At this moment, Qingfeng seemed to have opened a new world and a new window. It was a pity that he only got half of the lower volume of the secret scroll of the heavenly book, otherwise there might be a more qualitative change.

Qingfeng practiced hard.

Fairy He also worked very hard and did not dare to stop for a moment.

The golden bead and the chaos bead were desperately absorbing the immortal spirit every day.

Time passed quickly, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Huayang Zhenren, Jinmu and others had been looking for Qingfeng for ten years. Unfortunately, Qingfeng had never gone out. Of course, they had gained nothing over the years and had not obtained any information about Qingfeng. However, they had never given up and had stationed here.

At this moment, Qingfeng opened his eyes and saw that his body was shining, and then several kinds of light shone on his head.

These lights began to merge and intersect, and finally they really combined together, turning into a seven-color light column that soared into the sky.

Suddenly, huge energy and pressure spread out and enveloped the four directions.

In the area of ​​thousands of miles, the huge pressure made everyone breathless. Fortunately, this situation only lasted for a moment, but it was amazing. Everyone walked out of the house to watch.

When they saw the seven-color light column, they thought that a secret treasure had appeared, and everyone ran to the mountain in surprise.

But when they saw that it was where Qingfeng was, they returned in great surprise. Although they didn't know what happened, it was not the place they should go. ŴŴŴ.

And the light column was magical, as if someone had broken through a certain skill. In this case, everyone would not go there. If they angered the people on the mountain, everyone would be in trouble.

Qingfeng collected the skills at this time, and sighed in his heart that this practice had improved his skills a lot. The biggest gain was that he took the essence of various skills and re-cultivated a magic skill, called...Shenzhaogong.

This skill combines the strengths of various schools, integrates the laws of all things, and merges the essence of the three schools of magic, Taoism, and Buddhism.

He came outside the house and pushed out his palm towards the distant mountains, and a colorful palm print was pushed out.

In a moment, there was a loud rumble in the distant mountains, and the mountains as high as a thousand feet disappeared in an instant. He was very happy to see this scene. You know, he just used only one-third of his cultivation.

This is more powerful than he imagined. It seems that this skill is extraordinary.

If he uses this skill to operate his Dragon Slaying and Demon Destroying Palm, the power must be extremely huge.

For this reason, he was very happy, and this skill integrated the strengths of various schools.

He stretched out his hand and made a move towards the spiritual medicines in the medicine field.

Countless spiritual medicine essences were actually taken in by him in the air, sucked into his body for refining and absorption.

Looking at the spiritual medicine in the medicine field again, it immediately withered and turned into powder.

This move is his advancement of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, which makes the function of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art even more powerful, so that he can absorb the cultivation of others without contacting them, which is really domineering.

In his mind, in future battles, with this skill, he may be able to defeat the enemy without fighting.

And this skill can amplify the absorption of energy. No matter what it is, he can refine and absorb it with his special physique.

Flowers, trees, elves, ghosts, so in this way, perhaps his energy will be endless, making himself invincible.

Of course, this is under the situation of an opponent of the same level as him.

If someone is too powerful, he will suppress him by force in terms of cultivation, even if he can persist.

Under absolute power, no one can escape the fate of defeat.

Qingfeng took a deep breath at this moment, thinking in his heart that if such a magical skill is used well, perhaps his cultivation will be improved quickly, but this skill will damage his virtue. If he really absorbs everything, he will inevitably commit many sins.

If people knew about it, it might cause endless troubles. At that time, I am afraid that others would definitely treat him as a demon, so he had no choice but not to show this skill in front of people.

After this practice, Qingfeng's cultivation level actually increased by two petals of the flower of the Great Dao, from three petals at the beginning to five petals. You know, once the flower of the Great Dao reaches ten petals, it can also advance to the next realm.

At that time, not only will the cultivation level increase dramatically, but the perception of the righteousness of heaven and earth will also increase by one level.

And his strength has also increased a lot, and now it is about 1.2 billion jin.

However, he knows that although his strength is great, as his strength increases, the blessing of the Dharma Realm is getting lower and lower.

So he must speed up the practice of the third level of the Tyrant Body Art.

Absorb and refine the power of the Dharma Realm and turn it into his own original power. In this way, his body will be stronger and he can achieve the state of immortality.

At this moment, he is thinking whether he can integrate the weird eighteen styles into the Tyrant Body Art. In this way, will it speed up the practice of the Tyrant Body Art and make it more powerful?

With this idea, he began to experiment.

Speaking of which, this strange eighteen-style is really weird. Qingfeng discovered the skills on the stone tablet in the back mountain of Taiyi Sect. It is said that the stone tablet fell from the sky. This skill must be not simple. Maybe it is really the supreme immortal skill.

You know, this skill can increase the speed of cultivation, which is very amazing. If Qingfeng had not been practicing this skill, his cultivation would not be so fast.

Why? You should know that this method can increase your cultivation speed by eighteen times by running eighteen styles. It is very scary to think about it.

You should know that one day of your cultivation is equivalent to eighteen days of others' cultivation.

It doesn't seem much if you calculate it in days, so let's talk about it in years. One year of yours is equivalent to eighteen years of others, and one hundred years is equivalent to one thousand eight hundred years of others' cultivation. Such a gap is immediately reflected.

So as long as Qingfeng uses this method to practice for a hundred years, it will be equivalent to one thousand eight hundred years of others' cultivation. Don't you think it is scary or scary?

It's just a pity that he had a tight schedule before and had a lot of things to do, so he never practiced like this properly.

And this time he planned to integrate this skill into the Tyrant Body Technique, which might produce unexpected results.

So he started practicing again.

There is no time in cultivation, and another ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, thunder rolled in, and Qingfeng opened his eyes in surprise, not knowing what happened.

At this time, a crane cry was heard.

Then he saw Crane Fairy rushing out of the house and transforming into a crane more than ten feet long, soaring in the sky.

Thunderclouds surged in the sky, constantly changing and rolling.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng couldn't help but say excitedly: "Could it be that Crane Fairy is going to transcend the tribulation and become an immortal? It's only been a few years, and the speed of cultivation is too fast."

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