Lingxi looked at Qingfeng's changing expression and said, "Let me go. I think they won't catch you after they catch me, and you can escape better."

Qingfeng didn't expect this girl to say such words in such a crisis, which shows her kindness, but can he give up on her? Of course not.

He Qingfeng never gives up on anyone. That doesn't conform to his bottom line.

It also goes against the way in his heart.

Finally, he whispered to Lingxi, "Don't worry, even if we die, we will die together."

Lingxi's heart trembled when she heard this. She looked at this face with sharp edges and felt mixed emotions.

She shook her head slightly and was about to persuade him.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Qingfeng's eyes lit up. In a canyon ahead, a huge cave appeared. It seemed that if he went in there, he would have a chance to escape.

But when he got closer, he saw clearly that there was a huge bluestone in front of the cave, on which were written two large characters in a flamboyant style...Shendong.

He was slightly stunned, but he didn't care much. He flew into it and disappeared.

The two fallen angels came to the cave, but they stopped and didn't step into it.

One of the fallen angels said: "Damn it, this guy really doesn't know how to write the word death. He dared to enter the cave. This is bad. This is a taboo. For many years, no one who has stepped into it has come out.

It is said that there is a great terror inside, and entering it will definitely die."

Another fallen angel said: "In this case, what should we do, give up?"

The two fallen angels looked at each other and finally gave up the idea of ​​going in. After all, it is not worth it to risk their lives for these two people.

But the two decided to stay here for a while to prevent Qingfeng and the others from coming out suddenly.

Qingfeng certainly didn't know this, he had already gone deep into the cave.

Darkness, extremely dark.

The front was invisible, the thick darkness, even with his pair of divine eyes, he couldn't see through it.

The divine consciousness was suppressed in the body and could not be explored.

Fortunately, his magic power was still there, so there was no need to worry about anything.

Lingxi widened her eyes and whispered, "Where is this?"

Qingfeng: "Shendong, do you know this place?"

"Shendong, Shendong." Lingxi whispered, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, she said in an excited voice, "It can't be the legendary place where the gods fell."

Qingfeng: "What is the place where the gods fell?"

Lingxi: "Legend has it that when the world was first created, a giant god fell because of something, and his body fell into the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

The heavy body smashed an extremely huge pit there. After countless thousands of years, it was buried by rocks. In the end, it was because of the body of the ancient god.

So the climate there is special, so a cave was formed.

Legend has it that there are supreme treasures in the deep cave, which of course attracted countless explorers to come here. Unfortunately, those people have never gone out since they entered the Shendong.

For thousands of years, as more and more people disappeared, the Shendong was eventually regarded as After entering the forbidden land, no one dared to enter it again.

I just don’t know if we entered the forbidden land in the legend. "

Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I don’t know about this. I can’t care much. Anyway, I have already entered. It’s better to die than to be caught by those two guys and tortured to death."

Lingxi’s beautiful eyes flashed, and her expression was sad: "Well, you are right, but I have implicated you, I’m sorry."

Qingfeng: "No need to say that, Ai Li and I have an agreement, not just to save you, I also want to unlock the forbidden blood contract, which can be regarded as a win-win situation. "

Although Qingfeng said this, Lingxi knew that if it weren’t for her, he would not lose anything if he didn’t unlock the blood contract first.

Thinking of this, she whispered: "No matter what, I have to thank you. If I can go back this time, I will definitely let Sister Aili untie your blood contract."

Qingfeng said, "How are you, are you feeling better?"

Lingxi said, "Two of my wings are broken, and I have multiple injuries. I'm afraid I need to rest well."

Hearing this, Qingfeng immediately took out a pill and put it next to her mouth and said, "This is a healing medicine. Eat it and your injuries will heal faster."

Lingxi did not doubt it and immediately opened her mouth and swallowed it.

When the pill entered her mouth, it turned into a stream of saliva and flowed into her stomach. Then a warm current spread throughout her body, and her injuries began to slowly heal.

Seeing that the elixir was so effective, Lingxi said in a light voice: "It's really a panacea. This medicine has helped me a lot. I think it must be very precious. Thank you Qingfeng."

Qingfeng: "It's okay, as long as your injury can be healed."

Lingxi: "It's so dark here."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qingfeng didn't wait for her to speak, and the front suddenly became bright.

It was as if the distance between darkness and light was only a line.

Qingfeng was stunned at the moment, with an incredible look on his face. He turned around and saw that darkness and light were intertwined, just like a wall, clearly separated.

He didn't know whether he was marveling at the ingenuity of nature or man-made.

Looking ahead again, the cave was made entirely of crystals, as if he had come to a crystal world, sparkling everywhere.

He sighed at this scene: "It's so strange. I really don't know what kind of place we have come to."

Lingxi was also stunned by the scene in front of her. After a while, she reacted and said: "Well, it's not only strange, I feel it's even more weird.

But anything can happen in this divine cave. We'd better be careful. Otherwise, there must be a reason why those people have been in and out for so many years."

Qingfeng nodded and would be extra careful.

He held Lingxi and walked forward. The crystal cave seemed to have no end. What surprised him even more was that there was no danger here. It was very quiet and silent.

Finally, after walking forward for a thousand feet, a stone appeared in front of him.

A huge bluestone stone, the stone was three feet high, with a line of small words on it.

Qingfeng looked over and saw that it was written "In the land of fallen gods, although the flesh and blood die, the soul will never be erased. If you want to be immortal, you can only absorb the remains of the gods, walk with the gods, and achieve the supreme."

Seeing these words, Qingfeng looked puzzled.

He looked at Lingxi and said, "What do you think these words mean?"

Lingxi thought for a moment and said, "It seems to mean that if you find the remains of the god and eat him, you can gain the power of immortality."

Qingfeng nodded and said, "Yes, I think that's probably what it means. I think those who came in before must have been bewitched by these words and went to look for the body of the god, and never came out again."

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