Wan Jiansheng listened to Qingfeng's questions one after another.

Finally he said: "Junior brother, don't panic, of course I won't follow you, and I don't have the time and energy. All this is calculated by me.

Maybe you don't know yet, but I used to be a member of the Shenji Sect. In this case, you should know my deduction skills. "

Qingfeng looked at Wan Jiansheng for a moment, and he really had too many doubts in his heart. His life seemed to have nothing to do with this person, but there was a trace of Qi pulling him somewhere.

Two people who have never met meet each other.

Qingfeng said: "Then tell me why Subhuti died and what you wanted to do by leaving that skeleton behind."

Wan Jiansheng put his hands behind his back, raised his head and looked into the distance, with a deep look in his eyes as he said: "Subhuti, who had a glimpse of the supreme method of Taoism, actually had a wishful thinking and wanted to practice both Buddhism and Taoism. Unfortunately, he ended up falling into the trap of evil. end.

He and I were close friends back then. After I returned from the human world, he used a secret method to find me and asked me to relieve his worries.

In fact, at that time, he already knew that I was carrying the Secret Scroll of the Heavenly Book. He wanted to practice both Buddhism and Taoism but could not find the method, so he planned to understand the Secret Scroll of the Heavenly Book to integrate the two methods.

The two of us were close friends back then, so I naturally complied with his request. But this guy, after reading volumes one and two, actually forced me to take out the third volume.

It's a pity that I didn't get the third volume at all, so I couldn't give it to him.

So the guy became angry and attacked me. At this time, I already knew that the monk had too much obsession and had entered the inner demon.

I had no choice but to subdue him, but this guy actually threatened to teach me and expose my identity.

In desperation, I could only kill him with the palm of my hand.

In order to cover up my sin, I left him there, but suddenly a thought occurred to me, and I deduced it, and finally figured out that you and Na Subhuti had a predestined relationship.

To do this, I faked the scene and that was it. "

Qingfeng only half-believed his words, and then asked: "Then why did you frame Master Taiyi? You probably wanted me to fight with him.

You must know that Master Taiyi treats you as a biological brother. "

When Wan Jiansheng heard this, he shook his head slightly and said: "You know the first thing about this, but you don't know the second thing. Some things are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

And there are some things that even if you don’t know, it will only cause more trouble. "

When Qingfeng heard this, he understood in his heart that he must have a big secret to hide from himself. This was in line with his character, otherwise Ye Quanzhen would not have commented on him the way he did.

But there was still a doubt in his mind: "The secret volume of the Heavenly Book left by Zhu Longyuan back then, but what you left behind, is there really a fourth volume of the Heavenly Book?"

Wan Jiansheng said: "Well, that's true. The Book of Heaven was indeed left by me. Of course, don't get me wrong. The Book of Heaven is not for you.

Because at that time, I didn't know who would be the Son of Destiny, so I wanted to fish with this book. Finally, I saw that it was you, a stupid young man, who got the complete secret volume of the Book of Heaven.

It was then that I became interested in you. Later I went to Shangqing Palace and saw you chasing after me, which made me more sure of your identity.

So I returned to the fairy world, waiting for your arrival and growth.

As for the fourth volume of the Heavenly Book, it is just a legend. I don’t know if it exists. After all, I haven’t even gotten the third volume. "

Hearing this, Qingfeng ignored the matter of the Book of Heaven, but said with concern: "You are waiting for me, and you are still waiting for me to grow up. Can you explain to me what you mean by this."

Wan Jiansheng said: "You will know the answer soon. When you and I go to the holy mountain, all the answers will be revealed."

Qingfeng said in confusion: "Is it possible that you know what's going on in the Holy Mountain?"

Wan Jiansheng just smiled and did not continue.

He just said: "This golden lotus will bloom soon. I need its lotus seeds to use. I don't think you, junior brother, will compete with me for this thing."

Qingfeng looked at him, with a lot of thoughts in her heart. She didn't know which words in this man's mouth were true, which words were false, and what he was planning.

I always feel that this guy has some evil intentions.

Thinking of this, he said without leaving any trace: "Since you are my senior brother, I will naturally not fight with you, but you haven't told me yet, when did you come to the devil world and what did you come to do? ”

Wan Jiansheng said slightly impatiently: "This matter has nothing to do with you, so why do you insist on getting to the bottom of it?"

Qingfeng said: "This is wrong. Since you have the skill of calculation, do you already know that Uncle Duobao and others have been detained and are still waiting for me to go back with the magic ring to save their lives?"

Wan Jiansheng was slightly startled when he heard this.

Then he looked deeply and said: "In this case, I will definitely help you get the Ring. As long as our brothers and sisters stick together, the Ring will be ours."

Qingfeng: "But the great priest said that in the end, only those who get the Lord of the Rings can get out of here, and so on."

Wan Jiansheng said: "Don't pay attention to those guys. What they know is just hearsay. They don't know the specific situation in this demonic abyss at all."

Qingfeng said doubtfully: "You mean you know."

Wan Jiansheng said again: "Qingfeng, you have to believe me. When you get to the holy mountain, you will know everything."

Although Qingfeng still had many doubts in his heart, it was a pity that Wan Jiansheng said nothing, and he had no choice but to wait until he entered the Holy Mountain to find the final answer.

But this time, seeing Wan Jiansheng again was still a big shock to him.

He couldn't help but think of what Ye Quanzhen told him that year. Wan Jiansheng was not an ordinary person. He loved conspiracy and calculation. He didn't know what happened between the two of them that year. Ye Quanzhen saw his true face and the two separated.

Qingfeng would not easily believe this person's words. He had to be more cautious.

Just when he was thinking about these things in his heart, the golden lotus suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and a golden light column shot up into the sky.

But in a moment, the golden lotus flower that was about to bloom opened.

It can be seen that there is a dark lotus seed in the flower. Tianlai Novel Network

The light flashed on the lotus seed, like a black pearl, which gave people an indescribable feeling.

Wan Jiansheng flew over and picked the lotus seed at once.

He looked at the lotus seed with excitement in his eyes and a happy smile on his face.

The golden beam of light still attracted several people who came in together.

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