A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 712 Control

With the recent serialization of the manga "Steins; Gate", to be precise, it should be since the "divine twist" of Mayuri's first death that the whole manga suddenly became popular among readers...

Plot analysis, plot analysis, emotional choices, the possibility of successfully saving Mayuri... Almost all the topics that readers can discuss in the manga have been analyzed and discussed one by one!

This means that the manga "Steins; Gate" has been recognized by readers!

However, for the weekly editor Yoshida, this is not the only news worth celebrating!

What really shocked the black-bellied and venomous Yoshida was the ability of a certain middle school cartoonist to lay out the overall plot of the manga "Steins; Gate"... or in other words, the brutal control of the entire manga by a certain middle school cartoonist!

In many works, especially those novels or comics with longer length and longer serialization time, some wonderful character settings and plot foreshadowing may appear at the beginning, but as the serialization time increases and the original author's later ideas for the entire work are conceived, it is easy to forget or abandon the foreshadowing plots that made readers remember them in the early stage... This is a very common thing. Even for several well-known comics currently being serialized in weekly magazines, similar behavior has occurred!

However, in the comic "Steins;Gate", a certain chuunibyou cartoonist did not forget or abandon those plot foreshadowings and character foreshadowings... Of course, if it was only to this extent, Yoshida would not be too surprised!

After all, as early as when the comic "Fullmetal Alchemist" was serialized, the editor-in-chief of a certain weekly magazine had already witnessed the "brutal" layout ability of a certain chuuni cartoonist... It can be said that in the comic "Fullmetal Alchemist", it was because the two brothers Edward embarked on a journey to find a way to restore their bodies that they had scenes of encounters and interactions with others, discovered the hidden conspiracy, and integrated reinforcements from all sides in the final battle to defeat the little man in the bottle who was already worthy of being called "God"!

Speaking of which, when the comic "Fullmetal Alchemist" was serialized, Yoshida really didn't think so much... All the above content was what Yoshida saw on the Internet later!

However, the comic "Steins;Gate" that is being serialized now is different!

Since the beginning, whenever the male protagonist Okabe Rintaro appears in the comic, there will be various chuuni settings, which will make readers remember... and even leave embarrassing deep impressions such as "I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air"!

Settings such as [machines] and [spies], as well as delusions such as [fighting against a dark organization that wants to dominate the world], always appear in the daily conversations of [mad scientist Hououin Kyouma]... However, before the plot of Mayuri's first death unfolded, who would have thought that all that Okabe Rintaro said was not a [conspiracy theory] caused by the delusion of being persecuted, but a real thing! ?

The daily dialogue that was originally just a high-level scientist's [high-level power] was transferred to reality... This control of [turning delusions into reality] undoubtedly shocked and amazed Yoshida!

Of course, compared to Yoshida, even a certain cartoonist who was vaguely prepared was still frightened by the powerful and brutal control ability of a certain cartoonist after reading the three recent episodes!

"As expected..." Eiji Niizuma closed the weekly comic book with both hands. His expression was no longer as relaxed and cheerful as usual. Instead, he was filled with loneliness and unwillingness. "... It's the same result as I guessed at the beginning!"

"Niizuma...kun?" Seeing that Eiji Niizuma was obviously in a bad state, the editor-in-chief Yujiro on the side was a little worried... After all, since he and the former editor-in-chief personally invited Eiji Niizuma, this was the first time Yujiro saw the other party look so disappointed!

"Yujiro-san, I lost this time..." Although there was unwillingness and disappointment in his tone, Eiji Niizuma was Eiji Niizuma. Soon, as if nothing had happened, he smiled and said to his editor-in-chief, "Although the manga "Steins;Gate" has not yet been completed, I have already expected the result!"

"Uh..." Editor-in-chief Yujiro said it was difficult to continue Eiji Niizuma's words...

"I originally thought that I could suppress the manga "Steins;Gate" and let Mr. Hououin Kyouma give up some of his thoughts of retirement..." Eiji Niizuma threw the comic book aside and stretched out his hands. With his hands on the table and his eyes looking at the ceiling, he said, "I didn't expect that I still couldn't seize the last chance... What a pity!"

"Um, Niizuma-kun, admit defeat now..." Yujiro, who didn't know how to continue the topic, could only bite the bullet and persuade him after noticing that the atmosphere was getting weirder, "Maybe it's too early?"

"Yujiro-san is really an idiot!" Because of someone, the originally kind and upright Niizuma Eiji was also led astray... The evidence is that even though he realized that his editor-in-chief was persuading him with good intentions, Niizuma Eiji subconsciously mocked him! "Just after reading the latest episode, I knew I lost this time!"

"But judging from the performance of the weekly serialization..." Yujiro felt that Niizuma Eiji was a little pessimistic, and immediately tried to cite data to prove his point, "Niizuma-kun, you haven't lost yet! So..."

"Yujiro-san, don't you understand!?" Eiji, the new wife, suddenly shouted loudly, not only interrupting Yujiro's unfinished words, but also startling him! "This is not the difference in grades, nor is it the ranking of the comics... What I mean by losing is my ability to control the plot of the comics!"

"The ability to control comics!?" Yujiro, who was a little puzzled, repeated, and after pondering for a moment, he nodded and said, "Indeed... From the perspective of the ability to control the plot of comics, the "Steins of Stone" written by Mr. Kumamoto of the Phoenix Academy is The plot layout of "Gate" is really amazing! "

"It's not just about being awesome..." Niizuma Eiji suddenly stood up, took down an issue of the weekly magazine from the bookcase next to the desk, quickly flipped to a certain page, and spread it out in front of Yujiro, "Yujiro-san, you didn't pay attention carefully before. Have you read the serialization of the manga "Steins Gate"? Now look at the content of this chapter..."

"So what, the early stage of this manga... ahem, well, it's not my type!" Without denying Eiji Nitsuma's point of view, Yujiro smiled awkwardly, and then followed Eiji Nitsuma's request and began to observe the comics. ...However, after just roughly browsing two or three pages, Yuujiro immediately opened his eyes and exclaimed! "This is a previous serial...Eh!? How is that possible!?"

"Oh, it seems Yujiro-san, you have also noticed it!" Niizuma Eiji put away the weekly magazine in his hand, then picked up the latest issue of the weekly magazine that he had thrown aside not long ago, and said to Yujiro, "This Yuujiro-san, you must have read the content...otherwise you would never have said that expression just now!"

"Yes, but this... how is this possible!?" Yujiro seemed to be unwilling to accept the reality, and looked at Eiji Niizuma for help, "Ninzuma-kun, your cartoonist's layout of comics... or your ability to control , can you actually accomplish this kind of thing?"

"If it's the main line, I can actually say..." Eiji Niizuma looked at the comic in his hand, his face full of wonder, "But it's just a passerby character who hasn't appeared many times, Phoenix Teacher Yin Jiuzhen was actually able to deliberately arrange a plot, and it was a plot that intersected with the main plot... Unless it was planned in advance... No, even if it was conceived in advance, I can't tell! "

"Compared to this..." Yujiro stared at Niizuma Eiji with strange eyes, "Speaking of Niizuma-kun, what I'm more curious about is... why do you have such a deep memory for this character who only appeared in a few episodes? Even Even the conversation with the leading actor during the appearance, you remember clearly! ?

"Because the bald one said..." After hearing Yujiro's question, Eiji Shinzuma suddenly had a look of resentment that shouldn't have appeared on his face! "When I saw the character setting of [Bald], I was reminded of the comic book "One Punch Man" that was actively completed by Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Academy but was not actually completed!"

Since the serialization of the comic "One Punch Man" was completed, whenever bald characters appear in other comics, readers will think of the bald caped man who said "I am just a hero motivated by interest"... What is this about the comics? What do you like about "One Punch Man"? Or is it resentment towards a certain middle-class cartoonist?

"...Okay, I understand!" Yujiro nodded in agreement...

Therefore, Yujiro instantly accepted the explanation from Eiji Shinzuma!

To be honest, the plot of Stone Gate is difficult to analyze. A certain cat can only express his personal understanding. For readers who have not read the original work, ahem, go read this masterpiece first, at least three times!

By the way, a certain cat reviewed it and found that the comics mentioned in the article seemed to have corresponding events in reality:

When I was writing "Tide and Tiger", a remake appeared; when I mentioned "Hunter", Togashi Old Thief actually resumed publication; when I was preparing to write "Stone Gate", the new series started again. The only regret is that "One Punch", it only revealed the news about the second season, but there is no work!

Sure enough, a certain cat’s [Great Prophecy Technique] hasn’t been mastered yet.

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