A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 79 Black Cat Liuli Revelation

No matter how intense the discussion on the Internet is, Makoto Takahashi is doing something very crazy right now!

"Tell me, how many times has this happened to you?" Looking at the girl hanging in mid-air, Makoto Takahashi showed no pity and a nasty smile appeared on his face! Sebas beside him, as a competent butler, had a faint smile on his face, and stood quietly behind Takahashi Makoto. He neither accused Takahashi Makoto nor helped others, rather than talking about a soy sauce person. A passer-by is better said to be a qualified audience!

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong!" Iris's eyes were shining with tears, staring at Makoto Takahashi closely, "For the sake of Sister Rina, please let me go this time, right?"

"The first of Acorus's three-stage attack is to act cute and beg for mercy, but to fish in troubled waters!" Makoto Takahashi raised Acorus's chin with his wooden sword and told Sebastian next to him like he was in class, "This is what happened after Acorus stole food. , a commonly used method! You cannot be soft-hearted or sympathetic at this time... Yes, you must abandon all emotions at this time! Look carefully at her eyes, which are not uneasy, but full of cunning. That's right, at this time! If you let her go, you have already stepped into the trap of death!"

"Hmph!" Iris snorted coldly, tilted his head vigorously, and after a moment of silence, he began to roar loudly, "Takahashi Makoto, you psycho! You idiot! I really don't know what a scumbag like you can do. Why does Sister Rina like you? Do you know how annoying you are? You behave strangely and just say some unclear things every day, regardless of whether others can understand you or not! I thought you just escaped from the mental hospital! You scum, bastard, paramecium..."

"Have you said enough?" Makoto Takahashi's voice became a little gloomy, his face became a little ugly, and a dangerous light flashed in his right eye!

"Huh? Are you a sufferer?" Iris spat, with a face full of disbelief, and laughed wildly, "Hahaha... Since you want to listen, then of course I will continue! Takahashi Makoto, you are a pathetic person A little bastard, a little bastard! If you think about it carefully, you are really pitiful! Those people around you look at you like an idiot and think you are a clown every day! Stop repeating those childish and stupid behaviors, I am really happy! You are really a qualified clown! Play this role well, please the world, please the friends around you, and let them show mercy. You, continue to force yourself to be your friend and your lover!”

"Sebas-chan, did you see it? This is the second form of Iris's three-stage attack, a curse from the spirit!" After a long silence, Takahashi Makoto showed a smile on his face, and lightly tapped Iris on the head with his wooden sword. Head, "After mastering the mental weakness through meticulous observation, he used language as a medium to cast a mental curse! She was ignorant and could not understand that the mental curse cast through language was the most vicious trick in the world! This is This curse will accompany the listener throughout his life, destroying his self-confidence, weakening his will, and thus affecting his spirit!"

"Master, that's it for today!" Sebastian suddenly stepped forward and put down the calamus, bowing slightly to Takahashi Makoto, "Although it is okay to impose some punishment on thieves who invade your home, but you Such an approach is a bit too much for a young girl!”

"Send her back!" Makoto Takahashi squinted his right eye, looked at Sebastian's smile, and shook his head feebly, "I'm tired and want to take a rest! Remember to wake me up when you come back. , after all, I haven’t killed the Black Flame King yet, so I don’t dare to relax!”

"Yes, Master!" After Sebastian gave a slight salute, he turned around and looked at Calamus, who was sobbing softly. The smile on his face remained unchanged, and he extended his right hand very gracefully, "Then, Miss Calamus, I will see you off. !”

"Takahashi Makoto, remember what happened today..." Iris hid behind Sebas, gritted his teeth, and waved his fist vigorously, "...this matter is not over yet. !”

After watching Sebastian take Acorus away, he felt the long-lost tranquility. Takahashi Makoto gently rubbed his face, sat on the sofa exhausted physically and mentally, and gently touched the eye mask on the left side of his face. , the mouth opens and closes, in the dark room, I don’t know what to whisper...

"Miss Calamus, I think what you said today is a bit too much!" Sebastian looked at the pouting Calamus through the rearview mirror in the car. Although he still kept a smile on his face, his eyes became a little... Ice cold! However, this cold look was fleeting and was not noticed by Acorus!

"But that bastard Makoto Takahashi, wouldn't it be too much to do such a thing to this young lady?" Speaking of this, Iris growled angrily, "I didn't know that this guy Makoto Takahashi, who seemed so serious, actually What a hypocritical scumbag! How long have you been with him? I’ve known him for many years, and I know better than you what kind of person he is!”

"So, in the eyes of Miss Calamus, what kind of person is the young master?" Sebastian slowed down the car, and his tone sounded very kind. It seemed that he was preparing to have a long exchange with Calamus!

"Hmph! That kind of scumbag...what's there to say?" Calamus was still a little indignant, looked at Sebas with some sympathy, and sighed with regret, "Speaking of which, you are a pretty good guy, but it's a pity... …Now, do you want to be my butler? Although it’s not as rich as Grandpa Takahashi Isshin, it’s not much different...”

"Miss Calamus, I accept your kindness!" Sebastian rejected Calamus's proposal without hesitation, his tone was calm but had an irresistible magic power, "Then, can you tell me what the young master is like? Where are the people?”

"Takahashi Makoto is... at best, he's a psycho; at worst, he's a lunatic!" Iris said disdainfully, waving his pink fist angrily, "The way people around him look at him is weird. The guy with a wet brain...couldn't he notice it? He lives lifelessly every day without caring about the opinions of the people around him! To be honest, if it weren't for Sister Rina and his delicious cooking, I won't deal with this kind of person at all!"

"Perhaps in the eyes of Miss Calamus, the young master is indeed like this!" Although Sebastian drove the car seriously, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, "But from what I see, the young master is actually living a very painful life!"

"Pain? Huh! Can that kind of person feel pain?" Acorus sneered and shook his head helplessly, "Why should I argue with you about this? Anyway, you and Takahashi Makoto are in the same group, so naturally you are facing him. !”

"The young master told me before that his soul comes from another world, and he is not from this world..." Sebastian just started to tell this, but was interrupted by Calamus laughing.

"Coming from another world...is this another excuse?" Calamus looked at Sebas with some disdain, "Don't tell me that you would believe such words to deceive children! It's obvious that a guy who only knows how to pretend to be crazy and act like a fool, why? After adding an inexplicable setting, do you think it is the protagonist of the comic? What a cheap trick! Are you already addicted to this kind of fantasy? It is really hopeless! If this continues, sooner or later, Sister Rina will leave him because she can't bear it anymore! What you mean by shaking your head is..."

"Yes, I firmly believe what the young master said!" Sebastian ignored Calamus's sarcasm and raised a smile on his face, "Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, I can hear that the young master and When I said this, I looked very serious and distressed! I had the same idea as Miss Calamus before, thinking that the young master had some mental problems after the car accident... But through this period of contact, I can feel that, The young master seems to..."

"Meow?" Black Cat Liuli bumped her head against Takahashi Makoto in confusion. She seemed to be deep in thought about Takahashi Makoto, and she didn't understand, so she asked worriedly! By the way, ‘meow’ means ‘what’s wrong’ in cat language!

"Hey, Liuli, I suddenly understand the troubles of the barber in "The King with Donkey Ears"!" Makoto Takahashi held Liuli in his arms and looked at the twinkling starry sky outside with a sad expression. "Now I keep drawing comics every day! I don't dare to stop! I can't stop! Because once I stop, I can't help but be irritated! I can't help but worry! Although after talking to Sebastian before, Sebastian Jiang said he believed me, but I couldn’t be happy. Why? Ah, humans are indeed complex creatures. How great would it be if we could be like you? "

Liuli suddenly broke away from Takahashi Makoto's arms and began to roll on the ground. After rolling a few times, he stopped and stared at Takahashi Makoto, and then continued to roll... as if he was possessed, entering an infinite loop. pattern! Seeing Liuli's hard-working performance, a smile gradually appeared on Takahashi Makoto's face. The black cat Liuli stopped, threw herself into Takahashi Makoto's arms like a baby, and kept barking.

"Little guy, you want to tell me..." Makoto Takahashi raised the black cat in front of him, "I see! It seems that I thought too much before. Thank you, Ruri-chan!"

"Meow! (It's true!)"

"Is that true...? Oh, my, my, my domesticated cat demon actually complained about it. I really..." The smile on Takahashi Makoto's face became even thicker, and he threw the glass up and down. He stood up and laughed maniacally, "Hahaha...Other people laugh at me because I'm too crazy, but I laugh at others and they can't see through it! I don't know..."

"Meow? (Who is it?)" Liuli suddenly jumped in front of Takahashi Makoto, hunched over, raised his tail, and stared at the door with a vigilant expression. There was a person standing there!

"Noisy, noisy, what time is it? I mean Chuuji Cheng, I have just been discharged from the hospital! Now I need to have a good rest!" Lan Dai looked at Takahashi Cheng and the black cat Liuli on the ground with a livid face, "You guys This man and cat can’t stop for a while!”

"What, it turns out to be Lan Dai!" Liuli quickly turned around and continued to act coquettishly towards Takahashi Makoto; while Sadaharu, who opened the door before leaving, lay at Takahashi Makoto's feet and lowered his head indifferently. , continue to sleep! Takahashi Cheng looked at Lan Dai with some contempt, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lan Dai, you look like a cat and a dog, are you really just discharged from the hospital, instead of crawling out of the pile of corpses?"

"Are you talking about me? Your cats and dogs have become sperms, right?" Lan Dai muttered unhappily, put down his harsh words and slammed the door and left, "It's so late at night... Anyway, please be quiet. !”

"Yoshi! Dingchun, Liuli, let's start the rejoicing!" Takahashi Makoto took out the hidden wine from the refrigerator and shouted loudly, "After tonight, I will no longer be confused! Let's drink this cup and get drunk!"

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