A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 83: Defeat Phoenix Court Kyouma

"I wonder how Mr. Kizuma from the Phoenix Institute thinks about my previous proposal?" There was still the same insidious voice on the phone, "I think Mr. Kizuma from the Phoenix Institute has seen it, right? The "Shounen Jumk" serialization Ranking of comics!”

"So so what?" As soon as Takahashi Makoto said these words, the fashion value suddenly rose to infinity, and the other party was stunned!

"Humph! You're really tough!" The person on the other end of the phone snorted in displeasure without any scruples in his words, "Teacher Jiuzhen of the Phoenix Academy, you must know that this is just the beginning. If you continue to insist on your own way, If you don’t realize it, something bad will happen!”

"Oh, I know!" Makoto Takahashi sighed helplessly. Just when the other party thought that Makoto Takahashi had compromised, Makoto Takahashi laughed wildly, "Hahaha... you bastard, even though you are like this You sincerely want to seek death, but His Majesty the Demon King will not agree! In the endless bloody hell, wandering ghosts are wailing. Since you dare to provoke the Demon King, you must have prepared your soul to endure the endless purgatory! Oh, seeing as I'm in a good mood today, I'll just play with you, the ant, for a while! Switch to the [True Dark Lord] state!"

Takahashi Makoto didn't give the other party time to answer and hung up the phone decisively! Sebastian saw a gloomy smile on Takahashi Makoto's face. He didn't say anything, but served the black tea respectfully and stood straight to the side!

"The murderous nature of the Phoenix Academy... Hehe, I hope you don't regret it!" Looking at the phone call that was hung up, Koizumi Taro's expression was a little unnatural. He turned on the computer, and quickly typed on the keyboard with his hands, making a sinister sound in his mouth. Laughter, "Since you have chosen the road of death, then I will help you!"

"For the sake of the next generation, we must resist the unscrupulous cartoonist Hohoin Murama"

Posted by: Taro Koizumi

"As a comic lover, I am really heartbroken! Although as a comic critic, I should evaluate every comic from a neutral perspective, but for some comics, especially the comics by the cartoonist Phoenix Institute, I But I can’t do this! Some people may accuse me of dereliction of duty and unfairness, but I don’t care! For the sake of the growth of the next generation, I, Taro Koizumi, will accept it!”

"First of all, let's talk about the work "DN"! When I saw this work, I was really surprised! Why did a work like "DN" appear? As you readers can see, the night god in the comics After obtaining the Death Note, Yue has completely lost his humanity! Because he is bored with the world, he uses the notebook to kill people, and he commits crimes without repentance under the ridiculous banner of "creating a world without crime"! As the comics progressed, they could even be used by their own relatives and friends! This twisted and erroneous world view made many readers admire him to the extreme! Who gave Yagami Yue the right to take away the lives of others? Can’t those who make mistakes be forgiven? There’s nothing better than being able to correct mistakes! If things develop like this in the comics, and the people who make mistakes are not given a chance to correct themselves, then this society will be doomed!”

"Let's talk about the work "Rebellion"! After reading this work, I was really angry! In the comics, Lelouch wanted to subvert the empire, the country where he was born and raised! In order to rebel against his own country, You don't hesitate to lie and start a war! Phoenix Academy, what do you think of war? The cruelty of war and the loss of life are just a game between father and son. We hate war! It's because we know the cruelty of war and can't let go of the pain of lost lives! But in "Rebellion", the male protagonist Lelouch started the war because he had an angry quarrel with his father, treating the war as a game! , a farce! This kind of value that regards war as a child's play and human life as trivial is simply harming the next generation!"

"Then there is the recently popular comic "Metal"! Brother Edward, knowing that resurrecting the dead is a taboo in alchemy, yet he insisted on trying it, and ended up being disabled... At that time, I saw this At that time, I thought the Phoenix Academy's murderous nature had changed... When I saw Tucker using his daughter and dog to create a synthetic beast, I really couldn't bear it anymore! This kind of comics is completely challenging human nature! Not to mention that in order to refine the Philosopher's Stone, the army captured countless innocent people for alchemy! The army is the protector of a country and protects us, but the comic "Phoenix Academy Fierce" is constantly smearing it. The existence of the military! It makes me really sad to think about the troops who are fighting on the front line and being slandered by an arrogant cartoonist! If things go on like this, who will be willing to join the army and defend the country in the future?

"The last thing I want to talk about is the comic "Han Chan"! To be honest, I even doubt that "Shounen Jumk" will agree to serialize this comic. How much money did Phoenix Academy Kuma pay? This comic is compared to the previous ones. The work has completely taken off the last layer of fig leaf. It is bloody and violent. There is only hatred and killing between people. There is absolutely no room for change. Previously, an amateur critic named Mu Yiyang was still talking shamelessly on the Internet! I really want to scold you ignorant accomplices. Don’t you know that such comics will harm the growth of the next generation?”

"As a comic critic, I like comics very much, and I also like to comment on comics! But for some vulgar comics, for some negative and dark comics, I don't agree! I was lucky enough to get a phone call from the Phoenix Institute before. I I even called him, trying to persuade him to draw more positive comics, but I was extremely disappointed! Phoenix Academy Jiuzhen is like a psycho and has no way to communicate normally!"

"I once heard from a friend who worked at "Shounen Jumk" that Phoenix Academy Murderer had created a comic before serializing "Steel", but it was rejected by the editor because the theme was too dark and negative! It is said that At that time, the editor-in-chief even came to visit him personally, hoping that the cartoonist Feng Yin Ji Zhen would see a psychiatrist and receive treatment! "Does anyone know what this news means?"

"That's right, Hohoin Kuma is a person with mental problems! Although he is very talented in comics, such a person is more harmful to society! Hohoin Kuma, a person with some mental problems, How many readers will the drawn comics be serialized in "Young Jumk"? A few years later, the next generation will become the main force in this society. They are unwilling to forgive those who have made mistakes, and regard human life as a plaything. Treating war as a child's play, knowing the taboos but can't help but study them, conducting human experiments again and again, despising and hating the existence of the military, and harboring a rebellious heart towards the country... I can't imagine what that day would be like Does it really mean that this world has come to an end?"

"So everyone, please work together with me! Let us boycott the unscrupulous cartoonist Phoenix Inferno and let this garbage in the comics industry get out of the comics industry forever! For the comics we love and for our future, For our next generation!”

Taro Koizumi looked at the post he wrote in one breath, and his face turned red. The more he wrote, the more excited he became. The previous depression had long been gone! Taro Koizumi glanced back and forth, and after confirming that it was correct, he immediately posted it online!

"I've given you a chance, but you don't cherish it!" Taro Koizumi looked at the "Shounen Jumk" at the table with some regret, "Obviously I've posted a warning to you before, but you... ugh , What a pity, another loss of income!”

Taro Koizumi, as a comics critic, can be said to be 'famous' in this circle of critics and cartoonists!

Unlike other critics, when Taro Koizumi reviews comics, he specifically selects cartoonists whose serialization years are neither too long nor too short! Taro Koizumi is very confident when it comes to commenting on comics, because his sharp words and to-the-point opinions can easily attract the attention of comic fans, thereby affecting readers' understanding of comics, and ultimately beginning to determine the life and death of comics. All along, These are the specialties that he is most proud of!

Then Taro Koizumi will use some methods to find the contact information of the original authors of these comics and get in touch with them! For some cartoonists who are aware of current affairs, Taro Koizumi pretends to be a master, gives advice in an instructive tone, and then charges a high fee for the guidance! As for some stubborn cartoonists, Taro Koizumi, after being rejected, began to use his previously published comments to discredit the comics themselves, and even criticized the character of the cartoonists, from the perspective of supreme carelessness. , accuse this comic to the end and destroy this author!

This time for Makoto Takahashi, Taro Koizumi did just that! There is no doubt that Takahashi Makoto’s manga ranking dropped before because he was secretly causing trouble!

Many cartoonists and critics gnashed their teeth in hatred for the way Taro Koizumi did things, but there was nothing they could do about it! Because Taro Koizumi will always find opportunities to establish himself as a glorious image and a partner of justice! In the end, many cartoonists had no choice but to give up the debate and finally gave up, even quitting the cartoon industry and changing careers!

But this time the opponent is Makoto Takahashi. Will Taro Koizumi's strategy succeed?

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