A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 719 Deception

Regarding the ending of the previous chapter of the manga "Steins Gate", Yoshida can be said to be full of resentment!

Although in the end, with the encouragement of his arrogant assistant Makise Kurisu, the male protagonist Rintaro Okabe chose to save Mayuri... but the soul-trembling Chuuni monologue made Yoshida feel deeply depressed. At the same time, I couldn't help but have a trace of fantasy!

Since the male protagonist Rintaro Okabe can change the fate of [certain death] and save Mayuri, then... can he also use a similar method to complete the seemingly impossible task of [rescuing the proud assistant Kurisu]? Mission, evoke miracles! ?

It was because of this expectation that Yoshida waited patiently for three days and then came to the base of a certain middle-class cartoonist...

The reason why Yoshida chose to wait for three days before coming to the door was naturally calculated based on the speed at which a certain second-grade cartoonist usually completes the comic draft... You know, whether it is a certain second-grade cartoonist, it can be called "super speed" level in the industry As for his drawing ability and his behavior of never delaying a draft, Yoshida, as the editor-in-chief of a second-grade cartoonist, has always been quite satisfied with this!

But this time...

"Huh? Cheng, you haven't finished the drawing yet?" Yoshida, the editor-in-chief of a weekly magazine, expressed his shock when he heard for the first time that a second-year cartoonist failed to complete the cartoon draft in time! "Hey, hey, Cheng, is it that the painting is not finished, or...by the way, please don't tell me, the content of the last chapter is the final chapter, and the comic "Steins;Gate" ends like this! ?”

"Hey, my beloved cat, if the manga "Steins;Gate" ends like that..." Although a certain middle-class cartoonist has no such idea, but... why is he teasing his own editor in order to gain [pleasure]? Yes, a certain middle-level cartoonist said this is possible!

"Use this sad and depressing ending as the final chapter of the comic "Steins;Gate", and also as the final performance of Cheng's career as a cartoonist... Tsk!" Yoshida squinted and stared at a middle-class cartoonist. , after a long time, he spoke quietly to comfort, "Although as the editor in charge, I should not interfere with Acheng's creation of comics, but if Acheng, you really regard this ending as the final performance of comics and your comic career... ...I always feel that Cheng, you will be beaten by readers in the future, absolutely!”

"My beloved cat, are you consoling...or threatening?" A certain second-grade cartoonist put on an innocent look and spread his hands indifferently towards Yoshida, "Who stipulates that the ending of comics...cannot be based on Did it end in a tragic and depressing way?”

"It's not that it's not allowed, it's just that it's not a good idea to do so!" Instead of rushing to comfort a middle-class cartoonist, Yoshida, the editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine, just adopted a more roundabout [persuasion] strategy! "Do you still remember what editor-in-chief Sasaki said? As long as comics are interesting! And for most people, the so-called interesting comics mean..."

"Oh? Is it interesting...?" A certain second-level cartoonist squinted his eyes. Hearing this, a malicious smile appeared on his face. He interrupted Yoshida's unfinished words and asked, "Speaking of my favorite cat Oh, why do you think that the so-called tragic endings such as [sadness] and [depression] are [not the endings that interesting comics should have]?"

"Compared to sad endings, usually [happy endings] are more likely to make viewers feel happy and interesting, right?" In response to the rebuttal of a middle-class cartoonist, Yoshida looked at him with contempt. , "No need to say more? It's just common sense, right!?"

"Common sense...? But for me, this kind of [depressive] ending full of darkness is what I really find interesting!" A certain middle school cartoonist said with a smile, which was disgusting. Han said, "Especially every time I see readers immersed in comics, their spirits and emotions fluctuate with the development of the comic plot... I feel that this kind of addictive [control] ability It’s quite [pleasant]!”

"Now I finally know why I had such a strong sense of déjà vu when I saw Father Kotomine in the manga "Fate"!" Yoshida stared at a middle-class manga artist and complained angrily, "Essentially, Say, Kotomine Kirei's character... was basically drawn by Makoto based on himself!"

"Speaking of Father..." A certain middle school cartoonist didn't know what interesting thing he thought of. He found a small notebook from the drawer and handed it to Yoshida with a [joyful] smile, "My Dependent Cat , let me show you something interesting..."

"This is... uh..." Taking the small notebook from the hands of a certain middle-grade cartoonist, Yoshida just glanced at it and fell into a state of speechlessness... Under the playful eyes of a certain middle-grade cartoonist, a certain weekly The editor in charge silently closed the small notebook in his hand, and then said with despair, "Qualification certificate... This is unbelievable! Someone like you, Cheng, can actually be... a priest!?"

"Hey, my beloved cat, do you want to be like me...join the [Organization of Cthulhu]?" Shaking the small notebook in his hand, a middle-grade cartoonist said to Yoshida with a smile, "I can Be your [guide]!”

"I don't want to join...wait a minute!" Thinking back to the little notebook he just saw, Yoshida suddenly reacted, "By the way, what is [The Society of Cthulhu]? Also, Cheng, the little notebook in your hand... "

"Hey, my beloved cat, the gossiping and joking are over here!" A certain second-grade cartoonist quickly stuffed the small notebook in his hand back into the drawer and locked it, then put on a serious look and suggested to Yoshida with a serious face, "Now... let's talk about the subsequent plot development of the comic "Steins;Gate"!"

"Speaking of which, Cheng, are you trying to change the subject on purpose?"

In response to Yoshida's complaints, a certain middle-class cartoonist ignored it... Seeing that Yoshida was still planning to continue the topic, a certain middle-class cartoonist took out a thick stack of comic manuscripts from the drawer and placed it in front of Yoshida!

"This is... the manuscript for the next chapter?" After flipping through a few pages, Yoshida showed a sad expression on his face, "Hey, Cheng, didn't you say you haven't finished the drawing yet?"

"My beloved cat, obviously, what I just said... is all lies to you!" A certain second-grade cartoonist said calmly!

"..." The editor-in-chief of a certain weekly said that he now really wants to slap the guy in front of him!

"My beloved cat, do you understand the reason why I did this?" A certain secondary cartoonist once again ignored Yoshida's angry little eyes, put on an expression of "I am doing this for your own good", and shook his head with regret. He said, "The reason why I lied to you and joked with you is actually to prepare you mentally! After all, the content of the next chapter is the beginning of the [real plot] of the comic "Steins;Gate" Oh! If you observe rashly without being mentally prepared... I'm worried that you, my beloved cat, will die suddenly!"

"Thank you so much!" He gritted his teeth and said his words of thanks... This is a special skill that Yoshida has learned and mastered since he met a certain middle school cartoonist!

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