A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 695 The key plot that I can't understand

Although he was amazed by the sudden change of painting style of a certain second grade cartoonist, Yoshida hesitated for a moment just because of his surprise, and then continued to look through the cartoon manuscript in his hand...

Speaking of the delicate painting style, although it will indeed have a certain impact on many readers, for most readers, they are naturally immune to the interference from the painting style!

After all, for readers... er, no, for readers who have observed a large number of comic manuscripts... what really determines the quality of comics is actually the quality of the comics themselves!

As the editor-in-chief of the weekly, Yoshida will naturally not be deceived by the exquisite painting style. He tries his best to ignore the urge in his heart to complain about the painting style, and tries his best to focus on the plot content of the comic... After all, so far So far, Yoshida has not discovered the [key point] plot predicted by Eiji Shinzuma before!

Pushing open the ajar door, what caught his eyes was a girl lying in a pool of blood!

Although the male protagonist has shown two cute attributes of [chuunibyou] and [persecution delusion] in the first chapter of the comic, this does not mean that the male protagonist in a white coat is a lackluster person. Common sense guy!

Anyone with a little bit of common sense knows that when you find yourself at the scene of a crime, even if you are not regarded as a suspect by some guy with the aura of death, you will at least be taken to the bureau to interrogate the transcript... And with The male protagonist Rintaro Okabe, who has a delusion of being murdered, will have more and more complicated thoughts when facing this kind of murder scene!

So at this moment, the brain does not need to think too much, the body is the first to respond before the mind...

Escape the scene!

Escape the scene quickly!

Try your best to escape from the scene!

After finding his childhood sweetheart Mayuri, Okabe Rintaro immediately fled to the street with him...

If this is a mystery comic, the subsequent plot development will first see the appearance of a certain detective with the aura of death; then the police will slowly come in with onlookers mixed with the real murderer; and then the victims will be exposed in front of the corpse. The dark history of the film reveals the ugliest side of human nature; in the end, a famous detective finds the decisive clues based on the clues at the crime scene and various conversations, and a group of uncles and aunts who only call 666 Point out the murderer while watching, and successfully gain fame, wealth and a huge amount of satisfaction!

But unfortunately, the comic called "Steins Gate" that Yoshida is observing at the moment is not a mystery comic, so naturally there will be no famous detective...

Although he has just experienced various frightening events, as long as he blends into the crowd, even if he does not talk to anyone, he can get rid of the previous uneasiness and fear in a short period of time... Human beings are really strange creatures. , in the true sense, what scares humans is actually humans themselves, right?

The male protagonist Rintaro Okabe is just like ordinary people in this regard... When Rintaro Okabe took Mayuri into the crowd, his originally panicked heart gradually calmed down, and he even sent a message to his friends. Got a text message!

"...It's unexpectedly ordinary!" Yoshida stopped reading the manga manuscript again. He looked up at Makoto Takahashi with some helplessness and confusion, and murmured in a low voice, "Although I admit that the protagonist is similar to someone because It’s extremely high...but that’s it, right? At least until now, I don’t feel that the character [Chun Nibyou] has promoted the development of the entire comic!”

In terms of character design, although the male protagonist's chuunibyou setting is a bit strange, and it is slightly different from the performance of a certain chuunibyou manga artist that Yoshida is familiar with, this is not a big problem...

After all, no matter what kind of work they are in, characters with weird attributes will be easily recognizable to readers... In other words, works without characters don't actually exist at all, right?

But if the character's personality is not well integrated with the work, which is what the saying goes: "the fit is not high"... no matter how brilliant the character is, no matter how good the plot is, it will not save the work from failure. fate, right?

For example, if a certain [X Aotian] character who has been complained about many times is placed in a work with a rigorous setting such as "Steel", if it is used as a fan, it may have a very good effect... but But it undoubtedly destroyed the structural rigor of the original work, causing many layouts of this comic to directly collapse, and the plot to fall directly from the altar!

This is a classic case of character design and comics [not being well matched]!

So you understand why Yoshida would express such emotion! ?

Regarding the character design of the manga "Steins;Gate", if calculated on a 100-point scale, Yoshida can definitely give nine points to the characters currently appearing in the manga, namely the male protagonist Rintaro Okabe and Mayuri, who is temporarily the female protagonist. More than ten points... But judging from what Yoshida has observed so far, it can only be thirty points at most!

Moreover, this score can only be given after the death of Makise Kurisu, the girl who took on the appearance and received the lunch in the manga!

"Ah Cheng, you guy, even if it is the last serialized work, there is no need to be so willful and let yourself go so freely, right? It's really..." to use such a general and ordinary plot as the final work.

Originally, Yoshida wanted to use this way of complaining to persuade a middle-class cartoonist to modify the plot...

But after turning to the next page of the manga, Yoshida couldn't say anything about the "complaint-like persuasion" that originally came to his lips!

Because in the comics, after Okabe Rintaro sent the message, the whole world changed!

In the comic draft, a string of numbers with unknown meaning was deliberately given a close-up scene, and then...

When Okabe Rintaro regained consciousness after a brief blur, he found himself suddenly in a world that looked like a dead city!

The building that was originally crowded with onlookers...

The crowded intersection...

The busy streets...

The noisy voices...

All disappeared!

"What? This is..." Looking at the sudden strange change in the picture in the comic, Yoshida was stunned again, scratched his head in confusion, and after a moment of silence, he said in a resentful tone, "This... Is this the [key plot] that Nizuma Eiji mentioned? But I don't understand it at all!? So what exactly happened!?"

It is obvious that Yoshida deliberately asked doubts in order to attract the attention of a certain chuuni cartoonist, and then as usual, while answering questions and solving doubts, he also mocked himself... Of course, for a certain chuuni cartoonist, answering is only secondary or incidental, and the main thing is to mock Yoshida to get [pleasure]!

But this time, a certain chuuni cartoonist did not pay attention to Yoshida, but hugged his legs, curled up in a chair, staring at the comic on the table and wandering in the sky...

Yoshida used the [fascination] skill on Takahashi Makoto!

Takahashi Makoto was not affected because of his characteristic [slowness]!

After Yoshida sensed from the corner of his eye that a certain chuunibaku manga artist had no intention of paying attention to him, he stood up with the manga manuscript in his hand, ready to tell the other party his doubts directly... However, after Yoshida took only one step, he suddenly stopped, took back his steps, and sat back on the sofa!

"... Forget it, I'd better finish reading the rest of the manga manuscript first!"

I want to emphasize that the reason why Yoshida changed his mind temporarily was actually just to fulfill the obligation of [the editor-in-charge should comment after reading the manga manuscript]...

It's definitely not because he is afraid of a certain chuunibaku manga artist!

Well, absolutely not!

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