A mortal asks the heavens: I want to become an immortal

Chapter 1423: Chickens Pecking at Rice

Shiratiao didn't know what Qingfeng was going to do, but she didn't ask.

She wanted to see what kind of surprise this wooden guy could bring to her.

At this time, Bai Niao was actually surprised by what kind of skills Qingfeng was practicing and how he was able to transform into so many clones. She just felt that there were so many secrets in this guy.

You must know that she also saw the immortal-killing gourd among the Ten Thousand Muzhu.

When she saw that thing, she was very envious of it. It was an acquired treasure with infinite power, but she was confused about where he got it.

Just in the middle of her random thoughts.

Qingfeng looked at her and said, "Are you ready?"

Bai Niao was stunned and said, "What are you preparing for?"

Qingfeng: "Of course I'm ready to watch."

Shiratori: "Oh, okay, you can start anytime."

Qingfeng waved his hand and said: "Okay, let's start."

At this moment, only a bang was heard.

A firework rose into the sky and exploded. Countless fireworks spread out, lighting up the entire sky.

Shiratiao had never seen this thing before and immediately exclaimed: "What is this thing? How can it be so beautiful?"

Qingfeng said: "Fireworks."

Shiratori: "It's so beautiful."

Just as she was speaking, countless fireworks shot into the sky at the same time and exploded.

The sky suddenly became brilliant and extremely beautiful.

In the City of Angels, countless people were shocked by the fireworks in the sky at this moment. They had never seen such a beautiful thing.

Many people screamed with joy, and the City of Angels became very lively for a while.

Aili stood in the courtyard, looking at the sky in the distance, her eyes lit up, and she whispered softly: "Hey, what a beautiful thing. I don't know who made this thing. It's such a big battle."

By the lake, White Bird said happily: "Qingfeng, you are so kind. I am so happy today."

With that said, she came to Qingfeng and looked into his eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Shiratiao couldn't help but kiss him on the face like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qingfeng blushed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

But Shiratiao said: "I really like you so much that I can't help it. Oh no, you are my husband. It seems normal for me to kiss you."

At this time, she took Qingfeng's hand again and said: "Being with you, I really feel so happy."

In the following days, Qingfeng entered into a crazy training mode again, practicing Taishang Wangqinglu during the day and Hunyuanxing Dougong at night.

You must also take time to read the second half of the third volume of the Secret Scroll of the Heavenly Book.

By studying the third volume of the Heavenly Book, Qingfeng always gained an even deeper understanding of the Tao.

In this way, time flies, and it is a hundred years in a blink of an eye.

A hundred years, to a mortal, seems like a long time, it can also be a lifetime.

But for Qingfeng, who has countless years of life, it seems like a hundred days have passed.

It's so short-lived.

Over the past hundred years, the City of Angels has been very quiet, and the team led by Qingfeng has not received any tasks. It can be said that he is living a cool life.

Just get a free salary every year.

Bai Niao may be tired of playing. He usually enjoys flowers outside Qingfeng's house, makes delicious food for Qingfeng, or studies some tricky and weird things. Anyway, he has a fulfilling life every day.

And over the years, as the two continued to get along, their relationship became more and more subtle.

In the early morning, after Qingfeng ate the silver snow porridge specially made for him by Bai Niao, he planned to continue practicing.

But before he could do anything, he saw someone coming into his courtyard.

This person is not Feng Ling'er or someone else.

When she saw Qingfeng, she said with joy on her face: "Boss, Sir Ai Li wants to summon you. It seems that there is something going on, so you should go there now."

Qingfeng was slightly stunned, and then said: "If she didn't look for me, I would have thought she had forgotten me. Okay, I'll go and have a look now."

Then he told Shiratiao to stay at home and he would be back soon.

Shiratiao nodded obediently, really like a little daughter-in-law.

Qingfeng quickly arrived at the palace where Aili was.

Aili was wearing a gorgeous dress. She looked at Qingfeng for a moment, her beautiful eyes flashed and she said: "Hey, I really didn't expect it, but in just a hundred years, your cultivation has increased a lot.

To be honest, you are the fastest cultivator I have ever seen. You must know that it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to achieve this level of cultivation.

But you are good, your cultivation is increasing rapidly, and it is so embarrassing. "

Qingfeng shook his head slightly and said, "Your Excellency, that's a compliment."

But in his heart, he thought that over the years, he had used the eighteen strange postures to practice. Although he had practiced for a hundred years, those eighteen postures would increase the speed of practice.

His actual cultivation time is comparable to 1,800 years, which is why the effect is so remarkable.

Moreover, the skills he practiced were all peerless magical skills, so naturally they could not be compared with ordinary skills.

In this way, his cultivation progress has increased, which is normal.

After many years of training, his strength has now reached 23 billion kilograms, and his soul has become even more condensed.

This Taishang Forgetting Love Record is truly a peerless magical skill.

It is no exaggeration to say that now he can make a thousand-foot-high mountain collapse instantly with just one thought. This is the power of divine thoughts.

Now he really doubted that if he really cultivated to the point of supreme forgetfulness, it would be easy to destroy the world in a single thought.

Over the years, his cultivation has also increased significantly. Now he has reached the middle stage of Xuanxian. This cultivation is really incredible in the eyes of others.

It was simply too fast, making people unable to believe it.

But all of this is real and true.

Otherwise, Lady Ellie wouldn’t look at him like a monster.

Ai Li snorted and said: "Now I regret it a little. I might as well have killed you directly. If you practice at this speed, I am afraid that you will catch up with me in thousands of years."

At that time, I really didn't know how to control you. "

When Qingfeng heard this, he immediately said: "Your Excellency, you are overly worried. I only got some treasures that can increase my cultivation."

At this time, Qingfeng had to fool around a bit, otherwise Lady Aili might become wary of him.

After hearing that Qingfeng's cultivation turned out to be due to treasures, Lady Ai Li's face became slightly better.

After all, Qingfeng is a human race. She hopes that Qingfeng will be more powerful, but she is afraid that he will be too powerful. If he really surpasses or catches up with her, it will be difficult to handle.

Seeing her relieved look, Qingfeng immediately asked: "I don't know why you asked me to come here."

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