makoto could recover from the silence and complain, Niizuma Eiji raised his voice and said to himself as if his blood was boiling over him. , "It is similar but different from the world we live in. When we observe comics, we are also observing another world and experiencing a different life..."

"When I was young... I really committed an unforgivable sin!" To be honest, looking at Eiji Niizuma who seemed to have turned on the [fanatical] mode, a certain chuunibana cartoonist really regretted it at this moment... regretted that he had instilled too much [pleasure] knowledge in Eiji Niizuma!

"Perhaps for many people, comics are just entertainment products to kill time..." Ignoring the complaints of a certain chuunibana cartoonist, Eiji Niizuma has been completely immersed in his own world, "But for me, comics provide a treasure trove of knowledge! By observing comics, I can learn a lot of new knowledge, and I can interpret the original author's way of thinking from the development of the comic's plot, and infer the original author's preferences..."

A certain chuunibana cartoonist said that he would take back his previous evaluation!

"... Awesome, awesome!" If Takahashi Makoto still had an attitude of [sneer] or [disdain] towards Eiji Niizuma's theory just now, then now... the praise of Eiji Niizuma by a certain chuunibana cartoonist is absolutely sincere! "I didn't expect you to master the legendary skill [One skill leads to a hundred skills]! King of Black Flame, you are indeed a well-deserved genius cartoonist in this world!"

"Just like the comic "Fate" we are currently reading..." Instead of feeling happy because of boasting, Nizuma Eiji even demonstrated his own experience to explain his theory, "Although I know what the plot will develop in the future, if it wasn't drawn by you, Mr. Hououin Kyouma, then the cognition of [pleasure] and the pursuit of [pleasure] you mentioned in the comic... Even if I can imitate the style of painting, I can't draw that kind of emotion!"

" That's because you just opened the door to [pleasure], and I..." Takahashi Makoto waved his hand casually, and said somewhat unnaturally, "I have already embarked on the road of [pleasure] a long time ago!"

"And the gap is not just like this..." Nizuma Eiji picked up the comic manuscript on the table again, and his tone suddenly became a little depressed, "Every comic work of yours since your debut, Mr. Hououin Kyouma, seems to carry a kind of emotion that I can't describe or imitate... How to say it..."

"Hmm, maybe it's because the [Magic Mark that Influences People's Hearts] is implanted in it?" By the way...is this something to be proud of?

"I feel like your comics by Hououin Kyouma-sensei are like magic..." Ignoring the delusional remarks of a certain Chuuni manga artist, Shinzuma Eiji pinched his chin and said to himself, "Is that feeling... nostalgia? Or confusion?"

"... Black Flame King, you are really an amazing guy!" Takahashi Makoto looked at Shinzuma Eiji with a strange expression, and after a long silence, he commented...

"... I always feel that Hououin Kyouma-sensei, you seem to have hidden a lot of secrets in the comics that cannot be told!"


Shinzuma Eiji, you are fucking cheating! ?

Or should I say...

Guys who act on intuition... are they really monsters?

Fuck! Today is already Sunday! ! ! ? ? ? ?

They said that they could rest after working overtime for the past few days, but after seeing the calendar. Hehehe~

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