Qingfeng saw that the big fish was extremely ugly, with a body length of more than ten feet, and its whole body was covered with pieces of rotten meat, which looked disgusting.

It spewed out an unpleasant smell from its mouth, and people felt as if their stomachs were churning when they smelled it.

In a flash, Qingfeng punched out.

A fist shadow flew down, and the big fish could not withstand Qingfeng's power. It was blown up by his punch in mid-air, and turned into countless pieces of meat and fell into the river.

For a moment, the river water boiled instantly, and countless fish with human faces began to snatch the flesh and blood.

Seeing Qingfeng's powerful blow, the crow immediately cheered: "The Supreme God is mighty, and the Supreme God is invincible in the world."

Qingfeng certainly ignored it, because he felt that there was a huge aura in front of him that had locked him.

Before he could think about it, a black light column shot out from the water instantly.

Feeling the huge energy, it was too late to dodge, and Qingfeng immediately raised one hand and condensed a light shield.


The beam of light shot at it.

Qingfeng could feel the huge energy. The things in the netherworld were really powerful.

Yi Nian was practicing the technique at this moment. He stretched out his hands and held a string of Buddhist beads in his hands. He flicked his fingers and a Buddhist bead flew out.

The Buddhist beads flashed and shot towards the river.


A huge explosion sounded in the river.


An angry voice rang out.

A huge monster stood up from the water as the river rolled.

To the surprise of the two, this thing had a toad head, a fish body and a pair of human legs. This thing was a hundred feet tall, and under a pair of fins there were two claws like beasts.

The claws were extremely sharp, very black, and shiny. It can be seen that their sharpness was unimaginable.

This was simply a spliced ​​monster. It was really unimaginable. The things in this netherworld forbidden land were really unimaginably weird.

"Wow, this is the Toadfish God that Wu Shen told me about." Wu Crow shouted at this time.

Qingfeng felt a chill in his heart when he heard the name.

But now he had no time to think about these things. He flew up and came to the big fish. The Toadfish kept spurting out black light beams from its mouth. He also saw it reaching out to pull out a huge bone stick from the bottom of the river and wheeling it towards Qingfeng.

Yi Nian shouted: "Monster, surrender."

Yi Nian held up a string of Buddhist beads at this moment. The Buddhist beads were shining with golden light and began to become huge, turning into a huge circle and falling towards the fish monster.

The fish monster saw it and immediately spurted out a large and thick black light beam.

But to its surprise, the string of Buddhist beads actually absorbed the light beam directly.

The Buddhist beads fell down without stopping, and in a blink of an eye they landed on the head of the fish monster and were wrapped around its neck.

Yi Nian recited the complicated and difficult formula in his mouth, and the Buddhist beads began to shrink continuously, strangling the fish monster's neck tightly.

The fish demon immediately began to struggle, but no matter how hard it struggled, it could not untie the string of Buddhist beads.

It was useless to scratch its neck with its sharp claws.

The Buddhist beads kept getting smaller, the toad fish's eyes began to bulge out, and its tongue drooped down, as if it was about to suffocate.

Yi Nian changed his mantra at this time, stretched out his hand and pointed at the fish demon.

The fish demon immediately began to shrink, and finally turned into the size of a palm.

Yi Nian stretched out his hand and sucked it into his palm.

Seeing this magical scene, Qingfeng and Crow were amazed. They didn't expect such a huge guy to be subdued so easily by Yi Nian.

But the two saw that Yi Nian didn't seem to exert much strength, and perhaps only Yi Nian himself knew what was going on. Tianlai Novel Network

Of course, this was not the time to talk. He looked at the toad fish in his hand and asked Qingfeng, "Brother, how should we deal with this thing?"

Qingfeng said, "Well, let's suppress it first. This thing is so disgusting. I don't even have the desire to refine Qi and Blood Pills."

One thought: "..."

After killing the toad fish, I don't know if it frightened the monsters in the river. Not a single fish came out to make trouble. The three of them crossed the river easily.

When they came to the other side, they found that the land here was very hard, and there were jagged rocks in front of them, like a Gobi Desert.

But they didn't see any netherworld things, which made people feel a little abnormal.

At this time, the stone was seen shaking, and there were some black insects with wings under the stone, making a buzzing sound, flying towards the two people and the bird.

Seeing these insects, everyone was relieved, is this right?

These insects are more than one foot long, shaped like centipedes, with black and green heads, and two pairs of wings behind them. For a time, countless insects came overwhelmingly.

The crow said proudly at this time: "Look at me."

As he said that, he opened his mouth and spit out black flames. The flames were so hot that they instantly burned all the insects into charcoal and turned them into ashes.

Qingfeng didn't expect that the crow had such magical powers, which really surprised him.

Under the sea of ​​fire, countless insects died.


A huge sound came from the ground, and countless rocks flew out at this moment.

Then he saw a centipede a hundred feet long rising into the sky.

The centipede had seven pairs of huge wings, eyes all over its body, and a large green lump on its forehead. It was unknown whether it contained poisonous substances.

As soon as the centipede came out, it opened its mouth towards the crow and sprayed out a stream of thick green liquid.

The crow reacted very quickly and immediately flew up to the sky, narrowly avoiding the attack.

The green liquid fell on the ground, and countless stones began to melt.

It can be seen how terrifying this liquid is. Once it touches the body, it will definitely melt the tendons and bones.

Qingfeng saw this and knew that the crow could not defeat this thing. He immediately pinched his fingers and five petals rose on his head.

These five petals are divided into five colors, shining with dazzling light.

This skill is the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top of the Head. After so many years, Qingfeng has practiced this skill to perfection and surpassed the Three Flowers.

Even the benevolent and holy master was deeply moved when he saw it, otherwise Qingfeng would not have been chosen by him as the successor of the head of Shangqing Palace. Unfortunately, Qingfeng's identity was exposed and he eventually broke with the righteous path.

Although the master and the apprentice have not met for so many years, I think they must have felt a lot of emotions in their hearts.

At this moment, he raised his hand and pointed, and the five petals instantly separated and flew towards the centipede.

The centipede saw an object hitting it and immediately spurted out another mouthful of green liquid.

But he didn't expect that the petals were so fast that a layer of faint light rose on them.

In just a flash, the five petals flew in front of the centipede.

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